If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 10 Abnormal Data? The Chief Director Was Shocked! [10, Asking For Flower Evaluation Tickets]

Roughly, it seems to be going extremely well.

The last hour.

Gao Yuan was very lucky and had three short orders in a row.


On the first day, Gao Yuan finished work with a total income of 236 yuan.

He returned to his temporary residence.

Gao Yuan quickly took a shower and went to bed.

This day.

Full of trouble and fright.

He was already exhausted and could barely hold on.


The first day.

Early in the morning.

Three videos about Gao Yuan went viral online.

Short video and social media platforms such as Douyin, B站, and Weibo unexpectedly made it to the trending list.

And these three videos had a unified name:

"The Amazing Feats of the Delivery Guy"

The first video.

Gao Yuan climbed 32 floors in 4 minutes and 38 seconds.

The second video.

Gao Yuan was complained about and retaliated by reporting the buyer.

The third video.

Gao Yuan called the police again, but it led to an unspeakable outcome.

Three videos.

The duration of each video was not very long.

But the editing was well thought out.

As a result, Gao Yuan became popular.

And the number of likes and saves for these three videos had already reached 600,000!

The total number of comments for the three videos had exceeded 100,000!

After opening the videos.

Barrage comments flooded in.



"Amazing! How is this even possible?"

"This guy is incredibly explosive in the delivery world!"

"Climbing 32 floors in one breath, is this something a human can do?"

"Awesome! So awesome!"

"No deceleration throughout the whole process, even accelerating. Is he a special forces soldier?"

"High energy ahead!"

"High energy ahead!"

"High energy ahead!"


"This video is something!"

"You send someone to jail just because they gave you a bad review for the delivery?"

"This operation is mind-blowing!"

"Ah! I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!"

"I mean, can I say that I almost went on a date with that girl you mentioned?"

"That friend you mentioned..."



"Formalin solution? That's serious!"

"Didn't you see that his legs went weak?!"

"Awesome! Sending two buyers to jail in one night. Truly a delivery guy with amazing skills!"

"Everyone, take note that this delivery guy is not to be messed with!"

"Is this guy participating in 'Super Workplace Show'? I didn't pay attention to him at first! After all, a contestant with the number 114 is not worth paying attention to."

"A dark horse! Definitely the appearance of a dark horse!"

"What is 'Super Workplace Show'? Is it a variety show?"

"I have a feeling that this show might become even more exciting because of Gao Yuan's presence!"


The three viral short videos.

Brought "Super Workplace Show" to the attention of more people.

And also brought Gao Yuan into the view of more people.

So when it was nine o'clock in the morning.

Gao Yuan started his day's work and began his live broadcast.

In an instant.

A large number of netizens flooded into his live stream.






The number of viewers in Gao Yuan's live stream skyrocketed like a rocket!

Continuously rising to 30,000!!!

And Gao Yuan's ranking in the show jumped from 86th place when he finished work last night to 52nd place!

You know!

This was just the beginning of the second day of the show!

The number of online viewers in Gao Yuan's live stream went from a few hundred at the beginning yesterday to 30,000!

This increase.

Was truly shocking.


In the live stream.

The barrage of comments from netizens kept scrolling.

-"I came from Douyin, paying my respects to the guy who climbed 32 floors without taking a breath!"

-"Awesome! Sleeping at 2 a.m. and starting work at 9 a.m. Is he trying to outshine other delivery guys?"

-"I think Gao Yuan is already a dark horse in the show!"

-"I just want to know, who will Gao Yuan report today? Who will end up in jail?!"

-"Everyone, pay attention. This delivery guy named Gao Yuan can send you to jail if you complain or give him a bad review!"



At the same time.

The official account of "Super Workplace Show".

Finally noticed something unusual.

The deputy director in charge of data monitoring and statistics hurriedly ran to the office of the show's director.

"Director, there's something wrong with the show!"

The director glanced at the deputy director and frowned.

"What's the rush? What's the matter?"

The deputy director forced a smile.

And in front of the director, he placed the still warm document on the table:

"Director, this is the data statistics for the first day of the show and the data after the show started this morning."

"Hmm, let me take a look..."

The director quickly scanned through it and looked puzzled.

"Is there a problem?"

"It looks normal to me. The top ten are exactly as we expected."


Seeing that the director didn't seem concerned, the deputy director quickly said:

"Director, please look further down, at the data for contestant number 114!"

"This contestant, named Gao Yuan, had only a little over 100 viewers in the live stream and ranked last when the show started yesterday!"

"But take a look at today's early data!"

Hearing the deputy director's words.

The director became more serious and started to check from the top.

Naturally, Gao Yuan was not in the top ten.


When he saw the 52nd place, he suddenly noticed an unusual number and name.

Contestant number 114!

Gao Yuan!

After all.

In a list of two-digit numbers, Gao Yuan's three-digit number stood out!

The director was shocked.



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