If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 168 Died in the crowd watching

Backlund Nest Mental Sanatorium, the clock has already moved towards eight o'clock, thanks to Victoria's geographical location, the sky is still very bright at this time.

"How's the situation?" Ms. Q stood in front of the transparent high-strength single-sided glass, looked at the D-class personnel wearing a strange helmet in the ward, and asked casually.

"It hasn't started yet. According to the normal process, the death mechanism will usually be triggered two to three hours after nightfall." Mr. R sat on an uncomfortable stool and flipped through the documents in his hand.

Two days and one night have passed since it was confirmed that the "covenant card" was not a copycat case. During this time, MI9 reorganized all the follow-up cases that were judged to be copycat cases since the appearance of Libra.

Although there are many cases where the murderer has not been found until today, more criminals have already been arrested.

All of these arrested persons had the act of stealing property from the case, and many of them were even exposed because they were discovered during the sale of stolen goods.

In order to find out the difference between these people and the imitators who died after receiving the covenant cards, Mr. R and Ms. Q, including their team members, have been intensively brushing various "Libra Covenant" these two days. "'s second creation, trying to find out the new punishment rules for this weird ghost.

However, with the end of the Olympic Games, the strange tales of Libra have also spread to all parts of the world through various media and tourists, and related second creations will include various languages, and develop local characteristics according to different cultures and habits of various places. This does not count the discussions in forums, post bars, and group chats.

Although when the storm passes, most of them will disappear completely, but at least in the current turmoil, it is too difficult to find useful information from this massive exchange of information.

It's not that no one has made a relatively reasonable guess, but in the final analysis, it's just a guess.

The reason why MI9 cares so much about "Libra" is not just for profit or political achievements, nor is it because there are no other goals to pursue. The real reason lies in its influence.

Don't look at "Libra" which seems to be a pretty good ghost for the people on the surface, but for any country, it is a complete cancer, even if you don't count the various interests and subsequent imitators, it The existence of itself will reduce the credibility of a country.

Not to mention, there is the example of Dongguo in front of him.

Basically, all the people who can serve as middle and high-level people in the ghost talk organization have basically been to Dongguo, not to learn any advanced concepts, but just to let them understand how powerless human beings will be when these things get out of control.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and it finally became completely dark. Ms. Q stopped her work, and Mr. R stopped taking the documents from his assistant.

Not only them, at this moment, many middle-level personnel who have nothing to do with "Libra" also began to appear here one after another, and some even brought their favorite juniors with them, waiting for the death of this D-level personnel.

Tick, tick, tick...

A screen was turned on, and what appeared on it was a picture that was exactly the same as that in the ward, but this was not a real-life video, but data transmitted from the brain of the D-class personnel in the ward.

Numbered C-62, it looks like a mechanical textured helmet with a usb socket.

It is not a mind reader or a lie detector, it can only convert the wearer's audio-visual into video files. Generally speaking, it can turn the wearer into a high-resolution human flesh camera and recorder.

It sounds like something that can be replaced by an ordinary camera, but compared to pure technological creations, this magical item naturally has its own magic——

What it captures is not the "objectively existing" pictures and sounds, but the pictures and sounds "perceived" by the wearer. In other words, it can record the wearer's "illusions" and "dreams".

"Everything is normal now." Professional technicians are constantly comparing the pictures taken by the conventional camera with the pictures output by the magical item, whether it is a subtle sound or some flaws in the picture, they will be found out.

This seemingly futile work lasted for a full hour, and some young agents who were brought in even began to show impatience, but at this moment, a strange bell sounded from the station connected to C-62. The computer sound came out, and the D-class personnel sitting on the hospital bed shivered suddenly.


Everyone outside the ward cheered up, staring nervously at the two side-by-side monitors, and looking into the ward from time to time.

The ward was empty, but the D-class personnel made a sound of panic, and on the computer monitor linked to the magical item, a man wearing a skull mask suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

"Golden collar pin, European-style suit dress..." Mr. R kept recording the clothing characteristics of the skull mask man in his notes, but he had already compared it with the relevant details in the second creation and eyewitness reports.

Relevant staff are recording the footage. Although the video recorded by C-62 can be saved, considering that the second setting of Libra seems to have content such as "erasing traces of electronic equipment monitoring", they still prefer to use paper Pen and eyes to remember.

"Let me tell you three good things..."

A very oppressive sound came from the stereo, but the ward was still empty. The D-class personnel who had collapsed beside the bed unscientifically floated out of thin air, and faint strangle marks began to appear on their necks.

Outside the ward, pairs of eyes were staring at everything in front of them, even the sound of breathing was suppressed to the lowest level, only the rustling sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper accompanied the death.

"...you are already on the execution list."

As the last sentence fell, the last voice came from the already pitch-black picture——


It was the sound of a neck bone being broken.

Seeing that the screen representing the output port of the magical item turned into snowflakes, the administrator who had a lot of experience in using it understood that this already represented the complete death of the wearer. Although the D-level personnel were still floating in the air at this time, they had already It is impossible to know whether the "Oath Keeper" left any other information after this.

After all, the side effects of B-44 act on the user, rather than affecting the entire environment. Although the user will continue to change after turning into a corpse, they do not have the means to observe the meaning of this change.

The corpse finally fell, and pieces of blood emerged out of thin air, outlining hideous and messy words. The bloody words that this D-level personnel saw through B-44 a few days ago have turned into reality.

A middle-level agent left the ward "satisfied" with his frightened or excited subordinates, while the administrator stood in front of the computer, waiting for the technician to export the video and take away the C-62.

At this time, Mr. R and Ms. Q were still standing at the door of the ward, quietly chewing on the words left by the "Oathkeeper".

An idea seems to be slowly taking shape.

ps1: About adding additional settings to the protagonist to create weaknesses, this is feasible, but in fact the protagonist can not abide by it, this is a major advantage of Acquired Ghost Story.

For example, the protagonist of the ten covenants can not abide by it, but when he does not abide by it, he will not be able to obtain the power brought by the corresponding covenant.

And it is not so easy to add settings. If you set ooc secondly, others will not recognize it. If the second setting is too strong, it will provide new power to the ghost story. So generally don't do that.

ps2: Regarding the punishment rules, seven of the ten covenants exist as oaths to obtain protection. Violating them will at most invalidate the protection and will not lead to execution. Only three will trigger the punishment rules-morality, justice and balance.

(Balance refers to the balance between morality and the law, that is, those who should be punished and should die morally, and the law does not punish or lightly punish, so punishment is to maintain this balance)

In other words, under normal circumstances, if you act in the name of Libra, it doesn't matter whether you use a gun or a mine, it doesn't matter whether you accept the commission, whether you have accomplices, whether you have searched property, whether your behavior is fair, and whether you have been injured. And innocence doesn't matter.

As long as your starting point is based on your own morality and justice (you kill for justice, it’s okay to get money after you’re done), and your target is also an outlaw fanatic (that is, the law does not or cannot give due punishment), then there is no problem .

But on the other hand, if you just use justice and morality as a cover, you want to make money from the beginning, or take action against people who have been given appropriate punishment by the law, it will trigger the oathkeeper punishment mechanism.

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