If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 24 110! 119! 120! Let's Fight Together! [7, Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets]

The city of Jiangcheng is named after its rivers.

There are rivers, lakes, and seas.

It is said that half of the city is mountains and seas, and the other half is water. The city is filled with joyful songs and poetry.

This is what Jiangcheng is known for.

Throughout history, cities like this have always been gathering places for people and wealth from all directions.

People gather because of money, and they also scatter because of money.

Sun Zhihui, the manager who wanted to jump off the building in the morning, ran away with his wife and the client. The excessive debt was also a reason.

Of course.

Jiangcheng is still a good city.

It ranks among the top in the national happiness index.

So, after nightfall, many people come to admire the rivers, lakes, and seas.

There is a section of Zhonghe Road that runs along the river.

The river used to be a section of the city moat, but now it is called Dongda River.

There are nine bridges on the river.

One of them is called Hongqiao, which is one of the most famous sightseeing bridges in Jiangcheng.

Gao Yuan is riding his beloved motorcycle at a speed of 25 km/h, passing through Hongqiao.

It is almost ten o'clock now, and there are not many people on the bridge.

Just as Gao Yuan was riding to the middle of the bridge.

Suddenly, he heard an anxious and panicked shout:

"Help! Someone jumped into the river!"

"Quick, save them!"

Gao Yuan couldn't pretend not to hear and turned his head to look.

He saw several people jumping and dancing by the bridge, shouting and pointing towards the river.

"System, how much flow value do I have now?"

Gao Yuan didn't have time to think.

While riding his motorcycle towards that direction, he urgently asked the system.

[Name: Gao Yuan]

[Flow value: 19327]

[Skills: keen observation, acute hearing, quick response]

[Props: none]

[Note: Every time 10,000 flow value is consumed, one can draw a lottery.]


I've accumulated over 10,000 flow value in just one day?

Gao Yuan was delighted and immediately gave an order:

"System, I want to draw another lottery!"

"Also, can you give me a swimming skill?"

"I'm going to save someone now!"

While giving the order, Gao Yuan also tried to give a condition.

Meanwhile, he had arrived at the location where the person fell into the water.

He stopped the electric motorcycle, walked quickly to the railing of the bridge, and looked down at the river below.

[The lottery of this system is random, and the type of skill or prop obtained is unknown.]

At this moment, the system gave Gao Yuan a negative response.

"Then let's draw the lottery!"

[The current flow value is 19327, and there will be 9327 left after one draw. Do you want to draw the lottery?]

"Yes, I want to draw the lottery!"

[Consuming 10,000 flow value, drawing the lottery once!]

[The lottery begins!]

[The lottery ends!]

[Congratulations, host, you have obtained the prop 'Universal Lock Opener'.]

[Explanation: This prop can unlock all locks. Host is advised to use it within the bounds of the law!]


Seeing that he drew a universal lock opener, Gao Yuan was speechless.

I need a swimming skill right now, what use is a lock opener?

Can I use this universal lock opener to unlock a new swimming technique...


Is it to unlock a swimming skill?

Gao Yuan looked at the thing in the system space that looked like a USB flash drive.

He felt helpless.

Although this thing is good, it is useless at the moment.

Actually, Gao Yuan knows a little bit of swimming, but he is not very good at it.

Until now.

Gao Yuan is relatively good at two semi-swimming postures.

One is doggy paddle.

The other is backstroke.

And treading water.

That's why.

Gao Yuan, who wanted to save someone, hoped to draw a swimming skill.

"The person is over there!"

At this time, there were already many people around.

Gao Yuan also promptly blocked the system.

He looked towards the water.

Sure enough!

In the center of the river under the bridge, there was a woman struggling in the water.

Fortunately, this is an inland river, and the current is not strong.


She has probably disappeared without a trace.

"Did you call the police?"

At this moment, Gao Yuan didn't have time to think much.

While taking off the ugly delivery uniform that had a phone in it, he asked the middle-aged woman next to him who had initially shouted for help.

"I called the police, I already called!"

"Young man, are you going to jump in and save her?"

"Do you know how to swim?"

"The water surface is too high from the bridge, it's more than ten meters, and the river below is quite deep!"

As Gao Yuan took off his jacket and shoes, the middle-aged woman continued to ask with concern.

"No problem, I can swim."

"Auntie, do you know the person who fell into the water?"

As Gao Yuan spoke, he had already climbed over the bridge railing, ready to jump down.

"It's my neighbor's daughter who fell in!"

"She's only eighteen years old, just finished taking the college entrance exam this year..."

The middle-aged woman pointed to a woman sitting on the ground next to her.

"Okay, you watch my things, I'll go down and save her."

"Call 110, 119, and 120!"

After saying that, before the onlookers could speak to stop him, Gao Yuan leaped down.


At this moment, in the 114 live broadcast room of "Super Workplace Show."

The netizens were all dumbfounded.

-"What the hell! Gao Yuan just jumped down like that?!"

-"I know Jiangcheng Rainbow Bridge, the distance between the bridge surface and the water surface is at least fifteen meters! It's too dangerous!"

-"This, this, this... In the afternoon, Zhang from the police station just told Gao Yuan not to act impulsively, not to act impulsively. It hasn't been twelve hours yet, and he's already acting impulsively again!"

-"Gao Yuan, please don't have any accidents!"

-"I'm going crazy! I've never seen so many emergencies happening in Jiangcheng before. Today, they all happened one after another with Gao Yuan?"


"This kid!"

Deputy Director Zhang, who was on duty, received the police call and went out again.

Seeing Gao Yuan jump into the river, his face turned pale.

Internally, he cursed Gao Yuan.

Why was he so impulsive?

As a delivery artist, is it your turn to save people when there are firefighters?

"Drive faster!"

"Drive even faster!"

Deputy Director Zhang urged.


"Gao Yuan!"

In the living room.

Jiangnan, who was lying on the sofa watching the live broadcast, suddenly sat up.

He quickly ran to the window and tried to look into the distance.

Rainbow Bridge was not far away!

"Gao Yuan, please don't get into trouble!"

Jiangnan's heart was filled with anxiety.

Then he thought of something, quickly took off his pajamas, changed into clothes, and rushed out.


"What the hell!"

The production team of "Super Workplace Show."

Because some of the contestants had turned off the live broadcast after work.

Assistant Director Ouyang had just planned to take a break when he saw Gao Yuan jump off the bridge.

"This... This..."

"This Gao Yuan is too impulsive!"

Assistant Director Ouyang was both nervous and excited.

He was nervous because he had read the barrage and knew the danger of saving someone.

In addition, saving a drowning person itself was an extremely dangerous act.

But he was excited because if Gao Yuan succeeded in saving the person, the number of online viewers in the live broadcast room would definitely exceed one million!

He hadn't seen it yet.

The current number of online viewers had already exceeded 500,000.

Was it rushing towards 600,000?

But all of this depended on Gao Yuan's success and safe return.

If he failed...

Assistant Director Ouyang didn't dare to think too much, clenched his fists, and stared at the screen intently.

His heart kept praying.


At this moment.

Countless people's eyes were fixed on Jiangcheng.

Fixed on the Rainbow Bridge in Jiangcheng!

Fixed on the East University River that flowed quietly below the Rainbow Bridge.

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