If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 449 Thoughts brought about by the name of the phantom

Joints twisted, muscles entangled, Feng Xue's body threw out a strange punch in a rather distorted posture, as if people saw a monster from a nightmare swaying its tentacles.

Although the little monster couldn't see where the eyes were, it caught Feng Xue's changes extremely keenly. Its body completed two turns in mid-air very unscientifically. The weird mouth seems to have locked Feng Xue's throat.



Feng Xue's fist swinging from the side suddenly turned into a top-down hammering, hitting the disgusting little thing hard.

The small thing that seems to be made by putting meat, internal organs and various strange body fluids into a blender is not much different in feel and appearance. It hit the ground and turned into a puddle of solid meat.

"I've never seen this kind of thing, and it doesn't look like a common parasitic monster. The development speed of that kind of thing will definitely not be so slow."

Qing Jin looked at the pool of rotten meat, muttered with a slightly disgusted expression, then looked at Feng Xue, and said with a little vigilance:

"Is your hand okay?"

"It's slightly corrosive, but it won't cause any problems if you touch it for a short time." Feng Xue casually tore off a piece of cloth from the corner of her clothes, wiped off the sticky substance on the side of her palm, and made a guess by looking at the slightly yellowed bottom of her palm.

The detective finally recovered from the mental pain at this time. He looked at the ball of fleshy paste vigilantly, as if worried that it would explode again, but after finding that it did not have any mental fluctuations, he finally looked at the green meatball. Kim nodded.

Seeing this, Qingjin immediately condensed a cloud of cold flames and threw it on the wreckage.

The flesh and blood, like dumpling stuffing with spinach juice, pineapple juice, strawberry juice, blueberry juice and a series of juices of different colors, slowly turned black as the flames burned, but it didn't emit any smell.

Until all the traces were turned into ashes, Shetong, who was caressing the little snake pitifully, finally turned her attention:

"There is no obsession, it seems that this is not the subject."

"It's expected." The detective gently pressed the bruised brows and bridge of the nose that were pinched by him, and then looked at Feng Xue, as if he wanted to ask something, but in the end he still didn't speak, but turned his attention back to Feng Xue. After entering the mouth of the well, he had a headache and said:

"This guy actually knows how to let the dead ghost out. It seems that he is not smart at all. He must find a way to solve it before he 'falls asleep'."

Hearing the key word "fall asleep", Feng Xue perked up slightly, and Qing Jin also said with emotion:

"It's not that easy. We haven't even figured out the species of that thing. It's just a dream to catch it."

"The little thing was able to ignore Qingqing's poison before. It should be something like a flesh and blood puppet. It may have something to do with 'Hoss'." There was a bit of coldness in the voice of the snake pupil. When he reached the word "Hoss", his body even shivered uncontrollably.

"Hoss... the translation of the power of konjac has not been translated. It should be a name or a proper noun. Speaking of it, the phantoms of these three people seem to be from the same series. Weibull, Ruijin, Ques... Are these some kind of unique secrets of this world?"

This intuition made Feng Xue think about the characteristics of the three phantoms, and the three fell into silence at the same time. After about thirty seconds of dead silence, Qing Jin finally spoke:

"Anyway, I'll send the news to the branch first. Fortunately, I'm only 'sober' today. It should be fine to last five days."

"I am similar, but the burden of using this obsession is a bit heavy, and I can last for three days at most." The detective glanced at his sapphire brooch helplessly, and finally shook his head and said:

"Anyway, I'll go to the police station first to see if I can make a copy of the deceased's social circle and itinerary during these days, maybe I can find some clues."

"Oh, I haven't slept for five days... Forget it, my obsession is still useful in this regard. I will enter a state of false sleep during this period of time, and I will always call me when I have something to do." She Tong finished speaking, even Without any further discussion, she turned around and left, but Feng Xue could sense that the other party was slightly afraid of her.

"Is it because the Tianmo Zhuxiangquan caused some doubts?" Feng Xue thought of this, but she didn't think too much, she just stretched out her hand and grabbed the frustrated ghost hand at the side, and sighed:

"You have also seen that my obsession is such a troublesome thing. Although it is very powerful, it has its own consciousness. Is there a safer place for me to rest? For a short time."

Qing Jin and the detective looked at each other, they seemed to have exchanged something, then Qing Jin took the initiative to speak:

"How about this, you and I go to the branch, although it is only a contact point, but a special obsession is placed, which can suppress the activity of obsessions and dream beasts."

Feng Xue secretly said "Planning", but on the surface she hesitated a little, then nodded and said: "Then please."


Contrary to Feng Xue's imagination, the so-called branch club is not a secret room hidden in a bar, karaoke hall or other storefronts, but a commercial house with three bedrooms and two living rooms, but the decoration is hard to describe.

The three bedrooms and a small living room have been decorated to look like an independent bachelor apartment, while the large living room has only a round table and a sofa, surrounded by bookshelves.

"The second bedroom on the left is still free. You can use it as you like. The books on the bookshelf are open to the public. As long as they don't get damaged, it doesn't matter. I'll go write the report first."

As Qing Jin said, she turned around and got into the master bedroom, while Feng Xue casually glanced at the books on the bookshelf, but focused on the vase in the center of the round table——

Name: Illusion, Graun's Wine Bottle

Elements: [wine], [vessel], [illusion], [intoxication], [impulse]

Introduction: An instrument from a great existence that can emit a scent of wine that humans cannot detect, making the extraordinary existence that comes into contact with it fall into intoxication.

Remarks: Although... There are quite a few people who don't fall asleep after being drunk but go crazy with alcohol...


"Tsk tsk..." Looking at the characteristics of this phantom, Feng Xue couldn't help being amazed, but then, the naming format made him realize that maybe all phantoms in this world are really this kind of thing.

"Is it the influence of more than one 'great being'? Is it a strange story? Or is it simply just one existence with multiple vests?"

Feng Xue was thinking about this question, but she took down a booklet called "Rules of the Dream Keeper" from the bookshelf, and read it quietly...

Headache, just one chapter today

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