If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 64 He Can Climb Stairs Faster Than Taking An Elevator! 【2,Please Subscribe】

"Which house caught fire?"

As soon as the fire truck arrived, the leading fire captain immediately shouted, "Is the family whose house caught fire present at the scene?"


At this moment, a woman in her twenties or thirties with a flushed face stepped forward and weakly raised her hand, saying, "It's my house that caught fire."

As soon as she spoke, everyone's gaze immediately focused on her, as if devouring her.

The fire captain ignored this and simply asked, "Did you come out? Are there any other people in the house?"

"No..." The woman shook her head directly and said, "I'm the only one at home, there's no one else."

Just then, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, "Look! There seems to be someone up there!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was startled and looked up in unison.

Then they saw a small figure crawling out of the window.

From the firelight inside the window, people could roughly see that it was a little girl.

In the next moment, everyone's gaze once again focused on the woman.

"Ah... Niu Niu! That's my daughter!" The woman screamed, her legs weak.

Then she instinctively grabbed the fire captain's arm, knelt down, and pleaded loudly, "Save my daughter! Please save my daughter!"

"My daughter is only six years old!"

The fire captain acted quickly, supporting the woman and comforting her, "Don't worry for now. We will find a way to rescue her."

At this time, an aunt next to them held the woman and whispered, "Don't interfere with the firefighters rescuing people."

Tears welled up in the woman's eyes, she wanted to cry but dared not cry, and looked up at her daughter upstairs.

Most of the people who witnessed this scene also felt uneasy.

"Zhang Feng, take two people, put on fire-resistant suits, and bring the cable rope. Go upstairs immediately!"

The fire captain instantly made a command and said loudly, "Report to me if there's any situation!"


Zhang Feng, the young firefighter, responded.

After a moment, the three of them began to prepare their equipment.

At this time, the fire captain asked again, "Who was the last person to come down? Is the elevator still working?"

Someone immediately raised their hand and said, "I was the last one to come down, and the elevator is still working!"

"Captain, we're ready!"

Zhang Feng and the other two were also ready at this time, reporting and turning around to rush into the building.

"Be careful!"

The fire captain reminded them.

After Zhang Feng and the others entered the building, the fire captain continued to inquire, focusing on the situation inside the woman's house.

However, the more he asked, the heavier his mood became.

When the woman was renovating her house, she used a lot of flammable materials!

The most troublesome thing was that the woman's house had four rooms and a living room, with a large area.

And based on the woman's words, the initial judgment was that the fire started in the living room on the sofa.

From the firelight and thick smoke coming from the window, it could be inferred that the woman's house was already completely engulfed in flames.

In this situation, it would be extremely difficult to wear fire-resistant suits, pass through the fire scene, and rescue the little girl.

It could even be said that it was simply unrealistic!

Not to mention that fire-resistant suits couldn't withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

A six-year-old girl wouldn't be able to come out of the fire scene either!

The fire captain glanced at the little girl hiding in the corner and his expression became extremely grim.

Twenty-six floors!

An average floor height of 2.8 meters.

That's about seventy meters!

Seventy meters!

If someone were to fall from there...

The fire captain immediately thought of it.

Last night, in the middle of the night, someone fell from the 25th floor.

Died on the spot!

At this moment, the little girl's position was even higher than where the incident happened last night!

The fire captain looked up at her.

At this moment, the little girl was squatting on the protruding wall strip outside the wall, at risk of falling at any moment!

Thank goodness!

This building was built early, and the wall strip and the wall are one.

It's not like using foam boards now.

Otherwise, she would have fallen right from the beginning!

But even so.

Standing in such a narrow position, the little girl, whose feet could only be sideways, was constantly terrified.

The people below.

No one dared to speak loudly, afraid of scaring the little girl.

The fire captain shifted his gaze away from the little girl and began to think of other ways to save her.

Just then.

A man who lived above the woman suddenly said, complaining, "Um, my home is above hers."

"Can you come down and save her from my window?"

"Um, thank you."

The fire captain nodded to indicate that he understood.

But this method is not feasible.

The fire is going up!

This rescue method would increase the difficulty and danger for the firefighters!

However, facing a seven-year-old girl who could fall at any moment and a desperate mother, the fire captain could not exclude this most dangerous approach.

Just then!

Someone suddenly exclaimed, "Look!"

"What is that?"

Others followed the person's pointing direction and saw something.

Then there was a cry of surprise:

"What... how did that person climb up there?!"

"Oh my god, this is too amazing!"

Soon, almost everyone's gaze turned to one spot.

They saw a person on the seventh floor, grabbing the lower edge of the window with bare hands, and with a strong effort, their body went up and stood on the window.

Then, without stopping.

They continued to hold onto the upper edge of the window and went up vertically!

This is simply...

Even Spider-Man climbing a building is not this agile!

It's beyond imagination!

But all of this is happening right in front of everyone's eyes!

And this person.

Is none other than Gao Yuan, who ran out of the buffet restaurant earlier!


Gao Yuan ran out of the restaurant because he heard the situation over here.


Coincidentally, the system mall had just unlocked in the afternoon.

After arriving downstairs.

Gao Yuan looked up for a while and instantly decided what to do.

So in the system mall.

He bought a skill called "Flying Over Eaves and Walking on Walls"!

And then, he started climbing up.

At this moment.

In the live stream room.

The netizens had gone completely crazy.

"Oh my god! How the hell can a person do this?!"

"I... I... I'm speechless! Gao Yuan climbs faster than I ride an elevator! Even Spider-Man probably can't be this fast!"

"Before, he climbed 32 floors in one go, and I thought that was Gao Yuan's limit! I didn't expect he could do this!"

"Gao Yuan is crazy! This is more than 20 floors, what if... he falls?"

"Shut up! Spit! Spit! Shut the hell up!"

At the same time.

Inside the buffet restaurant.

At first, Jiangnan and Yang Chaoyue were chatting and eating on the side.

They weren't watching the live stream.

So they didn't know.

That Gao Yuan was doing Spider-Man-like stunts at the moment.


Someone in the restaurant started streaming and saw this scene!

Then, there was a scream.

And then, almost everyone in the restaurant saw it.

Including Jiangnan and Yang Chaoyue.

"Oh... "

Yang Chaoyue's mouth opened wide, stunned, and said, "Jiangnan, is this person... Gao Yuan?"

Jiangnan furrowed her eyebrows, gritted her teeth, and nodded, "It's him!"

This was certain.

Because this live stream room.

Was the 114th live stream room of "Super Workplace Show"!

"This is too dangerous!"

Only now did Yang Chaoyue finally realize something, immediately stood up, and said,

"We should go to the scene and hurry down!"

Jiangnan nodded and followed, running out.

Although she also knew that by the time the two arrived at the location, Gao Yuan had probably climbed more than twenty floors!

After settling the bill.

The two, along with others who followed, ran towards Xuefu Mingyuan.

The program team of "Super Career Show".

Assistant Director Ouyang was completely dumbfounded.

He stumbled and walked into the office of the director Yang Jichen.

Without knocking, he pushed the door open.

And Yang Jichen just glanced at him, but didn't say anything.


Assistant Director Ouyang just started to speak.

Yang Jichen shook his head and said,

"You don't need to say anything, I'm watching!"

Assistant Director Ouyang wanted to say something.

For example, what should we do?

For example, should we send someone to rescue?

But Yang Jichen raised his head and helplessly said,

"We can't do anything."

"There are firefighters on the scene, and they can't do much now, let alone us."

"The only thing we can do is pray..."

"And believe that Gao Yuan can do it, he believes he can!"

Listening to Yang Jichen's words.

Assistant Director Ouyang had no idea what else to say.



Besides staring at the live broadcast room.

The only thing they could do was pray and believe.

At this moment.

Xuefu Mingyuan.

The building where the fire broke out.

Under the gaze of everyone, Gao Yuan had quickly climbed to the twelfth floor!


The fire captain took a deep breath and instinctively said,

"Is this Gao Yuan still human?"


After being reminded by the people next to him, he finally knew.

The person climbing the building with his bare hands at this moment.

Was the delivery guy who was complained about and reported for selling silver.

He was the delivery guy who was kidnapped by a gang but fought back and defeated the kidnapper.

He was the delivery guy who performed three acts of bravery in one day, especially jumping from a bridge over ten meters high to save an eighteen-year-old girl's life.

And this delivery guy's name was Gao Yuan.

If it wasn't for seeing the real person.

The fire captain would definitely say, "Is this fucking delivery guy?"

But now, Gao Yuan once again refreshed the fire captain's and everyone's perception of him.

At this speed.

In a short while, Gao Yuan would be able to climb to the twenty-sixth floor!

...Flower request.

That was the floor where the little girl was trapped.

This was too fast!

As a fire captain skilled in rock climbing.

Zhao Zhanguo had seen many experts in rock climbing online, both domestic and foreign.

But none of them could compare to the Gao Yuan in front of him!

What's more important is.

Gao Yuan's climbing speed was too fast!

It was as if he didn't worry about running out of stamina at all!

It was terrifying!

But even so, that was the twenty-sixth floor!

At this speed, wouldn't Gao Yuan's stamina give out by then?


Zhao Zhanguo suddenly shouted loudly to the man next to him,

"Where are your keys?"

The man naturally lived on the floor above the fire, and after hearing Zhao Zhanguo's words, he immediately took out the keys and said,

"Here! Should I go up and open the door?"

"No need!"

Zhao Zhanguo shook his head and said,

"Our people are faster, and it's not safe up there!

Saying that, Zhao Zhanguo called a firefighter.

He asked him to quickly send the keys up.

At the same time, he made arrangements for Zhang Feng and the others who were upstairs through the walkie-talkie.

"Gao Yuan, whether you succeed or not."

"I will let Zhang Feng and the others pick you up."

"If you fail..."

Zhao Zhanguo looked up at Gao Yuan's figure continuing to climb, and whispered,

"If you fail, my people will save that little girl!"

After saying this, his gaze became even more determined.

However, at this moment, Zhao Zhan Guo discovered a serious problem, or rather, a problem that he had overlooked.

It was when the firefighter who was delivering the keys had just entered the building.

But Gao Yuan had already climbed several floors.

He was now in between the fifteenth and sixteenth floors!

At this rate, it was estimated that before the firefighter could deliver the keys, Gao Yuan would already be on the twenty-sixth floor!

"Too impulsive!"

Zhao Zhan Guo frowned and said,

"At least discuss it with us so that we can all work together to save the person!"

Although he said this, Zhao Zhan Guo was certain that if Gao Yuan proposed this plan, he would definitely refuse!

There would be no room for negotiation!


Zhao Zhan Guo sighed softly and continued to look at Gao Yuan.

At this moment, Gao Yuan still seemed as if he wouldn't get tired, climbing rapidly upwards.

Every movement was precise.

Coupled with Gao Yuan's slender limbs, he looked graceful and elegant.

Even so, Gao Yuan couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

Because he was free climbing at such a height.

Once he made a mistake, it would be like the woman who was pushed down last night!


A fatal accident!

Downstairs, in the square, almost everyone made the same gesture.

One hand held a phone, the other hand clenched their fist against their chest.

On one hand, they recorded this miraculous scene.

On the other hand, they worried and prayed for Gao Yuan.

No one made a sound.

Even Jiang Nan and Yang Chao Yue, who had just arrived, looked up silently.

At this moment, Gao Yuan climbed higher and higher.

Because it was nighttime and the lighting was poor, everyone could only see a dark figure swiftly moving upwards like a shadow.

Everyone's hearts were suspended in mid-air.

Nineteenth floor!

Twentieth floor!

Twenty-fourth floor!

Twenty-fifth floor!


Under everyone's gaze, Gao Yuan reached the twenty-sixth floor!

At this moment, Gao Yuan, like a gecko, clung tightly to the wall.

He stepped on the protruding wall bars outside the window.

He leaned towards the little girl who was in a state of extreme fear.

At this moment, this six-year-old girl, with tears on her face, but extremely strong, was within Gao Yuan's reach!

"Little sister, don't be nervous!"

"I'm here to save you!"

While speaking, Gao Yuan held onto the gap in the wall with one hand and quickly reached out with the other hand, pressing it against the little girl's back.

Making her stick even closer to the wall.

Gao Yuan knew that in this situation, whether he spoke first or acted first, the little girl would definitely panic.

Even if she remained calm enough not to scream, she might be scared silly.

And then she might slip and fall.

Failing to save her.

Turning into a danger instead.

So Gao Yuan acted simultaneously.

After Gao Yuan held the little girl down, she let out a scream, but her body only trembled twice.

She didn't struggle.

"Very good, I'll save you down."

Seeing this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then he began to think about how to safely bring this six-year-old girl down to the ground.

At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room was trembling with excitement as they sent messages.

"Fuck! I'm just speechless!"

"Gao Yuan actually climbed to the twenty-sixth floor! Free climbing, god-level operation!"

"It's not about climbing, it's about saving this little girl! If he can't save her, it would be meaningless for Gao Yuan!"

"Yeah! How can we save her?"

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