If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 54 Do You Want To Adjust Gao Yuan's Career? [6, Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets]

Two consecutive bizarre orders.

Gao Yuan was somewhat traumatized by them.

Fortunately, the following orders returned to normal pace.

However, netizens found it unsatisfying.

-"I really want to see Gao Yuan receive more bizarre orders! Like going to someone's house to scold them, haha!"

-"Oh no! A professional variety show is quickly turning into a comedy and crime-solving show because of Gao Yuan!"

-"I suggest that the production team and the ugly group come up with a plan so that Gao Yuan doesn't receive ordinary orders anymore!"

-"Makes sense! Massage parlors have top-notch therapists, so shouldn't food delivery guys have top-notch food delivery guys?"

-"Please let me know the location and number of the top-notch therapist so that I can investigate, thank you!"



"Super Career Show" production team.

Small meeting room.

Director Yang Jichen called for a meeting with the deputy directors from all departments.

Because tomorrow is the weekend, many contestants will have a day off.

Contestants with a day off can travel, rest, or take on part-time jobs.

In short, they should simulate the normal life of a working person as much as possible.

Don't make it like a TV drama.

The main characters who complain about being poor every day live in luxurious houses, eat at restaurants that ordinary people only occasionally go to, and have unrealistic love lives.

Currently, everything is progressing smoothly.

Yang Jichen put down the report in his hand and said:

"Today is the fifth working day since the show started."

"So far, except for contestant Gao Yuan, number 114, who stands out a bit, the performances of other contestants are basically in line with the expectations of the production team."

"Now there is a question that we need to discuss."

"Ouyang, you know more about Gao Yuan's situation, so please tell everyone."

Yang Jichen called out the name of Deputy Director Ouyang.

Ouyang nodded and said:

"There are many opinions online regarding contestant Gao Yuan's profession."

"One suggestion is for him to enter the police system and become an intern police officer or auxiliary police."

"Another suggestion is for him to continue being a food delivery guy, but not to accept ordinary orders anymore, as it would affect the live broadcast effect of the show."

"There is also a more radical suggestion, which is to let Gao Yuan work like a free person."

"This kind of free person is not a freelancer. According to netizens, it's more like a professional superhero."

"At present, there are two points for us to discuss."

"First, should we adjust Gao Yuan's profession?"

"Second, if we adjust Gao Yuan's profession separately, would it be fair to the other contestants?"

After speaking, Ouyang looked at Yang Jichen.

"Did everyone understand?"

Yang Jichen looked at the crowd and said:

"That's the situation."

"Let's discuss whether we should make changes or not."

"If we make changes, how should we do it?"

After Yang Jichen finished speaking, the deputy directors in the small meeting room started discussing with each other.

After a while, no one stood up to speak.

In the end, it was Ouyang who spoke up:

"My suggestion is to maintain the current situation."

"The viewers want Gao Yuan's live stream to be more interesting."

"If we consider it from the perspective of a traditional variety show, there is indeed no problem with this."

"But our show is different from ordinary variety shows."

"Variety is just the surface. The core goal of this show is to examine various professions and the life situations of ordinary people."

"So I think it can be interesting, but not mandatory."

Ouyang's words received agreement from many people.

"Indeed, if we change his profession, what about the others?"

"Are we going to tell the other contestants to stop doing their jobs properly and quickly come up with something exciting?"

"It would indeed be unfair to the other contestants and would create problems."

But some people disagreed.

"Why can't we make changes?"

"Even in reality, good employees can get promoted and receive salary increases."

"We can't just block Gao Yuan's path to advancement, right?"

"In my opinion, let Gao Yuan continue working as a food delivery guy, but maybe adjust his level. It would be appropriate to give him the title of 'top-notch food delivery guy' as suggested by netizens!"

For a moment, the two sides debated whether or not to make changes.

In the end, Yang Jichen made a conclusion:

"For now, we can't let Gao Yuan leave the food delivery industry."

"If we open this door, other contestants will start having ideas about whether they should work properly or not."

"As a food delivery worker, Gao Yuan has more interactions with people. Currently, he is doing well, better than some contestants who stay in the kitchen all the time."

"My suggestion is to maintain the current situation!"

"However, we can suggest to the ugly group to give Gao Yuan more freedom when accepting orders."

"They want to create a star food delivery guy, right?"

"Gao Yuan is the perfect template!"

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