If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 90 Crooked? 110? I Report Someone Who Doesn't Talk About Wude! 【4, Ask For Subscription

Live room.

Early in the morning, more than 300,000 netizens flooded in.

"They're here, they're here! After waiting for so long, it's finally about to start!"

"This development is really inexplicable. A delivery driver who should be delivering food properly is now playing extreme [dog head][dog head][dog head]."

"Young man, if you don't add a dog head, you'll be beaten into a dog head!"

"Does anyone know what the challenge projects are?"

"I don't know. All I know is that extreme sports can be really dangerous if not done well!"

"I saw a post last night about the death rates of some extreme sports, and they are really high!"

"In Gao Yuan's eight sacred places of the eight challenges, I estimate that they could open an office in the underworld!"

Press conference scene.

As representatives of both sides.

Gao Yuan and James Curry sat in front of the table, accepting media interviews.

"Mr. Curry..."

A journalist raised his hand to ask a question.

"From what I know, the death rate of extreme sports is extremely high."

"So, are people who play extreme sports actively seeking death, as some people say?"

Right from the start, it was the most acute question.

Who made extreme sports all about excitement, adrenaline, and risking one's life?

After translating the journalist's question.

James Curry said confidently, "Extreme sports pursue a return to nature, integration with nature, self-challenge, and exploration of the essence of life."

"Death is just an unavoidable part of our pursuit of these things."

"But you can't say that the goal of extreme sports is death, just like how people are alive but ultimately destined to die, with a death rate of 100%, right?"

Then another journalist asked, "Compared to traditional sports, extreme sports are more apparent in terms of self-challenge, visual stimulation, technological penetration, and commercial activities."

"Mr. Curry, how do you view the commercial activities brought about by extreme sports?"

Another sharp question.

It seems that the media today came prepared.

Gao Yuan was not asked.

So he could observe how this climbing god calmly dealt with the media.


Gao Yuan is always learning.

"As you can see."

James Curry did not evade this question at all and said, "Extreme sports have a strong technological penetration."

"Because various dangers occur during the self-challenge process, even death."

"So continuous improvement of technology and upgrading of equipment are effective ways to avoid casualties."

"And all of this requires money."

"So commercial activities are inevitable."

"When a sport cannot create value and wealth, it is not far from death!"

James Curry not only did not evade this question.

He also brought up commercial activities as something essential and legitimate.


The media asked more questions.

Some were ordinary, while others were sharp.

James Curry effortlessly handled them all.

During the break between questions.

James Curry saw the admiration and doubt on Gao Yuan's face and whispered, "Compared to the foreign media, the questions asked by your Chinese media can only be considered mild."

Gao Yuan was speechless.

It seems that if he goes abroad in the future.

He needs to be mentally prepared to face foreign media.


For now, Gao Yuan decided to be a cute and harmless little rabbit.

That's how he positioned himself.

When he is asked questions later.

He should respond with grace, politeness, and courtesy.

After this ideological construction, a journalist threw a question at Gao Yuan.

"Gao Yuan, as we all know, extreme sports often amaze people."

"So, as an artist, did you join this sport to gain more popularity and attention?"



It's simply unreasonable!

Gao Yuan instantly had three rebuttals in his mind.

Then he smiled and said, "Just as Mr. Curry said earlier."

"Extreme sports cannot avoid commercial activities, and therefore cannot avoid popularity and attention."

"Whether it's extreme sports or other acts of human self-challenge, if you just keep it to yourself and avoid popularity and attention, then humanity cannot progress.

"Similarly, my identity as an artist does not prevent me from engaging in extreme sports.

"If it's for popularity and attention..."

"I don't need to boast, just by having this face, I already have enough popularity and attention!"

"Do you agree?"

Gao Yuan's voice fell.

The journalist smiled awkwardly.

Damn it.

This person speaks so straightforwardly!

Narcissistic to this extent, yet unable to refute.

So angry!

So annoying!

In the live broadcast room.

Netizens were going crazy.

"Hahaha! Gao Yuan is so narcissistic! Makes me want to punch him!"

"Oh my god! How can he say such things with a straight face? I'm blushing for him!"

"But you can't deny that Gao Yuan's face is the key to popularity!"

"You're right, I didn't notice, but today Gao Yuan seems to have done some makeup and looks even more handsome!"

"Oh no, I already predicted that Gao Yuan's statement will become a hot topic!"

Another journalist asked,

"Gao Yuan, there are some netizens criticizing you online."

"They say that when you talk about a certain Western country, you are too aggressive."

"Without the gentle and refined virtues of the Chinese culture."

"How do you respond to this criticism?"


Gentle and refined?

Gao Yuan put on his classic mischievous smile and said,

"As we all know, my zodiac sign is the rabbit."

"As a rabbit, I have always been kind and harmless to others."

"You can't say a rabbit is aggressive just because it bites someone when it's angry, and it's not gentle and refined."

"Friend, my understanding of being gentle and refined is smiling on the surface but cursing in my heart. When you meet someone like that, you have to be careful, as they might stab you in the back!"

The journalist was speechless.

Gao Yuan, this person, looks gentle but is prickly all over.

"Gao Yuan."

After this journalist finished, Jiang Nan raised his hand and asked,

"Some netizens have noticed that you often read The Analects at home."

"How do you interpret some of the sayings in The Analects?"


Many people on-site and in the live broadcast room showed expressions of confusion.

How could Jiang Nan ask such unrelated questions?

Gao Yuan also didn't understand.

He could only nod and ask,

"Which saying in The Analects do you want to talk about?"

Jiang Nan thought for a moment and said,

"A person who is not known and remains unruffled, is he not a true gentleman?"

"How do you personally interpret it?"


Gao Yuan rubbed his chin, his mouth slightly upturned, and said,

"My interpretation is... "

"Some people don't know my name, but I haven't gotten angry yet, which already makes me a true gentleman."


Everyone present, including the foreigners who listened to the translation, were dumbfounded.

Is this how this saying from The Analects is interpreted?

Suppressing his laughter, Jiang Nan asked again,

"Isn't a true gentleman not imposing?"

Gao Yuan replied,

"A true gentleman must strike hard when fighting, otherwise he won't establish his authority."

"If you have come, then accept it?"

"Since you have come here, then be buried here."

"The Master does not speak of strange, strength, chaos, or divine?"

"The Master doesn't want to talk, but when he unleashes his strange strength, he beats people until they lose their senses."

"He who hears the Way in the morning can die content in the evening?"

"In the morning, I found out the way to your house, so you can die in the evening!"

"When three people walk together, there must be one who can be my teacher?"

"If there are three people, as long as one of them is me, my combat power is equivalent to a whole army!"

"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge?"

"You should know what you need to know and know less about what you don't need to know, understand?"


Everyone is in chaos.

Watching Jiangnan and Gao Yuan at the press conference, they engage in a dialogue based on the words from "The Analects".


Is this "The Analects"?

Is this really "The Analects"?

The one who said this is not Confucius.

But damn it, it's Gao Yuan, right?!

The Chinese side is in chaos.

The people led by James Curry are also confused.

They are a little panicked.

Because they inexplicably feel that Gao Yuan's understanding is so reasonable.


Jiangnan smiled slightly and said,

"I have finished asking my questions."

The media reporters were speechless again.

Jiangnan's questioning completely disrupted their rhythm, and they even forgot the questions they had prepared in their minds.

So they began to open their little notes one after another.

Just at this moment.

Gao Yuan said to James Curry,

"It's about time, I think we should start the challenge."


The reporters looked at the half-opened notes in their hands.

They wanted to cry but had no tears.


Can you not be like this?

Is it too much?


Is this 110?

I report, there is a person here who lacks martial ethics!

In the live broadcast room.

Netizens are also in chaos.

The barrage has already exploded.

"I can't believe it, is this really The Analects?"

"This is crazy! Really, I'm completely going crazy! I feel like my DNA is messed up!"

"Although it's a bit inexplicable, why does it make sense?"

"It is said that Confucius was a tall and strong man who liked to ride a chariot with three thousand people and four horses. So, are these words his true intention?"

"So, we have always misunderstood Confucius's words?"

"Well, everyone calm down! If this continues, I estimate that the people from the Kong family will make Gao Yuan apologize to the whole country at the Confucius Temple!"

"Gao Yuan's behavior of showing off and then wanting to run away really leaves people speechless!"

After experiencing the arrogance when he arrived...

And the farce that followed.

And a press conference that seemed to have a weak ending.

All because of Gao Yuan.

Initiated by James Curry and led by him, the first Jiangcheng International Extreme Sports Challenge, in which other top domestic extreme sports athletes participated, finally officially began!

The first challenge.

Is parkour, which is currently most popular and widely loved by the public!

In the most professional parkour base in Jiangcheng City.

The challenge began.

Although it is a challenge.

But when the competition started, it didn't feel like a competition at all.

Instead, it was a process for the parkour masters to showcase themselves.

Gao Yuan refused to be the first to perform.

What a joke!

How could the protagonist go on stage first?

So Gao Yuan stood in front of the crowd with James Curry, watching the performances of domestic and foreign parkour masters participating in the challenge.

The audience was thrilled by their superb skills.

They couldn't help but scream.

They wished they could join in and play a few rounds themselves.

Gao Yuan stood on the side observing.

He was also learning.

After all, this was his first time encountering this kind of thing, and he didn't know how to play.

For example, just now, that master.

When he jumped down from a five or six-meter high platform.

He used his left and right legs.

He used force to gain momentum.

Very easily, he landed below.

This drew applause and cheers from the onlookers.

And if Gao Yuan jumps down from this high platform...


He would probably just take two steps forward and jump.

Followed by a roll on the ground.

Release the force.

Anyway, some movies are done like this.

There are also experts who jump from one wall to another.

Their bodies rotate in the air, fancy and entertaining.

If you don't understand...

Gao Yuan would probably just jump over without any fuss.

Parkour requires technique.

Gao Yuan observes and learns while doing so.

He taps James Curry next to him and asks,

"James, do you play parkour?"


At this moment, James Curry is eating a pancake sent by an assistant,

He eats it like a taco in a few bites and says,

"I do rock climbing, which is relatively static.

"Parkour is a dynamic game played by young people. I'm too old now, my arms and legs can't handle it anymore!"

"You're only in your thirties, right?"

Gao Yuan glances at James Curry.

He thinks he looks about thirty-five or six.

"Forty-year-old man!"

James Curry sighs.

He has a sense of being old and still able to climb.

"Speaking of..."

Gao Yuan thinks of something. He had a doubt when he first heard about this person, so he asks,

"Do you know James and Curry who play basketball in the NBA?"

"Do you have any relatives with them?"

James Curry's face turns dark.

He angrily says,

"I hate this question the most!"

"Ever since these two came out in the NBA, people have been asking me this question!"

"Actually, although I later got to know these two people."

"But I really have absolutely no connection with them!"

No connection means no connection.

Why is he getting angry?

Gao Yuan shakes his head and keeps his eyes on the parkour expert who is about to perform.

After this person finishes a set of moves,

Causing applause and screams from the audience,

Gao Yuan asks,

"What do you think of our domestic athletes compared to foreign ones?"

James Curry thinks for a moment and asks,

"Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"Of course, the truth!"

Gao Yuan rolls his eyes.

Who wants to hear a lie?

"The truth is..."

James Curry shrugs and says,

"These Chinese parkour athletes are very good technically."

"Compared to foreign experts, they are not much worse."

"But I haven't seen the soul of parkour in them!"

The soul of parkour?

Gao Yuan is stunned and turns his head to look at James Curry.

He thinks to himself,

You, a forty-year-old man who can barely climb, understand nothing about the soul of parkour!

"Gao Yuan!"

Just then,

The host on the scene calls Gao Yuan's name and says,

"The last parkour athlete to perform is our Gao Yuan!"

"Let's give him applause, screams, and cheers!"

And in the next moment,

The scene immediately erupts with deafening screams and cheers.

"Gao Yuan! Gao Yuan! Gao Yuan!"

"Victory! Victory! Victory!"

Amidst the screams and cheers,

Gao Yuan takes a deep breath, raises his right hand, and waves as he walks out.

However, at this moment,

A parkour expert on the scene suddenly stops Gao Yuan and loudly says,

"Gao, you can't do this like that!"


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