
"This is...the perfect-level phantom...under the moon?"

After a long silence, Liu Yang, who was as big as a mountain, finally spoke.

But he couldn't say a single word after stuttering for a long time.

He practiced the middle-grade yellow-level martial arts, Shadow, and had already reached the great perfection. He knew how difficult it was to upgrade the martial arts to a higher level.

In order to practice the middle-grade yellow-level Shadow to the great perfection, he made a lot of efforts, but he still couldn't get over the hurdle of the perfect level.


Su Chen practiced the upper-grade yellow-level Phantom Moon to perfection!

The gap between the great perfection and the perfect perfection of martial arts is very huge, even greater than the gap between the entry level and the great perfection of martial arts!

"Is this...the demon above the top genius?"

Liu Yang looked at Su Chen in the field and murmured in a low voice, and then fell into silence again.

It has always been others who lamented the gap between him and him.

This is the first time he has experienced the huge gap between him and the demon.

This gap is simply despairing!

Even Lu Zhen did not make him completely despair.

Even Mu Qingxue's talent and strength can make him want to catch up.

But now Su Chen's powerful talent made him completely lose the idea of ​​catching up.

He knew that with his qualifications, he would never be able to catch up with such a terrifying monster!

He could become stronger.

But Su Chen's speed of becoming stronger would only be faster and faster than his!

The gap between the two is a gap that can never be crossed!

"Perfect level Phantom Moon..."

"How is this possible? How could he practice Phantom Moon to perfection while entering the forbidden realm?"

Lu Zhen's eyes were dull, and he looked at Su Chen in the field with disbelief.

Su Chen faced the siege of thirty puppets and only made slight movements to avoid all attacks.

He and Su Chen practiced Phantom Moon of the upper grade of the yellow level.

But he just barely reached the great success, and he knew the difficulty of practicing Phantom Moon to perfection.

It was difficult for him to touch the corner of Su Chen's clothes just for the perfect Phantom Moon!

Coupled with Su Chen's strong cultivation in the forbidden realm, Lu Zhen suddenly believed the boasting of Su Chen's supporters before.

Or rather, it was not boasting at all, but stating the facts!

Such a Su Chen really has the strength to kill him in seconds!

With Su Chen's body movements and cultivation, it is very likely that he will be completely killed before he can react!

Lu Zhen was silent as death.

Was it because of his mystery that he ignored the existence of such a genius in Taixuan Sect? !

With a long sigh in his heart, he felt unprecedented powerlessness.

Mu Qingxue seemed to be very calm on the surface, but it was just forced calmness.

Her master's origin was extremely mysterious, and he had told her many geniuses.

According to her standards, Mu Qingxue could also be regarded as a genuine genius.

But she was still far behind Su Chen.

At least before her physique was fully awakened, she was not as good as Su Chen.

"It's really surprising. I never thought that I would be wrong one day..."

"I underestimated his talent..."

The old voice sounded in her mind, which surprised Mu Qingxue.

She knew that her master had high standards.

This was the first time she heard her master speak in this tone.

When Cao Yun and some junior brothers boasted that Su Chen's Phantom Moon had reached perfection, some people still mocked them in their hearts for being idiots in cultivation.

But at this moment, these people were already shocked and speechless.

It turned out that the idiots were not those supporters who boasted about Su Chen, but themselves!

It was their own narrow vision that did not understand the horror of the evildoer!

Now they just felt very fortunate!

Luckily, they did not say the ridicule in their hearts, otherwise, I am afraid they would have been ashamed now.

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