If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 28 No, Here Comes Trouble! [3, Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets]

Zhonghe Street Police Station.

Inside the conference room.

Smoke filled the air.


"This young man named Gao Yuan has a bit of a rebellious nature!"

The station chief looked at the materials submitted by Deputy Zhang and said:

"So, you're saying that we don't count the two incidents from last night."

"Just today, from 9 in the morning to 11 at night."

"In a total of fourteen hours, Gao Yuan experienced three sudden incidents and took three heroic actions, right?"

"Strictly speaking, yes."

Deputy Zhang nodded, with a somewhat conflicted expression.

"The two incidents from last night were assisting the police in solving cases."

The station chief flipped through the materials, put them down, and scratched his head:

"Especially the one where the murderer hid the body in the fish tank after killing."

"If it weren't for him going to the killer's door to deliver antipyretics, discovering that the person was unconscious, and then reporting it."

"Would this killer still be at large?"

Deputy Zhang nodded again.

This case had a severe impact, and it was truly thanks to Gao Yuan's report.


It couldn't be said that the killer was still at large.

After all, after interrogating the killer, it was revealed that he hadn't left the house for three months after accidentally killing his wife!

Far from being at large.

The station chief felt that he had gained a lot of insight and smiled, shaking his head, saying:

"The bonus for yesterday has already been distributed, so let's not mention it."

"But we need to quickly implement the certificates and rewards for Gao Yuan's three heroic actions today."

"The whole internet is watching our follow-up actions, so let's not give them any ammunition!"

"In the current online environment, there are trolls everywhere. As long as you give them a chance, they will bite onto you like mad dogs!"

"Understood, I'll take care of it right away!"

Deputy Zhang felt a bit uneasy and quickly agreed, then smiled bitterly and said:

"The problem now is..."

"Gao Yuan's three heroic actions were mostly discovered by our police after the fact."

"Now there are netizens online saying that our police are like the police in Hong Kong crime films, always appearing late after the incident is over..."

"Let's not pay attention to that."

The station chief pinched his temples, thought for a moment, and asked:

"Is it possible to have Gao Yuan, this contestant, work at our police station?"

"Others say he has a Conan physique, but I think he's a lucky star!"

"From another perspective, because of his timely intervention, the three sudden incidents were resolved invisibly."

The station chief's words made Deputy Zhang slightly stunned.

It seemed like that was indeed the case!

But, was it really feasible to have Gao Yuan work at the police station?

Just then.

Xiao Lu suddenly burst into the conference room, which only had two people, and said loudly:

"Station chief, Master, something bad happened!"


At the same time.

Somewhere in Jiangcheng.

"Super Career Show" production team.

Small conference room.

The executive director looked at a report, furrowing his brows, and said:

"From last night after 10 o'clock, Gao Yuan encountered the first unexpected incident."

"And now, it's almost 11 o'clock, Gao Yuan encountered the last unexpected incident."

"In other words, in just these twenty-four hours, our contestant number 114, Gao Yuan, experienced three major incidents and resolved them perfectly?"

"Why does this sound so abnormal?"

"It is indeed quite abnormal."

Assistant Director Ouyang had a constipated expression and said:

"Since yesterday's broadcast until now."

"Out of the 120 contestants, except for Gao Yuan, all of them have been calm and uneventful!"

"Oh, if we count the 27th contestant Yang Chaoyue who appeared unexpectedly in the scene where Gao Yuan subdued the knife-wielding criminal barehanded, then there are 118 remaining contestants who are calm and uneventful!"

"We don't need to count Yang Chaoyue."

The executive director waved his hand, put down the report, and looked at the people in the small conference room, saying:

"Now, our show is facing this problem."

"Gao Yuan's performance is too outstanding."

"Although he was involuntarily involved in the three incidents."

"But the result is what it is."

"Online, some people say he's a hero, some say he has a Conan physique, and others say he has a 'forced into action' physique..."

"What do you all think our show should do about Gao Yuan?"

As the executive director's voice fell.

The small conference room erupted in a clamor of discussion.

People's reactions were varied.

But there was a common thought:

This contestant number 114 named Gao Yuan had already caused the production team to hold three meetings!

It would be unfair to say that he caused trouble.

But as the executive director said, the result is what it is!

After a moment, people began to speak one after another:

"I think we should treat it normally..."

"Didn't we already have a promotion plan in place? Let's stick to that..."

"It's only the second day of the show's broadcast, let's observe a bit more. After all, this show will run for a year..."

"A calm lake doesn't attract attention, it's better to have some ripples. Gao Yuan's appearance is like a big stone thrown into the lake, we just need to see if the ripples it creates have any risks!"

The opinions of the people were generally unanimous.

No matter from which perspective.

Gao Yuan's sudden rise was a good thing for the "Super Career Show".

The only thing the production team needed to do.

Was to promote while being cautious not to be backlashed.

At this moment, Assistant Director Ouyang put down his phone, suddenly looked serious, and said:

"Everyone, I think trouble has arrived!"

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