If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 30 Is it because I was reborn?

"If Young Master Lin came here today for this matter, then you can go back."

Ye Canghai was at the top of the list, looking at Lin Hao below, and said in a deep voice.


When Lin Hao heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly, looked up at Ye Canghai, and said:

"Master Ye, what does this mean?"

Although Ye Canghai also rejected him the previous few times he came here, he did so in a subtle way and had never been so straightforward.

Today is the first time for such a straightforward rejection.

In the dark, Lin Hao had a bad premonition in his heart.

"To be honest, Young Master Lin, my daughter was engaged to the eldest son of the Su family not long ago."

Ye Canghai picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said slowly.


"Su family?"

Lin Hao frowned, thought about it carefully, and said coldly:

"But the Su family in Tianyang City?"

"Yes, he is the eldest son of the Su family in Tianyang City!"

Ye Canghai put down the tea cup, smoothed his beard, and said slowly.

When Lin Hao heard this, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Sure enough, the worst situation has emerged!

At this critical juncture, a Su family from Tianyang City unexpectedly came out and intercepted him halfway!

The Su family in Tianyang City!

That is not a small force. They also have a profound foundation and have survived hundreds of years. The family's strength is very terrifying.

The Lin family would not want to provoke such a force unless necessary.

But now, the Lin family has reached the point where they have to annex the Ye family.

As long as they can annex the Ye family, the Lin family doesn't mind becoming enemies of the Su family in Tianyang City!

When he thought of this, a flash of determination flashed deep in Lin Hao's eyes, and he said in a cold voice:

"Master Ye, don't forget that Tianyang City and Qingyang City are thousands of miles apart!"

"Master Ye, thinks the Su family can protect your Ye family?"

Lin Hao didn't know when two more golden walnuts appeared in his hand. He rubbed them gently and looked at Ye Canghai with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want the Yelin family to go to war?"

Ye Canghai's eyes suddenly widened, and a terrifying pressure instantly spread, like a huge mountain pressing down on everyone in the hall.

Lin Hao felt this pressure, his expression suddenly changed, and the two golden walnuts in his hands turned into powder at this moment.

However, at this critical moment.

An old man in black walked out from behind him and helped him offset the pressure.

This old man is the enshrined elder of their Lin family, and his overall strength is not weak.

Although not as good as Ye Canghai, it is still possible to counteract his pressure.

"What can my nephew mean? It's just a literal meaning..."

When Lin Hao saw this, his complexion returned to its original state, and he said calmly.

"Are you threatening me?"

Ye Canghai's face turned pale.

He put one hand behind his back, and veins popped out on the back of his hand.

Several times, he had the idea of ​​​​shooting directly to kill the opponent.

But when he thought about the living room of their Ye family, and that there was an elder worshiping the other party, he had no choice but to suppress the idea of ​​taking action.

at the same time.

Outside the living room, behind a rockery.

Ye Ruxue was wearing a light blue dress and stood quietly.

His whole body exuded an elegant and pure aura, and his cold eyes stared at the scene in the living room.

"Lin Hao, you should be killed!"

"The Lin family should also be destroyed!"

Although her tone was very calm, the killing intent contained in it made people shudder.

"Miss, be careful what you say!"

"We are still too close. It would be bad if we were heard..."

When Xiaoyu behind her heard this, her expression suddenly changed, and she quickly reminded her.

"Don't worry, they can't see us or hear us."

Ye Ruxue stretched out her slender jade fingers, pointed at the few spirit stones she had just thrown away, and said.

Thousands of years of cultivation experience in previous lives are not useless at all!

At least she can now arrange an illusion array at will, and no one in Qingyang City can see through it.

Even his own father, a strong man in the Divine Sea realm, couldn't see through it.

"When did Miss learn the formation?"

Xiaoyu looked at the spirit stones on the ground, scratched his head, and looked confused.

It seems that since last night, my lady has been a little different, she feels like a different person.

But she couldn't tell exactly what was different.

Considering what the young lady said just now, Xiaoyu felt that she still needed to remind her.

If the young lady really kills the young master of the Lin family on impulse, she will be in big trouble.

"Miss, just wait a few more days. When the eldest son of the Su family arrives in a few days, you two will meet. As soon as the marriage is completed, the Su family will lend a helping hand to us..."

Xiaoyu muttered something.

But before he finished speaking, a servant not far away stumbled into the hall.

While running, he shouted hurriedly:

"Home...Master, the eldest son of the Su family is here!"

When Xiaoyu heard what the servant said, joy suddenly filled her face and she said in surprise:

"Miss, did you hear that? The eldest son of the Su family is here!"

"When my uncle comes, let's see if Lin Hao still dares to act wild here!"

Although Su Chen and Ye Ruxue are not married yet.

But in Xiaoyu's eyes, the relationship between the two is already a done deal.

And not only she, but almost the entire Ye family's servants had secretly begun to call Su Chen uncle.

Because she was too excited, she didn't notice that Ye Ruxue beside her was completely stunned.


"How is this possible?"

Ye Ruxue muttered to herself, her face full of disbelief.

There is no reason!

How is this possible?

If she remembered correctly, Su Chen should arrive in Qingyang City in seven days.

And now, only one night has passed, how come he is here?

Logically speaking, Su Chen should be in seclusion at this moment!

"Is it because of my rebirth?"

Ye Ruxue thought secretly in her heart.

She pondered all night last night and had thought of it a long time ago.

Since she has been reborn, it means that as long as she intervenes, the results of many things will change.

It is even possible that the entire future will go in an unknown direction!

But what she couldn't figure out was that she hadn't done anything yet, and there were signs of something wrong.

Su Chen, who was supposed to arrive in Qingyang City in seven days, arrived today!


In the living room.

Ye Canghai, who was at the top of the list, stood up suddenly after hearing the news, with a look of surprise on his face, raised his eyebrows, and said:


"Nephew Su is here so soon? Please come and invite him!"


The servant responded quickly, and then ran out of the hall.

Lin Hao, who was sitting on the side, saw this scene, his face suddenly sank, and he looked at Ye Canghai with gloomy eyes.

Just now, he called Ye Canghai uncle, but Ye Canghai refused.

And the eldest son of the Su family has not entered the door yet, but he has already called him nephew!

It is clear at a glance who Ye Canghai is close to.


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