If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 48: The Power of the Red Flame Meteor Slash! [Please read! Please give me a monthly vote!]

"Middle-level martial arts at the earth level, Red Flame Meteor Slash!"

"He actually mastered this martial art!"

Lu Zhen looked at Su Chen fighting in the distance, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

Earth-level martial arts are extremely difficult to practice, and it will take a long time even for a powerful Shentai-level master to get started.

And Su Chen, a Qi Sea Realm monk, actually mastered earth-level martial arts!

Such a talent...

Unheard of!

"It turns out that he is really blessed with great luck!"

Lu Zhen's mind echoed what Cao Yun said on the day of the outer sect trial.

Only monsters blessed with great luck can successfully practice earth-level martial arts in the Qi Sea Realm!

【Great luck: 3450/1w】

While Su Chen was fighting, the virtual panel suddenly popped up.

Looking at the virtual panel in front of him, Su Chen was startled.

But he quickly reacted.

It seems that Lu Zhen already believes from the bottom of his heart that he is blessed with great luck.

Then, with a thought, he closed the virtual panel.


At the same time, a crisp voice sounded.

The six fingers of the dark creature were beaten to pieces and fell off.

It let out a miserable cry, and black blood dripped from the broken parts of its six fingers.

Although their injuries can heal quickly, the pain is real.

"What a strong human being!"

The dark creature looked at Su Chen in front of him and took a deep breath.


Black flames appeared, lingering around it.

While the black flames were burning, the injuries on its body were also recovering rapidly.

But along with it, the aura also declined a lot.

"It seems that your recovery from your injuries is not without cost."

"In this way, dark creatures are not immortal!"

Su Chen was like a god of war, standing in the void, his whole body glowing with golden light, and his black hair was also covered with a layer of golden light at this moment.

"The incarnation of the devil!"

Upon hearing this, the dark creature's eyes flashed with fierceness, roared, and began to use secret techniques.

It knew that if it continued to fight, it would probably completely deplete its source.

Once the source is exhausted, there is only one way to die!

It’s better to give it a try now!

Once the opponent is killed, the essence and blood in his body alone is enough to restore his own injuries.

"Crack bang..."

The bone ring of the dark creature began to dislocate, and it kept crackling.

A creepy aura filled the air.

The body that was originally one foot tall shrunk to five feet in the blink of an eye!

A swish sound.

The dark creatures rushed towards Su Chen quickly!

The overwhelming murderous intent permeated the air.

Black mist shot straight into the sky, and its body was now in disarray.

But its aura is extremely powerful, even more powerful than before.

The incarnation of the demon made its body shrink twice, and at the same time, its strength almost doubled!


Lu Zhen endured the excruciating pain and reminded him.


Su Chen's whole body was filled with golden light.

"Broken Star Sword Technique!"

A loud shout.

The long sword in Su Chen's hand swept out again.

The terrifying sword light tore through the earth and shook the sky.


"The Perfection-level Star-Shattering Sword Technique! This is definitely the Perfection-level Star-Shattering Sword Technique!"

Lu Zhen looked at Su Chen's terrifying sword move, his eyes filled with horror, and he murmured in a low voice.

[The Broken Star Sword Technique Completed: 1/180]

Su Chen had just slashed his sword, and the virtual panel popped out in front of him again.

"Looks like we've come to the right time this time!"

Su Chen looked at the virtual panel in front of him and murmured in a low voice.

At this moment, Lu Zhen seemed to have full trust in him.

Bang bang bang...

After more than ten consecutive impacts, Su Chen stood motionless on the spot, as steady as a mountain, standing high in the sky.

But the dark creature was knocked away.

The moment it flew backwards, the long sword in Su Chen's hand suddenly burst into fiery red light, making it difficult for people to look directly at it.

A majestic and sacred aura permeates the sky.

"Red Flame Meteor Slash!"

Su Chen shouted loudly, and the long sword penetrated the chest of the dark creature again, nailing it in the void, forming a scene that shocked people.


Su Chen pressed his palm lightly, and the sword buzzed again.

The terrifying power exploded in the sword body, instantly blasting the body of the dark creature into pieces.

There was only one round head, rolling to the ground.

The dark creature tried its best to open its mouth, but before any sound came out, its eyes quickly dimmed.

"You're still the number one person who has fought with me for so long!"

Su Chen looked at the head of the dark creature and shook his head gently, falling from the void.

Then he came to Lu Zhen and said, "Senior Brother Lu Zhen, we meet again!"

"Master Su..."


Lu Zhen saw Su Chen arriving and spoke quickly.

But because he was too excited, he suddenly pulled the wound, causing him to take a breath of cold air.

"Senior brother, don't move for now. I have a healing pill here. You should take it first."

Su Chen turned his palm, and a healing elixir suddenly appeared in his palm.

He handed the elixir to Lu Zhen.

Lu Zhen endured the pain and took the elixir and swallowed it.

The moment the elixir entered his stomach, the strong medicinal power spread into his limbs and bones.

The broken bones were also recovering rapidly.

Lu Zhen felt the powerful medicinal power in his body repairing his body, and showed gratitude, saying:

"Thank you, Junior Brother Su, for saving my life!"

"We are all fellow disciples, you are welcome."

Su Chen waved his hand, with an indifferent look.

The value of Lu Zhen's boasting about his perfect Star-Breaking Sword Art alone exceeded this healing pill.

"By the way, Senior Brother, do you know the current situation of others?"

Lu Zhen's face dimmed a little when he heard this, and he said in a deep voice: "Most of the senior brothers and sisters may have been captured by the dark creatures..."

"And a small part has become the food of these dark creatures!"

At this point.

Lu Zhen glanced at Senior Brother Zhou not far away.

Senior Brother Zhou was lucky enough to encounter a rather strange dark creature.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to keep his body intact now!

"Where were they captured?"

Su Chen asked.

"It seems to be over there..."

Lu Zhen raised his hand with difficulty and pointed a direction to Su Chen.

In this black formation, there was black fog everywhere.

Su Chen had completely lost his way the moment he entered.

Fortunately, this was just a trap formation.

You can enter, but you can't leave!

If this was a killing formation, I'm afraid all the inner disciples of Taixuan Sect would have died long ago.

Su Chen looked in the direction pointed by Lu Zhen, secretly memorized the square, and asked again:

"By the way, Senior Brother Lu Zhen, do you know what the strongest of these dark creatures is?"

"Also, how many of the strongest dark creatures are there?"


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