Everyone was very surprised. A chef came here to compete to perform all his cooking skills, but instead showed off his singing voice?

The contrast is so great!

And he calls himself the Pavarotti of the chef world.……

"Just brag! I want to see, as a cook, can you really be as good as Pavarotti?"Xiao Zhang, who was in front of the TV, said a little unconvinced.

Zhao Zhishu:"It's actually a performance and singing. It's so unexpected. So what song are you going to sing?

Master No. 1 immediately replied:"My sun!""

"He really looks like Pavarotti! So now I invite Master No. 1 to perform, my sun!"

As a result, when the chef took the microphone, he opened his mouth and made people kneel down.

A high-pitched and powerful voice suddenly penetrated the ears. The voice seemed to be able to break people's eardrums, making people tremble all over.

This voice was unexpected. Unprepared, the entire audience was shocked.

Comrade Xiao Zhang was shocked:"This tone is so high! It feels like Pavarotti is singing!"

In fact, not only Xiao Zhang was shocked, but also many viewers in front of the TV and the audience at the scene were very shocked. No one thought that a chef could sing such a high tone, so majestic and trembling. I thought again , Master No. 1 has such talent, what about the other masters?

So, their interest was completely aroused.

At the end of the song, the audience burst into applause.

The three judges also stood up and applauded

"It’s really Pavarotti! Your voice shocked me, I gave it to you!"

"You are the best singer I have ever seen! Without a doubt, my answer is yes!"

"No need to say, yes!"


The first expert received three yeses and passed unanimously!

Master No. 1 retreats and Master No. 2 comes on.

Master No. 2 is a thin old man with silver hair, who looks to be in his seventies or eighties.

The three judges immediately stood up and paid tribute.

The old man had no stage fright at all. He picked up the microphone and introduced himself in a loud voice:"My name is Wang Aimin. I am a retired worker and I am currently taking care of my grandson at home."

Zhao Zhishu asked respectfully:"Old man, may you have a long life?" ?"

Master No. 2:"I am 82 years old this year, and I will be 83 in two months. I may be the oldest among the contestants!"

Everyone made a sound of shock. An 82-year-old man can still come. Participate?

So what does he perform?

Feng Feifei gave a thumbs up:"Old man, it's really enviable that you are in such good spirits at your age! When you came up just now, I thought you were only in your 60s."

Master No. 2 laughed loudly:"It's right to look young! Since I retired, I have practiced yoga every day when I have free time. I have persisted for more than 20 years, so I have maintained a strong state!"

Jin Dagang had an idea:"So, you want to perform yoga?"

"Right! I'm just here to perform yoga!"

So, under the gaze of everyone, the old man Wang Aimin began to show his yoga ability.

On the fitness mat, his body flexibly bent 180 degrees, and his feet and hands were bent and entangled with each other, maintaining balance and supporting with his hands. He held his body, which really made people worry that it would break.

Then, he performed difficult yoga movements one after another, and there was also an inverted one, which shocked everyone's eyes.

"I have never seen an 80-year-old man perform such a difficult action! My answer is yes!"

"I really envy your mental state. I think it’s time for me to practice yoga. So my answer to you is yes!"

"Your yoga practice is better than mine, I give you yes!"

Another unanimous vote passed, and the atmosphere was very high.

Then came the third master. The third master was a farmer. He was particularly envious of the God of Gamblers' flying card skills in the movie, so he practiced flying cards when he had free time. , finally mastered this technique.

During his live performance, all the balloons within 10 meters, which were only the size of fists, were destroyed by his flying cards.

Even if they were 20 meters away, the success rate reached 80%.

It is really amazing!

Again It was unanimously approved!

In this way, one expert after another takes turns. Each expert comes from the most common profession and has the most ordinary identity, but they all have a variety of unique skills. When it is revealed, it will be absolutely amazing. Eye-catching.

Xiao Zhang and the audience in front of the TV all watched with gusto.

Especially their identities resonated with them the most.

They are all ordinary people, but they can also have dreams and excel. This is the so-called master!

Programs for civilians can also be very exciting, and the ratings have only been rising.

By the time the program reached the second half, the ratings had reached 3.75%, which was a very impressive ratings level and set a new record for Star TV's premiere ratings!

When the previous programs were first launched, they did not reach this level!

This means that,《**Talent Show" is an unexpected hit!

Moreover, based on market feedback, this may become a national variety show!

"This show is really beautiful and exciting. It has all kinds of talents. It is much more interesting than celebrities performing and singing. I will follow this show every week from now on!"Xiao Zhang made up his mind.

Finally, as the program came to an end, behind-the-scenes highlights of the selection process began to play.

As the highlights played, a song sounded:

Where is the world full of flowers

? If it really exists, then I will definitely will go


"This is... it seems to be Lianxue's voice! This is their new song!"Xiao Zhang was excited.

Love Snow Love Wine is her favorite music group. Although it has always been very mysterious, the music they released is very outstanding and classic. All the songs are treasured by her and listened to on a loop.

Today Hearing new music again is a great blessing!

I immediately turned up the volume to the maximum and listened closely.

I think the highest mountain peak stands there. Isn’t it a cliff?


The name of this song is"Chasing Dreams". Although it is not as classic as the previous songs, it seems particularly suitable when used in the ** talent show competition selection. It just makes ordinary people chase their dreams and not be afraid of hardships. The innocent sentiment of not being afraid of tiredness was sung, which particularly resonated with everyone.

The behind-the-scenes selection footage, the sweat and tears of ordinary people, plus this song"Chasing Dreams" finally boosted《**Talent Show" ratings exceeded 4% in one fell swoop, becoming a national variety show!

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