If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 17 Has someone entered a forbidden realm?

The dazzling light came into his eyes.

It was as if the stone pillars held up the sun, and the dazzling light shot in all directions, and the golden light that seemed to be there and not there also rippled.

If you look from a distance, you will find that the top of the trial peak is bright at this moment, just like a bright sun falling on the top of the peak in the dark night.

"That is..."

"What is that?"

"Oh my, is this the cultivation test of the outer sect trial?"

"Who can activate the crystal ball to emit such a bright light?"

"Hiss! Such a bright and dazzling light... Could someone have entered the forbidden realm?"

"Is it Liu Yang or Lu Zhen? Or is it Mu Qingxue?"


The bright light on the top of the trial peak illuminated the entire outer sect.

Many outer sect disciples who did not go to watch the outer sect trial were attracted by the bright light and cast surprised eyes.

"Let's go and take a look!"

An outer sect disciple hesitated for a moment, and then ran towards the trial peak.

After so many years in Taixuan Sect, this was the first time they saw such an amazing light.

At this moment, the trial peak was still dead silent, and everyone seemed to have lost their vocal cords and breath collectively.

The dazzling light even made some outer disciples with insufficient cultivation unable to open their eyes, and they could only put their hands in front of their eyes and watch through their fingers.

The dazzling light did not last long. When Su Chen's hand moved away from the crystal ball, the light quickly receded like a tide.

Su Chen stood quietly in front of the crystal ball, his face calm and calm.


The whole audience remained silent for several seconds before a violent noise broke out.

"Forbidden! Taboo! Realm!"

It was unknown how long it took before the shocking voice, word by word, broke the silence.

"The forbidden realm! This is the forbidden realm! This is the real forbidden realm!"

"How is this possible? How could someone really step into the legendary forbidden realm?!"

"I always thought that the forbidden realm was just a legend, but I didn't expect to see it today."

"It's not Liu Yang! It's not Lu Zhen! It's not Mu Qingxue! It's... Su Chen!"

"It turns out that the junior brothers and sisters were not bragging... It turns out that Senior Brother Su Chen really stepped into the legendary forbidden realm!"

"The legendary realm actually appeared! Senior Brother Su Chen really stepped into the legendary forbidden realm just as those junior brothers and sisters said!"


When the silence was broken, the whole audience was like a chain reaction, and waves of shock followed one after another.


"How is this possible! How could it be a real forbidden realm?!"

"This... Impossible! It's impossible!"

Lu Zhen looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief, his expression full of horror.

He didn't dare to believe it, and he didn't want to believe what he saw.

The idea of ​​trying to find a trace of psychological comfort was completely futile.

Su Chen's supporters were not exaggerating!


really entered the forbidden realm!

At this moment, Lu Zhen felt as if his chest was blocked by something, which made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

Liu Yang, who had been keeping his arms across his chest and keeping silent, opened his mouth subconsciously at this moment, wanting to say something, but no sound came out for a long time.

The third blow!

And it was stronger than the blows given to him by Lu Zhen and Mu Qingxue!

The forbidden realm!

This is a realm that he will never be able to enter in his lifetime with his talent!

Mu Qingxue, who was not far away, was also shocked, and her originally calm state was broken again.

Her Supreme had mentioned to her many times how difficult it was to reach the forbidden realm.

Even she had no way to enter the forbidden realm before her own physique was successfully awakened.

But now!

For the first time in reality, she saw a genius who had truly entered the forbidden realm!

Not in ancient books, not in the mouth of her master.

But in front of her!

The originally peaceful state of mind was disturbed again. Mu Qingxue thought that the master would blame her.

However, the familiar voice in her mind did not blame her, but was full of emotion.

"The master actually misjudged and overlooked such a genius..."

"But it doesn't matter. If your physique is fully awakened, the forbidden realm will not be a problem for you at all."

"This world is vast and boundless, and there are countless geniuses like crucian carp crossing the river. He can enter the forbidden realm in the Qi Condensation Realm, and he is indeed worthy of the word genius."

"But it is hard to say whether he can enter the forbidden realm in the Qi Sea Realm or even the God Platform Realm. Your future achievements may not be inferior to his."

"No! To be precise, it will definitely be higher than him. With your physique and the existence of the Three Thousand Qing Palace Jue, you will definitely be an existence that he looks up to in the future, so there is no need to be emotionally disturbed by this matter."

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