If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 70 The true dragon soars, invited to the banquet! [Please read on! ]

After Wuji Sect and Bailian Palace appeared one after another, the other sects also appeared one after another as if they had agreed.

Every sect that appeared could attract waves of amazement in Huangji City.

After a full hour.


A sound of breaking through the air came.

At the end of the sky, a scorching sun rose slowly, blooming with thousands of divine rays.

At this moment, even the scorching sun hanging above the sky was dimmed.

The dazzling divine rays sprinkled down, and everyone had to cover their eyes.

Of course, some people chose to use their eyesight to look towards the sky.

I saw.

Standing on the scorching sun was a figure in a purple robe.

He was tall and slender, with a face like a crown jade, two sword eyebrows slanted into his temples, and his clothes fluttered as if he was a banished immortal.

An inexplicable and unparalleled charm emanated from him.

"This... is this the evildoer from Taixuan Sect?"

"What evildoer from Taixuan Sect? Why haven't I heard of him?"

"Brother, you are a little too ignorant, aren't you? A while ago, a genius appeared in Taixuan Sect, who entered the forbidden realm in the Qi Gathering Realm!"

"Moreover, this evildoer genius personally killed three dark creatures a month ago!"

"Do you know what dark creatures are like? They are creatures from outside the domain! They are invincible at the same level and difficult to kill! But this person killed three of them by himself. His fighting power is so terrifying that it is unimaginable!"

"If it is said that Situ Feng has the strongest overall strength in this competition, then the one with the most amazing talent is definitely Su Chen from Taixuan Sect!"

"In time, I am afraid that the entire Da Chu will not be able to control this real dragon to fly!"


"Hearing what you said, this Su Chen is really so terrifying!"


On the flying magic treasure of Taixuan Sect.

Su Chen listened to the remarks below, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Before crossing over, he often wondered when reading novels why the spectators knew so much.

Now he finally understood.

Half a month ago, Taixuan Sect spread some of his deeds.

In the words of Elder Fan.

This is called momentum building!

But in Su Chen's opinion, this is more like advertising!

He is the spokesperson, and there is no endorsement fee!

If he can perform amazingly in the Hundred Demons Battlefield this time, Taixuan Sect can also use this to promote it.

Maybe, when recruiting disciples next year, many good seedlings can be recruited.

Su Chen stood on the flying spirit treasure and glanced at the imperial capital of the Great Chu Dynasty.

The whole city is surrounded by towering walls, on which there are still traces of various weapons, like the traces left by endless years on this majestic beast.

An inexplicable momentum emanates, which makes people feel shocked.

At his side, Mu Qingxue stood quietly, looking at the city in front of him like an ancient beast, with a flash of surprise in her light blue eyes.

The flying spirit treasure suddenly accelerated at this moment, piercing through the clouds and crossing the city wall.

Entering Huangji City, the Dachu royal family had already arranged accommodation for each sect.

After finding the exclusive area of ​​Taixuan Sect, Elder Fan asked the other disciples to disperse, leaving only Su Chen.

"Elder, do you have any other instructions?"

Su Chen asked curiously.

"Well, there are indeed some things I need to tell you."

Elder Fan looked serious.

His spiritual sense spread out, instantly covering the exclusive area of ​​Taixuan Sect, shielding outsiders from detection, and then he said:

"Someone should come to invite you to a banquet later, you must agree to go, but after arriving at the place, you must abide by your own position and don't easily express your attitude and position!"


Su Chen raised his eyebrows.

But soon he relaxed and understood what Elder Fan meant.

There are still struggles for power and profit in the secular world.

The fantasy world is no exception, and the struggle is even more fierce!

Because the stronger the strength and the higher the status, the more resources you have!

And the more resources you have, the further you can go.

If nothing unexpected happens, the person who invited me in Elder Fan's mouth should be someone from the Great Chu royal family!

After all, I am now a well-known genius!

A genius is definitely qualified to be won over!

"In the Great Chu royal family, the eldest prince and the ninth princess are tit-for-tat, and only these two people are qualified to become the next emperor!"

"But neither of them is easy to get along with, nephew, you must be very careful!"

Elder Fan thought about it, and still warned with some worry.

"Disciple knows."

Su Chen nodded gently.

As soon as the voice fell.

I saw a servant in palace clothes hurriedly walking towards this side not far away.

Seeing the newcomer, Su Chen and Elder Fan looked at each other, and both of them said in their hearts at the same time:

"Here we are!"

"Mr. Su, my master invites you, I hope you will do me the honor..."

The servant in palace clothes came to Su Chen, bowed slightly, and said respectfully.

"Lead the way."

With Elder Fan's instructions, Su Chen spoke directly without any hesitation.

As for who the master was, Su Chen was too lazy to ask.

Anyway, he would see him soon.

Led by the servant in palace clothes, the two soon came to the outside of Taixuan Sect.

A chariot had been prepared here.

At the invitation of the servant in palace dress, Su Chen sat on it calmly.

About an incense stick later, the carriage stopped in front of a tall and majestic mansion.

Su Chen got off the carriage and looked up and down at the mansion in front of him.

It is not difficult to see that the mansion is full of divine light and countless runes are flashing in the air.

It contains a formation with extremely terrifying power!

Su Chen has a hunch that if this formation is activated, I am afraid that the strong men in the Divine Sea Realm will fall!

Su Chen's heart moved and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The place where he lives can have such a powerful formation. I am afraid that this person's status will not be very low!

Even if it is not the eldest prince mentioned by Elder Fan, it is estimated that it must be the ninth princess!

"Mr. Su, please follow me."

The servant in palace dress came to Su Chen and spoke respectfully.

Then he took small steps and led the way in front.

Su Chen followed him and walked through several corridors. Suddenly, a vast blue lake appeared in front of them.

In the center of the lake, a tall palace stood, and there were faint sounds of talking and laughing inside.

"Mr. Su, my master is inside. I am of low status, so I will send him here. I hope you will forgive me."

The servant in palace clothes looked apologetic, bowed slightly, and then turned and left.

Su Chen looked at his back and shook his head slightly.

Then he looked up at the tall palace in the center of the lake, narrowed his eyes slightly, and walked slowly towards the palace.


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