After Gu Bing said this, all the Gu family members at the table stopped eating and their eyes fell on Gu Bing.

Gu Tianlai was sitting opposite Gu Bing.

Seeing that the third sister Gu Bing suddenly changed her attitude towards Gu Zike, and even now at the table, she said that she wanted to take Gu Zike home.

Gu Tianlai's pupils suddenly shrank.


What did the third sister call Gu Zike just now? !

Zike! ! !

Since that day when Gu Bing suddenly appeared in school and stood up for Gu Zike for the first time, saying that he did not plagiarize, he felt that something was wrong with Gu Bing.

At that time, Gu Tianlai even pretended to have a headache and tried to test Gu Bing's reaction.

Seeing Gu Bing walk up to him without saying a word and rub his temples, Gu Tianlai was relieved.

But what's going on now?

Did Gu Bing know about the pollen?

But that's not right!

I asked Gu Zike, that idiot, to buy the pollen last month. Logically, there shouldn't be any evidence left.

"Yes, Brother Zike is alone outside, I'm really worried." Gu Tianlai couldn't figure it out. He walked to Gu Bing's side, intending to test Gu Bing's attitude, and immediately began his performance very naturally,

"Third sister, let's go pick up Brother Zike together, okay, woo woo woo... I miss him a little bit."

Seeing this, Gu Bing quickly got up and hugged Gu Tianlai in his arms, "Tianlai, be good, Tianlai, don't cry, don't cry."

If it wasn't for the video that Gu Jiao gave her, she saw that Gu Zike went to the flower shop to buy the pollen in person.

That night, she would definitely dump the boiling hot Yin Gong soup on Gu Tianlai's head.

Now thinking about it, it's a good thing that she didn't act impulsively.

Otherwise, wouldn't this be bullying Tianlai's brother again? !

Sun Liping looked at the originally harmonious family, which was made into this state by Gu Zike. She put down her chopsticks in a daze and said with tears in her eyes;

"Wow... Tianlai is still sensible. They are all my children, why are they so different?"

"I don't know what that child is thinking. He hasn't been home for several days. Why does he have to make the originally harmonious family like this?!"

"If it was before, we would all be eating together at this time..."

She really couldn't figure out how Gu Zike could be so cruel and why he was so cruel!

Sun Liping suddenly became furious and overturned the bowl and chopsticks on the ground, "This beast really doesn't know good from bad! When he comes back, he must be starved for a few days to let him sober up, otherwise he will be useless!"

She may have forgotten that in the past year in the Gu family, Gu Zike has never eaten at the same table with them!

It was she who despised Gu Zike for not knowing table manners and made him squat on the ground to eat with the bowl and chopsticks in his hands like a dog!

If Gu Zike didn't chew his food for ninety-nine or eighty times, Sun Liping would unceremoniously overturn the bowl in his hand and let him go to the toilet to reflect!


Gu Shanhe, who was sitting in the main seat, slammed the table fiercely and said angrily; "If this little beast knew a little bit of right and wrong, why would he break off relations with us?!"

"I wanted to beat that little beast that night, and he threatened to set fire to us!"

"I really don't know what immoral things I, Gu Shanhe, did in my previous life to give birth to this thing!"

Gu Bing patted Gu Tianlai's back to comfort him, and stared at Sun Liping and Gu Shanhe in a daze.

In Gu's father and mother, she seemed to see her former self.

Persistent prejudice is often the most deadly...

Gu Bing's eyes turned red in an instant, and two lines of hot tears flowed out, "Woo woo..."

Looking at Gu's father and mother who were angry, she didn't know how to tell Gu's father and mother that it was Gu Zike who saved her that year.

After all, it was an indisputable fact that Gu Zike sprinkled pollen in her room.

That night when Gu Shanhe was about to hit Gu Zike, Gu Zike said that if he did, he would burn them to death. This is also an indisputable fact...

Gu Bing felt that it would be better to take Gu Zike home first, apologize to her family one by one, and then tell her about this matter.

"Why did you take her back?" Gu Jiao scooped a mouthful of seafood soup and spoke slowly,

"This little beast went to the third sister's room to spread pollen and framed Tianlai's brother at the cost of the third sister's health."


He threatened to set us on fire and burned blisters on both of my feet. I didn't ride my precious Harley much in the past two days. It hurt to walk!"

"I'm actively performing in front of Uncle Liang, waiting to go to the police station to solve a big case in the future. This little beast is just ruining my good things."

Gu Jiao touched her little chin, and the expression on her face was like a detective investigating a case. "And last month, my eldest sister had a camera, and it's still not found. I think he stole it!"

"I think he is trying to find ways to frame my brother Tianlai. I really wonder why we can't live in peace? !"

"Now we have to let him know how miserable the outside world is. If he steals because he has no money, others will beat him to death!"

"When he is desperate, he will naturally come back by himself."

"Fourth sister! "Gu Bing couldn't stand it anymore, stared at Gu Jiao and yelled.

Gu Tianlai cried even louder when he saw this, "Wuwuwu... Just like what my fourth sister said, Brother Zi Ke might hate me and want to drive me away, so he did this..."

"If I leave home, Brother Zi Ke can get better, and I can leave home..."

"Wuwuwu... It's just... It's just that I can't bear to leave Daddy, Mommy, and sisters..."

"But it doesn't matter!" Gu Tianlai sobbed and pretended to be far-fetched. His performance was better than those actors who could only recite "1234567". He continued;

"I will always remember the memory of living with Daddy, Mommy, and sisters for eighteen years. I stole Brother Zi Ke for eighteen years."

"I shouldn't enjoy such a good life at home. I will... I will face the reality bravely! I know it's time for me to go..."

"It's all my's all my fault...I naively thought that besides daddy, mommy, and five sisters, there would be a good brother who could live in harmony with him."

"It's all my fault that I didn't leave earlier, which caused the family to be in such a mess. It's all my fault..."

Gu Tianlai is at this level. Except for the emperor, ordinary people are really not his opponents.

Tears make others make him weak.

In the first half of every speech, the Gu family will think he is very sensible.

In the second half, in the tea talk, the description of his pity is implied, which makes the Gu family empathize with him.

"Brother Tianlai, you...don't cry!" Gu Jiao's heart was instantly clenched, and her head was numb. She couldn't bear to see the sensible Gu Tianlai cry the most. She hurried forward and held his hand.

"Don't worry, brother Tianlai, we won't let you leave. Don't say such things in the future! "

Gu Bing touched Gu Tianlai's head, tears kept coming out of her eyes, "Wuwuwu... I don't blame you, how can I blame you..."

Sun Liping also hurried to Gu Tianlai's side with tears in her eyes, "Wuwuwu... You are my good child, how can I blame you, if you leave, how can I live!"

She looked at Gu Tianlai's fragile and sensitive appearance, and a fire rushed to her head, and she was furious; "Tianlai is so sensible, look at that little beast! If we don't take care of him, it will be a disgrace to our Gu family if it gets out!"

Gu Shanhe was furious; "I'll call his adoptive parents now!"

"Dad, why are you calling Zi Ke's adoptive parents? "Gu Bing's heart suddenly tightened, and she asked hurriedly.

She was very afraid that Gu Shanhe would not let Gu Zike return home in a fit of anger.

Let her get further and further away from this little hero. If this happens, she really can't accept it, but it will be difficult to face it...

"You know what kind of people his adoptive parents are." Gu Shanhe took out his mobile phone in a bad mood,

"I have to let that little beast see where heaven is and where hell is!"

"Let him live a good life for two days, he really doesn't know what is east, south, west, and north! "

Gu Bing was relieved when she heard the reason.

She knew that Gu Zike was not a bad person!

Otherwise, he would not have saved her when he was a child, and he would not have been silently giving for her willingly!

The 26 paper cranes are undoubtedly the best proof!

It's just...

She knew it too late, maybe she really hurt Gu Zike's heart, which made him do such a beastly thing!

Gu Shanhe, who was sitting at the head of the table, immediately called Gu Zike's adoptive parents. The call took a long time before the other side was connected.

"What? !"

"You almost let his head teacher Zhao Dachui kill you with a steel fork? !"

"What? !"

"That little beast killed both of you

Beat him?! Both of you are in the hospital?! "

"What?! "

"He just won't come back, and he said you were looking for him, so he threw you off the overpass?! "

Gu Shanhe's face changed drastically, he stood up angrily, and shouted; "Okay, okay! I know! What?! I don't give a f*ck about him!"

After putting down the phone, he slammed the table, "It's really outrageous! This little beast beat his adoptive parents into the hospital! People asked our Gu family to pay one million, otherwise they would put him in the police station! "

Everyone was shocked.

Especially Gu Tianlai, who had a little cold sweat on his back.

After all, from Gu Shanhe's words, Gu Zike was extremely vicious!

After suddenly calming down, he showed a sly smile.

This is exactly what I want! Hahaha!

If Gu Zike, this fool, really goes to the police station, I can rest easy in the Gu family!

From now on, Gu Zike will never come back to the Gu family!

And everything in the Gu family will be mine!

Sun Liping said with tears in her eyes; "How can this child be like this! One million!"

She couldn't imagine that Gu Zike was so cruel, and she was furious; "Damn beast! I should have aborted him back then!"

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