If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 471 The power of the Emperor of Heaven dominates the world!

"Human race!"

"You are looking for death!"

Golden Winged Dapeng shouted coldly when he saw the scene in front of him.

The next moment.

His wings vibrated, and above his wings, his divine power was mighty and terrifying.

Looking from afar.

His wings seemed to have a golden sky curtain, colliding with the boundless ocean.


The heaven and earth shook, and the sound of explosions continued.

The void was broken, and countless chaotic air diffused out, under this sky of brilliance.

Su Chen held the Azure Dragon Sword in his hand and smashed it in the air in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, he fought with Golden Winged Dapeng hundreds of times.

The speed of their fighting was very fast, so fast that it was dazzling.

Even a strong man in the same Saint King realm could hardly see the trajectory of the two people's fight.

It was hard to imagine.

Facing the speed of Golden Winged Dapeng, Su Chen was still able to fight back and forth, and it didn't seem like he had just entered the Saint King realm.

The fighting power he showed at this moment was so powerful that even the several strong men in the late Saint King Realm present were ashamed.

Dare to ask.

Who can show such fighting power as Su Chen when he just entered the Saint King Realm?


A sound that makes people feel sick came.



The scream of the Golden Winged Dapeng shook the earth and the universe.

Everyone looked at it intently.

They saw.

Golden blood splashed across the world.

One of the huge figures was smashed in the air, and a kind of golden wings was ruthlessly cut off by the Canglong Sword.


Countless people looked at the scene in front of them and took a breath.

This Golden Winged Dapeng is also a Saint King-level existence!

He became famous in ancient times.

He just had an accident recently, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Countless people think that his fight with Su Chen should be a fight between dragons and tigers.

After all.

Su Chen is the kind of existence that becomes stronger when facing a strong opponent.

But the Golden Winged Dapeng was not much worse, and he was not an easy person to deal with.

Their ancestors ate the flesh and blood of real dragons and drank the marrow of divine phoenixes.

Such a race is unique among the demon races.

They are naturally much stronger than other races.

But who could have thought.

When the two of them really fought, in less than a quarter of an hour, the Golden Winged Dapeng was beaten to pieces.


"This man is already invincible. I hope you can kill him together. Otherwise, you and I will die here today."

"When we die, the Ten Thousand Races will face a catastrophe!"

"I think everyone doesn't want to see the Ten Thousand Races that we have finally grown up completely destroyed, leaving the human race alone, right?"

The Golden Winged Dapeng escaped with great difficulty.

He gathered the golden blood mist in the sky and quickly repaired his body.

In just a blink of an eye, his body had recovered as before.

Such a speed of recovery is simply amazing.

Su Chen looked up, narrowed his eyes slightly, and was a little surprised:

"Is this... Black Blood Stone?"

After practicing to the Saint Realm, one can already regenerate a broken arm.

At the Saint King level, although it is not as extraordinary as regeneration by dripping blood, it is also a relatively difficult existence to kill.

At this level, it is almost difficult to kill and destroy.

Generally, as long as the opponent's soul is not destroyed, the opponent can always be resurrected.

The Golden Winged Dapeng can recover its body, which is within Su Chen's expectations.

He does not think that the Golden Winged Dapeng, which is comparable to the Golden Crow clan in the ancient times, can be killed so easily.

But the opponent's recovery speed is so fast, which is somewhat unusual.

Even Su Chen was a little surprised.

And in this golden blood mist, Su Chen keenly sensed the breath of the black blood stone.

This is a treasure unique to dark creatures!

It is very rare in this world.

In theory.

It is reasonable for the Golden Winged Dapeng to have one or two pieces of that horse.

But the other party can achieve the step of blood rebirth, and even...

The recovery speed is so fast, it is not the effect that thousands or even tens of thousands of black blood stones can achieve.

This must be at least hundreds of millions of black blood stones to have such an effect.

Su Chen has refined so many black blood stones.


He has refined even more black blood stones than this.


He is very sensitive to the breath of black blood stones.

Therefore, he was able to detect that the Golden Winged Dapeng had refined black blood stones at the first time.

But the biggest problem is.

In the southern region, dark creatures are almost extinct.

Where did the Golden Winged Dapeng get so many black blood stones?


"Human, you have some vision. You know this is black blood stone."

"No matter how powerful you are, you can't kill me!"

The Golden Winged Dapeng heard this, his eyes were cold, with a cold smile on his lips, and he spoke coldly.


As soon as he finished speaking.


What responded to him was just Su Chen's fist.

The Emperor's Fist covered all directions.

All around, the stars within a million miles began to tremble at this moment, swaying with endless starlight, and fell on the Golden Winged Dapeng.


The Golden Winged Dapeng only had time to let out a sharp scream.

The next moment.

His entire body was beaten to ashes again, and even his soul was blown up, almost destroying his body and soul.

One punch!

Just one punch, the Golden Winged Dapeng, who was famous for his speed, couldn't even avoid Su Chen's punch!

This punch made many Saint King Realm powerhouses present tremble in their hearts, and endless fear rose in their hearts.

Su Chen was really too scary!

On the side.

The white-haired old man of the Long family was terrified, his face had turned pale, his expression was distorted, and his body was shaking constantly.

There was endless horror in his eyes when he looked at Su Chen.


This is really too terrifying!

Even as powerful as the Golden Winged Dapeng, he is not Su Chen's opponent.

Even if all his people rushed forward, would it really work?

The white-haired old man of the Long family turned his head and flew away without any hesitation.

At this moment.

What revenge for Long Aotian, what inheritance of the Sword Master, what coffin of the quasi-emperor realm strongman...

At the moment, none of them are as important as his own life.


Just when he turned around.

A figure also walked towards him at this moment.

This figure seemed to be walking very slowly.

But he took a step and it was thousands of miles away. The mountains and rivers turned upside down, the stars turned and the moon moved. The speed exceeded everyone's imagination.

He stood in front of the white-haired old man as if he had never moved.

The chaotic energy surged, covering the other party, making it difficult to see his appearance.

But the black long sword in his hand, with the roar of the blue dragon, filled the world and dominated the sky and the earth! (End of this chapter)

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