The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Liang Yinan ate the cake that Gu Zike cut for her, "We are about to graduate, and the class teacher has started writing graduation comments.

Our class teacher has entrusted this heavy responsibility to me. I accidentally saw a male teacher writing a comment for you with your date of birth on it."

Hearing this, Gu Zike looked as if he had realized it.

At graduation, it was not uncommon for top students to help teachers write comments for other students.

"Your teacher thinks highly of you. Writing comments for you is like writing an essay. He wrote a lot of comments." Liang Yinan smiled and stood up slightly.

Gu Zike said with a smile, "Of course, I am the most popular person in the class now, and our head teacher is the Chinese teacher, but he is the kind of person who can do both literature and martial arts. In ancient times, he would at least be a third place winner and a champion in martial arts."

When he thought of Zhao Dachui holding a steel fork and confronting the Gu family, he felt it was interesting.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

This smile, this standing up to distance himself...

"Gu Zike! Watch this!"

As soon as Gu Zike realized this, Liang Yinan smeared a handful of cake on his face, and he suddenly became like a little cat.

"Hehehe... Haha..."

Liang Yinan looked at Gu Zike who had become a little cat, and almost laughed to death.

"I said something was wrong!" Gu Zike wiped his face and saw that it was all cream, "Okay, you little stupid pig, you're still attacking me, right!"

After that, he stood up and chased Liang Yinan.

Seeing this, Liang Yinan's legs trembled.

But how could she outrun Gu Zike?

She was soon cornered by Gu Zike, with nowhere to escape...

"Hehehe... Run, you can't run away this time, right?" Gu Zike raised his hand that was covered with cream and waved it in front of Liang Yinan's pretty face.

This scene looked like a bully of a good girl.

"I was wrong." Liang Yinan lowered her head slightly, pouted her lips, and raised one index finger on each hand to keep colliding.

It seemed that she really realized her mistake.

Gu Zike looked at Liang Yinan's pitiful appearance, his heart softened, and he turned slightly to the side, "Well... Well, I won't..."

Before he could finish, Liang Yinan wiped the cream on Gu Zike's hand with his backhand, and wiped it on Gu Zike's neck, and slipped out from the little position that Gu Zike gave up, agile!

"Okay, you little stupid pig, you're trying to play the Thirty-Six Stratagems with me!" Gu Zike started to chase after her.

I was bullied twice by the same girl, is that still okay?

I must bully her back!

"Come on, come on, big stupid pig, come and catch me!" Liang Yinan was more arrogant this time than before, and she didn't forget to look back at the moon while running, provoking Gu Zike a few words.

However, she seemed to have forgotten that her sense of balance has always been unreliable.

Before she could be arrogant for a second, her feet slipped, she turned around and staggered for several steps, and finally she couldn't stabilize her center of gravity and fell towards Gu Zike.

Gu Zike didn't react either, he subconsciously stretched out his hands to catch it...

But he found that the position was a little wrong...

After a brief blank in his brain, he quickly retracted his hands, and because of this, he also lost his center of gravity.

With a "thump", Gu Zike fell on the pile of books that had not been sorted out.

Liang Yinan fell on him.

The air seemed to be quiet all of a sudden...

"Woof woof woof..."

"Woof woof..."

The big yellow dog that had just caused trouble and its puppies squatted on the ground and barked at the two of them.

"That... I just..." Gu Zike spoke awkwardly, stumbling over his words.

Before he finished, Liang Yinan stood up slightly and turned his head to look at Da Huang, "You stinky Da Huang, you just used your dog head to hit my calf and it was not enough, now you are trying to trip me, right?"

"Really! Don't even think about eating the dog food I prepared for you tomorrow!"

Da Huang; "?"

Da Huang's puppy; "???"

If Da Huang could speak, he would definitely say, "I admitted it last time, but this time it's really not our fault! God and God are conscientious!"

Liang Yinan seemed to notice Da Huang and its puppy, and his dog face was lonely. He pouted and said; "Forget it! Da Huang, seeing that you have given birth to so many puppies and are weak, I still choose to forgive you."

Gu Zike was stunned for a while, he always felt

Liang Yinan was making a veiled accusation...

He echoed; "Yes, yes, yes! It must be Da Huang who tripped you secretly."

Da Huang; "Friendship is over!"

Da Huang's dog child; "Humph! Man."

With the blame being passed to Da Huang and his dog son, the awkward atmosphere finally dissipated.

Gu Zike and Liang Yinan sat on a pile of books, and he raised his hand and gently stroked the girl's hair.

The girl showed no sign of hiding, but just clasped her hands silently.

"Childish Liang, now you know my birthday, I feel like you can see through everything about me. When is your birthday? Let me see through you too?" Gu Zike asked.

Liang Yinan had put a lot of thought into his birthday.

If Liang Yinan had a birthday one day and he didn't know, wouldn't that be a bit of a betrayal of this friendship?

Liang Yinan paused her hand-clasping action, turned her face to the side, and said, "I have celebrated my birthday this year."

"Then you have to tell me when your birthday is, right? I will prepare a thoughtful gift for you next time."

Liang Yinan looked at the night sky outside the window, shook her feet, and said softly; "I don't want to celebrate my birthday. I will be one year older if I celebrate my birthday. I want to be eighteen forever..."

Sure enough...

Age is an unquestionable question for both girls and women.

"Gu Zike." Liang Yinan turned her face to the side and blinked at him with a pair of clear eyes.


"If you really want to give me a gift, go pick an eight-petal Gesang flower for me and give it to my mother later."

Gu Zike shrugged his shoulders and teased; "It depends on what kind of identity I am. I don't want to be a worker."

At this moment, the bell for the end of the last class rang.

"Gu Zike."


"Close your eyes."

"Are you going to put cream on my face again?"

"No, close your eyes."


Suddenly, the faint fragrance on the girl's body became stronger.

Gu Zike felt his lips warm up quietly, and the taste of cream mixed with a special taste stayed on his lips for a moment.

"Big stupid pig, I'm leaving!" Liang Yinan let go of her cherry lips and left the library shyly.

Gu Zike wiped the corner of his mouth and looked at the door of the library. He didn't recover for a while.

Is this the taste of the girl's mouth?


On the other side, Gu Bing returned to the Gu family in a daze.

Seeing the lively atmosphere at home, she didn't want to participate at all.

Gu Bing, who was about to return to her room, suddenly stopped.

"Don't let Third Sister find out about this!"

Gu Bing looked over and saw Gu Tianlai sneaking back into the room. Her eyes immediately lit up with anger. "Damn Gu Tianlai! What the hell is he doing again!"

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