If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 40 Unexpectedly, Gao Yuan Is Actually A Greedy Person! [7, Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets

The next morning.

Gao Yuan knew what the big surprise Jiangnan was talking about.

The first surprise.

Founder of Ugly Group, Lao Wang, first rewarded Gao Yuan with 200,000 yuan in the name of the company.

Then, in his personal capacity, he rewarded Gao Yuan with a house in Jiangcheng.

The second surprise.

Jiangcheng City Bureau rewarded Gao Yuan with 100,000 yuan to commend his bravery and fight against the criminals.

At the same time, Gao Yuan was awarded the title of "The Most Handsome Delivery Guy".

At first glance, this title is a win-win situation.

Ugly Group won again.

The third surprise.

Considering Gao Yuan's significant role in cracking down on a criminal gang.

A certain department awarded Gao Yuan with the honor of second-class merit!

And a reward of 200,000 yuan!

Of course.

This third surprise is not made public.

After all, this case is still ongoing.

I don't know when it will end.

I don't even know if the forces behind the criminal gang can be completely wiped out.

Even so.

Gao Yuan has been smiling all along, his face almost stiff.

And the viewers in the live broadcast room.

They were shocked by these bonuses and the house.

-"Damn! So much money!"

-"To be honest, the money is not much, but the house is valuable! At least worth five million!"

-"I expected this a long time ago, so I'm not surprised."

-"Now there's a problem. Gao Yuan suddenly receives so much money. Is he now the richest person? It feels unfair to others!"

-"Hmm... 300,000! To be honest, in many professions, earning 150,000 a year is already impressive!"

-"And the interview! Let's hear how Gao Yuan plans to use this money and the house!"



After receiving the rewards.

An interview is inevitable.

At the press conference.

After the leaders of the city bureau, Lao Wang from Ugly Group, and the program director Yang Jichen briefly spoke.

It was almost time for lunch.

And finally, it was Gao Yuan's turn.

After expressing his gratitude, Gao Yuan looked at the media below and said:

"If you have any questions, you can start."

At first, there were some simple questions.

The atmosphere was relatively harmonious.

"Gao Yuan!"

At this moment, a reporter stood up, looked at Gao Yuan, and asked:

"What are your plans for the 300,000 yuan? Are you going to donate it to those in need, as some friends online have suggested?"

Such a sharp question!

Gao Yuan inwardly complained, but smiled and said:

"The experiences of these past two days have made me realize a truth."

"In the face of absolute strength, everything is illusory."

"If I had reacted a little slower, Manager Sun, who jumped off the building, probably wouldn't have had a good post-mortem makeover."

"If my swimming skills were worse, that eighteen-year-old girl would most likely have met an untimely end."

"The most crucial thing is, if I had some combat skills, I wouldn't have almost been killed by a thug who was ten centimeters shorter and twenty kilograms lighter than me, even if it was an ambush!"

"In other words, I am the one who needs money the most!"

"So, I will use this three hundred thousand to improve my own strength!"

"Of course, some friends might say that these are all excuses, and I just want to secretly keep this money for myself."

Upon hearing Gao Yuan's words, the scene became restless.

Clearly, this statement struck a chord with many people!


In the live broadcast room, many netizens were also stunned and started sending barrage comments.

-"Damn! Gao Yuan really dares to say it!"

-"Ah! I didn't expect Gao Yuan to be this kind of person! He's fixated on just three hundred thousand!"

-"Exactly, he says so much, but isn't it just because he wants to keep this three hundred thousand for himself? Hypocrite! I used to think you were a hero! I didn't expect you to be a greedy person!"

-"Do you all have some misunderstanding about greed? Gao Yuan is not obligated to donate this money, right?"

-"I'm impressed! There really are people like this!"



Seeing the restlessness in the room, some leaders who were attending the press conference frowned slightly.

But the boss of the Ugly Gang, Lao Wang, just chuckled.

He wanted to see what Gao Yuan would say next.

The director of "Super Workplace Show," Yang Jichen, was extremely nervous, afraid that Gao Yuan would say something wrong.

"Isn't it?" At this moment, someone among the media personnel loudly questioned.

Gao Yuan glanced at that person, the smile on his face faded, and he said, "I guess many people are familiar with the story of Zigong redeeming people and Zilu receiving cows."

"I won't go into details here."

"I just want to ask a few questions in response to some people."

"Why is it that when a person who acts bravely and righteously receives a reward, they are expected to donate it?"

"Is it because if they donate it, you will think that this person is morally noble? That they deserve this reward?"

"On the contrary, if they don't deserve this reward?"

Gao Yuan's counter-question made some media and self-media personnel subconsciously nod.

Others, however, furrowed their brows.

"In that case..." Gao Yuan's gaze swept across the faces of many people, finally landing on Jiangnan's face.

Then, he became resolute and said, "Why go the extra mile to give a reward to someone who acts bravely and righteously?"

"Why does this reward become a tool for everyone to interrogate the person who acts bravely and righteously?"

"It's simply absurd!"

Gao Yuan suddenly stood up, picked up the microphone, and said, "One last thing-"

"Do not let those who carry firewood for the sake of others freeze to death in the wind and snow!"

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