The sales volume was very high, but the sales volume was very high.

"Brother Gu, it really works! It's sold out in less than an hour!" Jiang Chao jumped up excitedly.

He led these little guys to shout on the overpass for more than two hours today.

He barely sold out the last stock.

Gu Zike looked at the two empty woven bags and smiled heartily, "It's really a bit beyond my expectation that it's so fast."

"Brother Gu, how much profit do these expired foods have?" Jiang Chao asked curiously.

Gu Zike said with a smile; "Did you see that bottle of Blue Bull just now? The purchase price was 40 cents, and I sold it for 4 yuan."

"40 cents for 4 yuan, ten times the profit!" Jiang Chao widened his eyes, his face full of shock.

The profit of those gadgets sold by him and those little guys was only 2.5 times!

Moreover, they were not selling fast, and the last batch of goods took a long time to sell.

Gu Zike was not surprised by Jiang Chao's shock.

The profit difference was indeed huge.

Gu Zike shrugged, "From now on, you can follow me to sell this! We can split the net profit 50-50!"

Jiang Chao waved his hands quickly, "How can this be possible? It was you who came up with the idea of ​​selling expired food."

"If you let us share a share and subsidize the orphanage, we will be satisfied! 50-50 is absolutely not okay, 20-80 is fine!"

Gu Zike patted his shoulder, "Why are you being polite to me? When I set up the stall, no one came, and it was you who helped to call for it."

"And you came early, and helped me to occupy a lot of space. Today, this stall is still occupied by those little guys."

"Money is not earned by one person. In this way, 30% of the net profit will be subsidized to the orphanage, and the remaining 20% ​​will be kept by you and these little guys."

The two pushed and shoved for a long time, and finally decided to split the profit 37-39.

25% will be subsidized to the orphanage, and Jiang Chao and the little guys will keep 5%

"Brother Gu, I will go with them to pick up the goods tomorrow. Come early to occupy the stall!"

It was getting late, and Jiang Chao should take the little guys home.

This place is ten kilometers away from the orphanage in the south of the city!

"Okay! No problem!" Gu Zike nodded.

He finished talking to Jiang Chao and was about to say goodbye to the little guys.

He was surrounded by the little guys again, shaking their heads and blinking their innocent eyes.

The smile on his face was simple, natural and warm.

"Brother Gu, thank you for the yogurt just now. This is the egg that the director's mother boiled for me at noon. You can eat it later."

"And mine."

"I have it too..."

Gu Zike was not surprised by this scene.

Every time he brought food to the little guys before, the little guys would give him something in return.

For example, boiled eggs, apples, and oranges.

Gu Zike knew that they had left this for lunch, and even if they were hungry when setting up the stall, they would resist eating.

The director's mother told them that they should not take other people's things for free, but give something back.

All in all, Gu Zike received their things more often.

Perhaps these little guys thought that the things Gu Zike brought to them were more expensive, so they should give him back more times.

However, in Gu Zike's opinion, these small boiled eggs could not be bought with money.

"Okay, then I'll take them! You guys were great today." Gu Zike touched the little guys' heads and took their things.

After all, it was useless to shirk.

He had tried before, and even turned around and ran away, and these little guys chased after him.

Once I chased him for five blocks...

"Brother Gu, you said we are so great, we will definitely be like you, one day our parents will find us and take us home, right?"

"Little Fatty, you are crying again, are you envious of those parents holding their children who are the same age as us?"

"If you want to go back, go back. Even if they find me, I don't want to go back with them. They lost me for so long and didn't come to find me..."

The little ones in the orphanage are abandoned and real orphans.

However, the director unanimously told them that their parents accidentally lost them and they will find them one day.

Although it was a lie, it was much better than the despair they got instead of hope every time they asked about it.

Gu Zike was slightly startled and looked at the little ones.

I remember that in the past, for

To encourage these little guys, he told them his own experience.

At that time, Gu Zike was the object of their envy.

But now...

Gu Zike barely controlled his emotions and smiled cheerfully, "Of course!"

"Am I not the best proof? One day, you will definitely be like me in the future!"

"Besides, you are all little ones now, and your parents can still hold your hands and go shopping!"

He felt tears in the corners of his eyes and began to speak slowly, "That..."

"When the time comes, I tell you, when you see me setting up a stall, you can ask them to buy you a lot of snacks and take care of my business."

"Brother Gu, don't you realize that you are still a little profiteer!"

"Don't worry, this little fat boy will take over all your stalls!"

Under Gu Zike's white lie, the sensational emotions finally dissipated.

One day, which day is it?

Maybe there will never be such a day, but he hopes there will be such a day, but not like him...

"Okay, you little guys, if you don't leave, the dean's mother will be worried!" Jiang Chao waved his hand and greeted.

His voice was obviously different from usual.

Maybe he was older than these little guys and knew that the day that belonged to him would never come...

Gu Zike was not on the same road as them.

After watching Jiang Chao lead the little guys down the overpass.

Just as he was about to turn around and walk back to the library, he suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him.

And the nauseating smell of white wine!

In fact, white wine is not smelly, but the people who drink it are smelly!

"Why did I meet them here?"

Gu Zike exhaled a breath of turbid air, and immediately leaned on the railing on one side of the overpass with both hands, looking at the traffic below, with his back to the aisle.

The alcoholic adoptive father and the gambling adoptive mother had brought too much pain to Gu Zike in the past seventeen years.

He didn't want to see them at all!

In order not to dirty his eyes!

"Fuck, is that teacher named Zhao Dachui a lunatic?!"

The alcoholic adoptive father Zhao Youcai was filled with the smell of alcohol, staggering in the aisle, cursing; "If I hadn't dodged quickly, I would have been stabbed by him with a steel fork!"

"He was going for my head, I don't know why people in this city have such a bad temper!"

The gambler Li Xiulian glared at him complainingly, "It's all your fault that you were drunk! The security guard didn't let you in, but you climbed over the wall to get in!"

"Can you blame me? What does it have to do with my drinking? They are just sick!" Zhao Youcai shouted,

"I said to the security guard in a nice voice. That little jerk's father, he refused to let me in!"

Li Xiulian looked disgusted, "Forget it, find a place to sleep quickly, and go and wait for him tomorrow."

"I don't know what's wrong with this little jerk, he has to sever ties with the Gu family."

"Gu Shanhe called and asked us to teach him a lesson. If it weren't for the Gu family's wealth, I might be able to get some money by persuading him to go back. I wouldn't come to this broken place. I would have played several rounds of mahjong with this time!"

Zhao Youcai was about to light a cigarette when he felt that the figure in front of him was very familiar. He immediately confronted Li Xiulian and whispered;

"Hey, look, is that the little jerk!"

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