If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 77 Gao Yuan's Ninth Suona Solo! Want To Ask Gao Yuan To Die Early? 【15, Please Subscrib

Live room.

Netizens are dumbfounded.

"The suona version of 'Moonlight Over the Lotus Pond'? Isn't it too coincidental?"

"As soon as the sound of the suona came out, there was a strange feeling of wanting to feast! Memories imprinted in DNA have all resurfaced!"

"When the sound of the suona rings out, it feels like being struck instantly!"

"There is no one that the suona cannot send away! I feel like I have already been sent away!"

"Gao Yuan's rendition of 'Moonlight Over the Lotus Pond' is so infectious! Unexplainably, tears are falling from my eyes!"

"I don't know what's happening, but my heart is filled with sadness."

"I can no longer truly appreciate the song 'Moonlight Over the Lotus Pond'! I'm afraid that after tonight, this song will suddenly have two more classic live versions!"

"It's worthy of being an instrument that accompanies you from birth to death! A suona, accompanying you throughout your life!"

"Di~da di da da~~~"

"Di~da di da da da~~~"

When the last note is played.

Gao Yuan looks towards Mr. Zhao, who is already sitting on the ground.

Leaning against the bed where his daughter lies, Mr. Zhao suppresses his voice and cries.

He originally wanted to ask the other person.

To play another song.

But seeing Mr. Zhao's state.

And considering what the suona player plays and what the living and deceased people on the Bai Tuan stage listen to.

After thinking for a moment, he decides to play that piece—

"Jiu Er"!

"There is no song called 'Jiu Er' in this world.

"Then let me, starting from the suona, bring 'Jiu Er' into this world!"

"As for the name............"

"We'll think about it later!"

Gao Yuan takes a deep breath, recalls the version of that nuclear explosion.

Adjusts his breathing.

Then begins to play—



This time.

The rhythm of the suona changes.


The suona version of "Moonlight Over the Lotus Pond" is a classical beauty lamenting under the moon.


The suona version of "Jiu Er" gives a sense of desolation in a sky filled with yellow sand.

In the melody played by the suona.

Mr. Zhao, who was originally just suppressing his tears, now becomes even more sorrowful.

He pounds his chest forcefully.

Opens his mouth.

Wants to shout, but can't make a sound.

Can only look at his daughter, covered by a white cloth, and cry helplessly.

Until Gao Yuan finishes playing this piece of "Jiu Er".

Mr. Zhao is completely blank, holding his daughter's photo, with no more tears.

Gao Yuan lets out a soft sigh.

Thinks for a moment.

Decides on the last piece.

To play that piece that is always mentioned when it comes to the suona.

"Bai Niao Chao Feng"!

Normally, playing "Bai Niao Chao Feng" for a five-year-old child.

Wouldn't be appropriate.

As some people who are involved in traditional culture say.

"Bai Niao Chao Feng" is meant to be played for respected individuals.

But at this moment.

Gao Yuan doesn't think so.

Traditionally, "Bai Niao Chao Feng" is played more for joyous occasions and funerals.

After all, compared to other pieces, "Bai Niao Chao Feng" has a lively and cheerful melody.

But Gao Yuan feels.

Using a cheerful piece to send off Mr. Zhao's daughter on her final journey.

Couldn't be more appropriate.


Whether the deceased is respected or not, it is up to the suona player to judge.

Worthy of being played.

Then let it be played.

"Mr. Zhao, the last piece......"

Gao Yuan lets out a soft breath.

Picks up the thermos cup that Xu Xiaosa had given him to bring, takes a sip of water, and says:

"I will play 'Bai Niao Chao Feng' for your daughter.

"This piece, I don't know if Mr. Zhao knows or not, it is somewhat cheerful, but it also carries hope."

"Cheerful? Hope?"

Mr. Zhao's expression was blank, murmuring to himself:

"Jiajia has always been cheerful, even when she was sick... "

"But hope... "

"Jiajia is gone, and I'm all alone. What hope is there left... "

"Umm... "

As Mr. Zhao spoke, he started crying.

A middle-aged man lost his daughter, and this kind of grief is truly heart-wrenching.

Gao Yuan took it away.

Then he started playing.

The melody of "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" came from his mouth, from his suona.

It spread out.

In this piece of music.

Gao Yuan used the master's playing techniques.

Tongue articulation, glissando, flutter tongue, finger flutter, vibrato...

Tonguing, tonguing and slurring, tonguing and stopping, tonguing and striking, tonguing and smearing, tonguing and pressing...

Tongue pizzicato, breath pizzicato, bounce, double tonguing, legato tonguing, breath and lip vibrato, finger and breath vibrato...

And with the use of these playing techniques.

The melody that fell into people's ears seemed to have the calls of birds such as cuckoos, partridges, swallows, mountain sparrows, bluebirds, warblers, larks, blue-billed birds, and even the crowing of roosters.

It felt like the darkness of the night was about to disappear.

And the sunrise was about to come.

In the live broadcast room.

The netizens were collectively stunned.

First, they were moved by the desolation and sorrow of "Jiu'er".

Then they were captivated by the passionate and joyful melody of "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix", with tears in their eyes.

Emotions were momentarily unable to turn the corner.

"What's the name of the second piece? It's so beautiful! It makes me cry~!"

"It's really amazing! I can't comment on Gao Yuan's suona playing level, all I can say is it's awesome!"

"The Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix is here! Indeed, a suona without the Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix has no soul!"

"I heard that the Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix is played for respected and revered elders. Is it not suitable to play it for a five-year-old girl?"

"What's suitable? Does a piece of music need to be divided based on the status of the deceased?"

"The deceased is gone, the living is like this."

Gao Yuan left.

Amidst Mr. Zhao's repeated thanks, he left the funeral home.

He took a Didi express car.

And returned home.

"Not bad!"

Xu Xiaosa smiled and said:

"With your level, if you were in the countryside, you could probably make a lot of money, right?"

"You better show me some respect!"

Gao Yuan said with a smile:

"This instrument of mine can really touch the soul, I'll play it for you at the banquet!"

Xu Xiaosa rolled her eyes and then asked many questions that the netizens wanted to know:

"Gao Yuan, what was the second piece you played?"

"I didn't see any netizens recognize that piece, is it your original composition?"


Gao Yuan nodded, but didn't say the name.

Because the name "Jiu'er" has a "reference" and a source.

If it's casually mentioned, it loses its meaning.

But he couldn't leave the audience hanging.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yuan said:

"Let's call this piece 'Gao Yuan's Ninth Suona Solo'."

"Yes, let's call it that!"


Xu Xiaosa was dumbfounded.

This name?

Why does it sound a bit fancy?


Since it's Gao Yuan's Ninth Suona Solo.

Does that mean...

There's also a first, second, third...

Even tenth, eleventh, twelfth?

Xu Xiaosa felt like her brain was not enough.

Once again, she realized.

This newcomer who had just joined the studio.

What she knew about him was just the tip of the iceberg.

But Gao Yuan didn't say anything more.

He went to the singing practice room and put the suona away.

Then he changed back into the delivery uniform of the Ugly Tuan.

Getting ready to go out and continue delivering food.

When he went to the funeral home to play the suona for the deceased, Gao Yuan didn't wear the brightly colored clothes of the Ugly Tuan.

"Hurry up and run, be safe."

When Gao Yuan walked out of the door, Xu Xiaosa reminded him with a sentence.

This made him pause for a moment.

It seemed like...

How long has it been since someone said something like this to him?


[You have a new order reminder!]

On his phone, the delivery app from Ugly Group made a notification sound.

It interrupted Gao Yuan's contemplative mood.

Snatch it!


Juming got it!

Gao Yuan looked at the app interface on his phone.

The notification said that the order had already been successfully claimed by a delivery rider.

For a moment, he was dumbfounded.

I actually didn't get it?

Was my hand not fast enough?

Or was it because I was lost in thought just now, affecting my speed and reaction time?

The next moment.


[You have a new order reminder!]

A new reminder came.

This time, Gao Yuan didn't let the order "slip away" again and claimed it directly.

As expected!

I still have to become an unfeeling order-snatching machine!

Gao Yuan complained a bit and looked at the order details.

It was a normal food delivery order.

And tonight...

In the time that followed...

The orders that Gao Yuan claimed were always relatively normal.

Whether it was food delivery orders...

Or errand orders...

And as Gao Yuan rode his beloved motorcycle, delivering one order after another...


Several videos had quietly spread.

And the ones that spread the most freely were the videos about music.

The first one.

It was Gao Yuan "substituting" for Zeng Yi on stage.

Starting with a duet with Ling Hua, and then a duet with Phoenix Miracle singing "Lotus Pond Moonlight."

And a part of the title of this video was quite exaggerated:

[The most creative concert opening performance in history!]

The comments section of the video was also quite explosive.

"Damn! Isn't this guy Gao Yuan? Did he deliver food to a concert venue?"

"This design is really amazing! Who came up with this opening method? It's absolutely brilliant!"

"Gao Yuan's first two parts were harmonizing, I couldn't hear clearly. But when he recited this part, it almost killed me!"

"Gao Yuan's duet with Zeng Yi was simply explosive!"

"Is this still Phoenix Miracle's Lotus Pond Moonlight?"

"Haha! If you doubt this, you might as well go to another video, you'll doubt your life even more!"

And the second video.

It was Gao Yuan going to a funeral home and playing "Lotus Pond Moonlight" on the suona.

The title was:

[Explosive! Lotus Pond Moonlight can be played like this? Gao Yuan's suona version of Lotus Pond Moonlight! This is a brand new version you've never heard before!]

Such an eye-catching title.

Although it seemed more rustic than Phoenix Miracle's song.

But it attracted countless onlookers.

There was no way.

Although many people think that the suona is noisy, too rural, and not high-end enough.

But in the DNA of over 900 million Chinese people, there are more or less genes for the suona!

So, the comments section exploded even more.

"I'm going crazy! When the suona plays, my DNA gets restless!"

"Suddenly, I have an urge to eat a feast!"

"Too awesome! It's late at night, and I've been brainwashed by this suona version of Lotus Pond Moonlight!"

"Gao Yuan is really awesome! He just sang Lotus Pond Moonlight with Phoenix Miracle at the concert, and then he went to a funeral home and played a suona version of Lotus Pond Moonlight."

"To be honest, I've never seen such a handsome suona player!"

"I never expected that the first instrument Gao Yuan showcased would be the suona!"

"Go listen to the second one! That one is truly explosive!"

Countless netizens.

After watching this suona version of Lotus Pond Moonlight video.

From the comments section.

I casually jumped to the third video.

The name is very short, just called:

【Gao Yuan's Ninth Suona Solo!】

At the first moment of seeing this name,

Many people had the expression of elderly subway passengers looking at their phones.

Gao Yuan's Ninth Suona Solo?

Are you sure it's not Chopin?

Are you sure it's not violin or piano?

However, after they clicked on it and listened to the whole piece,

No one was concerned about the name anymore.

In the comments section, there was a bit of confusion this time.

"I... suddenly don't know what to say. Is this piece really Gao Yuan's original?"

"From this piece, I hear the ancient desolation, see the vast yellow sand, as if someone is walking from a yellowish color on the Loess Plateau!"

"The name Ninth Suona Solo is too casual, right? It feels like it should have a poetic name!"

"Gao Yuan's suona technique may not be top-notch for now, but this piece, both in terms of melody and infectiousness, is definitely top-notch!"

"I can't stop laughing! Can anyone really question Gao Yuan's suona technique? Go watch another video!"

"Please move to another video, Gao Yuan is going all out!"

Many netizens were skeptical.

They opened the last video.

The name is:

【The Most Handsome Suona Solo in History "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix", Gao Yuan Went Crazy Tonight!】

Then, they heard it.

That suona piece they had listened to many times.

They also witnessed how skillfully Gao Yuan played the suona.

For a moment,

Some netizens who understood suona playing fell silent.

Those suona professionals who were called over to watch this video also fell silent.

They shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

To be frank, Gao Yuan's suona performance level has already reached the level of a master!

The comments section exploded.

"Oh my god! Is this really something a human can play?!"

"It's 'Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix'! It's really 'Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix'! After listening to Gao Yuan's 'Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix', I feel like all the suona pieces I've heard before during banquets were counterfeit products!"

"When 'Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix' started, tears suddenly welled up in my eyes!"

"Just now, the sound was a bit loud and the old man in the next room heard it. He actually told me that after he dies, he must have Gao Yuan play this 'Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix' for him!"

"Oh, I don't know whether to laugh or cry."

"I think the guy earlier should consider whether he can afford to invite Gao Yuan when the time comes!"

"Indeed! When Gao Yuan leaves his job as a delivery guy, his status will definitely skyrocket!"

"So, if you want to invite Gao Yuan to play the suona, you better book early?"

Before dawn.

At 11:30 p.m.

Gao Yuan finished his delivery work for the day.

Then he hurried to a hotel near the Jiangcheng Sports Center.

He met the Phoenix Miracle.

They had been singing continuously for three hours at the concert, and although they were a bit tired, their spirits were still good.

Especially Linghua, who held Gao Yuan's hand and kept asking questions.

Like chatting with family.

As for Zeng Yi, he didn't say much.

But when Gao Yuan was leaving, he patted his shoulder and said,

"Do well, and when you have a concert someday, invite me and Aunt Linghua as guests!"

The next day.

After the Phoenix Miracle finished some business activities in Jiangcheng,

They moved on to the next city.

The Phoenix Miracle National Concert is still ongoing.

And Gao Yuan's delivery work is also continuing.


[You have a new order reminder!]

I'll take it!


I'll take it!


I'll take it! I'll take it! I'll take it again!

Gao Yuan has almost formed muscle memory.

When the delivery app's notification sound comes out of his phone,

There is only one action.

Grab it!

As for what the order is?

Grab it first and then see!

Gao Yuan moved his phone screen a little further away, frowned, and looked at the order's notes.

For a moment, he fell into contemplation...

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