If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 87 Translate Translate! Even If It Is Divided Into Life And Death, It Will Be Decided! 【1,Pl

"James Curry?"

Upon hearing Xiao Zhou say that someone wanted to see him, Gao Yuan paused and furrowed his brow, asking, "Who is it?"

"Is it James and Curry, the basketball players in the NBA?"

"Why are they looking for me?"

"I don't play basketball."

"It's not about basketball."

Xiao Zhou smiled and shook his head, saying, "It's someone named James Curry, who claims to be a rock climber. He is the head of the extreme sports organization visiting Jiangcheng this time."


Gao Yuan thought for a moment, realizing that there was indeed such a person, a legend in the rock climbing community.

Subconsciously, he looked at Mr. Cheng and asked, "Mr. Cheng, should I meet him?"

"Just meet him," Mr. Cheng said indifferently. "You've kept him waiting for two days, it's about time."

"Whether you accept the invitation or not, just meeting him won't hurt. Besides, you won't lose a piece of meat."

From the tone of his voice, it seemed that in Mr. Cheng's eyes, this James, this Curry, this James Curry, were not as valuable as a piece of Gao Yuan's meat.

"Then, Xiao Zhou, please ask him to come over," Gao Yuan said. After speaking, he realized that this was Mr. Cheng's territory and asked, "Mr. Cheng, is it convenient here?"

Mr. Cheng nodded and said, "It's fine, I don't have anything to do anyway, and I'll help you keep an eye on things."

In the live broadcast room, when it was heard that James Curry was coming to see Gao Yuan, the netizens began to anticipate.

"Is this James Curry the rock climbing legend who used to question Gao Yuan?"

"Yes, it's him! This guy was initially critical of Gao Yuan, but later became a fan! At first, he questioned Gao Yuan so much, and now he praises him!"

"But why is he the one leading this? It feels like he started this whole thing, right?"

"Things can't be seen in a one-sided manner. I think this guy criticized Gao Yuan purely for the sake of criticism. Later, he became a so-called fan of Gao Yuan, most likely for the sake of popularity!"

"Indeed, this time in China, as long as the challenge goes smoothly, he will gain a wave of popularity!"

"Even the extreme sports community has begun to be corrupted by capital and popularity?"

"Naive! Without capital and popularity, who would sponsor their clothing, who would fund their extreme sports around the world? Most sports, if they become popular, are all about making big money!"

After a while, James Curry, led by Xiao Zhou, arrived in the room.

This was the first time Gao Yuan had seen him.

Perhaps he had seen him before, but he hadn't paid much attention, so it didn't count as having met.

James Curry was not muscular, but he had a strong presence.

He was a white person, or possibly black.

Just not as dark.

"Ni Menghao!"

As soon as he entered, James Curry greeted in fluent Mandarin with a different accent.

"Mr. Curry, hello, I am Gao Yuan."

Gao Yuan walked over and shook hands with James Curry.

Then he looked at Jiangnan and Chu Yutong and asked, "Jiangnan, Yutong, which one of you is better at English? Can you help me translate?"

As Gao Yuan's words fell, everyone in the room froze.

They all looked at Gao Yuan as if they were looking at a fool.

"Gao Yuan!"

Jiangnan stood up and hurried to Gao Yuan's side, saying, "You just spoke English!"

"Are you drunk or something?"

James Curry also looked at Gao Yuan in confusion and said, "Mr. Gao, are you playing a very advanced joke?"

"To be honest, I am amused by your advanced sense of humor!"

No, you're not!

The tone of your speech, your expression...

They all say that you don't feel amused!


Gao Yuan chuckled lightly and said, "I am a Chinese person, and I prefer to communicate in Mandarin."

"So, do we need a translator, what do you think?"

"I understand!"

James Curry remained unfazed, sat down, and said, "Mr. Gao, we didn't communicate with you in advance about our visit to China. I apologize for that and hope you can forgive us, for God's sake."

Gao Yuan's English level is pretty good.

He can understand what James Curry is saying.

After all, he has a system and can stack skills anytime, anywhere.

But instead of speaking directly, he looks at Jiangnan.

He gestures for her to translate and emphasizes:

"A literal translation."

Jiangnan takes a deep breath.

Then she translates James Curry's words word for word.

Mr. Cheng and Chu Yutong, who were watching the show on the side, couldn't help but laugh.

Over here.

After listening to Jiangnan's translation, Gao Yuan picks up a cup of tea with tea leaves, takes a sip, and then says:

"Unfortunately, God doesn't work for me!"

Jiangnan rolls her eyes.

After translating Gao Yuan's words to James Curry.

James Curry exaggeratedly asks:


"Why would you say such a thing?"

"Don't you have faith?!"

James Curry can't believe it.

Someone actually doesn't believe in God!

If you don't believe, that's fine.

But to dare to say that God is useless?

It's simply outrageous!

After listening to Jiangnan's translation, Gao Yuan coldly says:

"That's your God, not mine!"

"Mr. James, if you want to discuss God, discuss deities, I will accompany you to the end!"

"But if you dare to question my faith, I will make you regret coming to China!"

After saying that, Gao Yuan leans forward slightly, looking at James Curry.

As if ready to take action at any moment.

In the live broadcast room.

Netizens are instantly excited.

"Oh my god! Gao Yuan's rhythm is so awesome! The way he starts with translation is definitely a negotiation technique that should be written into textbooks!"

"Is that so? I thought Gao Yuan was just joking!"

"Does Gao Yuan really want to kill James Curry at the first sign of trouble?"

"Kill him! This guy actually dares to question our faith, kill him!"

"I can only say that James Curry actually said 'for the sake of God' in front of a Chinese person, his brain must be squeezed by the door!"

"I thought the rock climbing guru was such an amazing person, but turns out he's like this?"

"NO! NO! NO!"

After the translation finishes Gao Yuan's words.

A slightly nervous James Curry immediately waves his hand and says:

"I didn't question your faith, I know there are many gods in your China."

"So can we see it as a favor to your gods?"

After Jiangnan translates.

Gao Yuan rolls his eyes weakly and suddenly smiles and asks:

"Mr. James, are you from Tian Country?"

Seeing the other nod, Gao Yuan suddenly smiles and says:

"Forget about God, I actually really like your Jesus."

"Because I really like the idea of crucifying Jesus and then worshiping him."

"This is just too cool, it gives me inspiration on how to proceed after feeling my way across the river!"


After hearing the translation, James Curry looks confused.

He didn't understand what Gao Yuan was saying at all.

Gao Yuan also doesn't intend to continue delving into this topic and says:

"Mr. James, let's get straight to the point."

"Why have you come to see me?"

"It's about a challenge."

James Curry quickly explains his intentions, saying:

"We came to China just to have a friendly technical exchange with you."

"You know, those of us who play extreme sports always want to challenge the masters we meet."

"Defeat them, and then we can all improve together!"

...This statement can be considered in the field of extreme sports.

For now, let's just leave it at that.

But it doesn't matter.

Gao Yuan spreads his hands and smiles:

"According to our Chinese customs, if you want to challenge me, you must first present a formal request!"

"By directly coming to my door like this, according to the rules, you're telling me that it's a matter of life and death, and also a matter of superiority and inferiority!"


After listening to the translation of Gao Yuan's words, James Curry's eyes widen and he blurts out:


James Curry was dumbfounded.

Since he entered and saw the palace.

He would occasionally sense a strong killing intent from the other side!

Weren't we here for an extreme sports competition?

Why do we have to talk about life and death?

James Curry's face turned ugly as he said,

"Mr. Gao, you've misunderstood us."

"It's just a challenge, a friendly challenge that doesn't have to have a winner or loser!"

Can't we just have a competition together, gain popularity and make money?

Why do we have to talk about life and death?

At this moment,

Mr. Cheng saw that Gao Yuan was already considering accepting.

He was just hesitating about something.

He smiled and said,

"Gao Yuan, since they don't understand the rules."

"Then you can teach them the rules during the competition!"

After saying that, he looked at Jiangnan and the translator, and said,

"You don't need to translate my words. It's better if you don't translate them!"

The first half of the sentence was directed at Jiangnan.

The second half was directed at the translator.


Gao Yuan's eyes lit up involuntarily.

Indeed, the old saying goes, "The ginger is still hot!"

He couldn't help but give Mr. Cheng a thumbs up, and then said to James Curry,

"Alright, it's not early tonight."

"Tomorrow is the weekend, let's find a place, sit down at a table, and have a good chat about the competition."

"OK! OK!"

James Curry immediately became happy when he heard that, and excitedly said,

"We should definitely have a good chat!"

In the live broadcast room,

The barrage was densely packed.

"Hahaha! Gao Yuan's words instantly determined life and death, completely bewildering this guy!"

"I really admire Gao Yuan! Where did he come up with such a strong killing intent?"

"I think James Curry must regret coming to China! It's too scary!"

"We're going to sit together and discuss the arrangement of the game tomorrow. I'm so looking forward to it! I hope Gao Yuan completely crushes these foreigners and shuts them up!"

"Don't worry, if Gao Yuan says he can win, then he will definitely win!"

"Give them a taste of their own medicine, open their eyes!"

After receiving satisfactory replies,

They discussed the time for tomorrow.

James Curry left quickly with the translator.

On Gao Yuan's side,

Because he had been drinking,

He couldn't drive after drinking, so he had to leave his electric bike here.

Fortunately, they had already made plans.

Rest for the next two days.

Finally, Xiao Zhou drove Gao Yuan and Jiangnan back home.

Back at home,

Xu Xiaosa helped Gao Yuan, who was getting drunk, and supported him back to the bedroom to sleep first.


"My head hurts!"

The next day, when he woke up,

Gao Yuan felt like his head was about to explode.

Alcohol was really not a good thing.

After a hangover, his brain protested.

He glanced at the time.

It was already past ten o'clock.

The sun was shining in.

Half of the cool mat was being heated, making it uncomfortable.

Gao Yuan woke up half because of the heat and half because he needed to pee.

".々Sigh, it's still the old problem of drinking, I can't remember anything!"

Gao Yuan tried to recall.

He found that his memory of yesterday only went as far as getting off Xiao Zhou's car.

After that,

It was a blank.

Gao Yuan sat up and looked at the room, it was his own bedroom.

That's good.

Then he looked at what he was wearing, there was only a pair of underwear!

Did I take off my clothes myself?

Gao Yuan was confused for a moment.

After getting out of bed,

Gao Yuan felt extremely thirsty.

Put on casual clothes and went to the living room to get some water.

Arrived in the living room.

Gao Yuan groggily fetched water.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a figure on the sofa!

He turned his head to take a look.

Oh, it's Xu Xiaosa.

At this moment, Xu Xiaosa was lying diagonally on the sofa, squinting as if asleep.

The sunlight shone on her face through the curtains.

Gao Yuan unexpectedly felt a sense of tranquility.


Gao Yuan quickly dismissed these thoughts.

Indeed, alcohol is not a good thing.

Even after a night, it still makes a man have other thoughts!

"Xiaosa sister?"

Gao Yuan walked over with a cup and called out.

Xu Xiaosa didn't react.

"Xu Xiaosa!"

Gao Yuan lightly kicked the leg of the sofa with his toe.

Xu Xiaosa then opened her eyes.

Seeing Gao Yuan, she sat up and frowned, saying,

"When did you wake up?"

"I was thinking of waiting for you to wake up so we could have breakfast together, but ended up sitting here for a while and fell asleep."


Gao Yuan nodded and said,

"I'm going to freshen up.

After breakfast.

Gao Yuan said to Xu Xiaosa,

"At two o'clock this afternoon, we need to go to Jiangcheng International Hotel to discuss the competition."

"You should come along."


As her assistant, this is what she should do. Xu Xiaosa nodded and asked,

"Are you the only one from Huaxia?"

"It seems not."

Gao Yuan shook her head and said,

"When I was seeing off James Curry last night, he mentioned it.

"There are people in Huaxia (Liao Hao) who are into extreme sports, and they will also participate."

"After all, as this guy put it, playing extreme sports is a circle."

"It's rare to come to Huaxia, so naturally we should get together and exchange techniques."

"So are these people on your side?"

Xu Xiaosa was more concerned about this.

She thought,

If during the competition, Gao Yuan is alone against everyone.

Even if she wins.

It will still feel somewhat desolate.

Just like the athletes who came alone and crossed the ocean to participate in the Olympics.

"They should be."

Gao Yuan nodded, then shook her head and smiled, saying,

"In the end, I don't fully consider myself part of their circle of extreme sports."

"Although I don't care whether I'm part of this circle or not."

"But since we're going to compete, I will definitely give it my all and show them what I'm made of!"

Gao Yuan thought.

When James Curry saw her yesterday.

Although he said some words of apology, there was no sincerity at all.

From beginning to end, he didn't realize where they went wrong.

Instead, he always had an attitude of "we do things this way in other places, the problem lies with your Huaxia customs being too strict."

Indeed, it's a country with a history of only 200 years.

They probably won't understand the idiom "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

After breakfast.

Gao Yuan watched some videos of extreme sports.


They really got him fired up.

No wonder.

Even if extreme sports can be life-threatening with a slight mistake, there are still people who are drawn to it.

At first, Gao Yuan couldn't understand.

But after watching these videos, he finally figured out two words:

Courting death!

Of course, this "courting death" is not a derogatory term.

Because a part of human progress comes from courting death!

Just as Gao Yuan was feeling emotional, Xu Xiaosa came to the living room and said,

"Gao Yuan, it's almost time."

"You go change your clothes, pack up, we should leave!"

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