After she said this, the whole venue fell silent, and an uproar broke out again.

"Whew... What's the situation? My family Lingbao confessed today at the last concert of his tour? "

“...... Also rejected. "

Lingbao! Women are unreliable! Let my brother love you well! Ignoring

the fluctuations below the stage and the shocked gazes of the people next to her, the girl just looked at Xia Zeling, who seemed to be petrified above, and said expressionlessly: "Xia Zeling, this is your last chance."

"I don't want to happen to this next time."

After she said this, she propped up the umbrella on the side, walked through the crowd that all looked at her in shock, and Shi Shiran left.

And after a while, in everyone's pitiful or sympathetic eyes, Xia Zeling smiled as if she wanted to relieve the embarrassment, and said, "So... Looks like today's additional performance is gone.

"Or look at a clown, it's not bad."

After he said this, the lights around the concert venue also lit up, bringing the most light to everyone in this place where the light rain fell into a dream.

And Xia Zeling's body on top has changed from straight to a little rickety, and she can only smile as if she doesn't care on it.

He took a few big breaths, but his body still trembled uncontrollably. It's hard to imagine that even a man who doesn't have the slightest cowardice on such a big stage would be afraid of anything.

Even if this concert should be the last concert of his life, it should come to an end.

He doesn't blame the girl, after all, confession itself has to be a matter of your will. To agree or not to agree, it should also be the other party's choice.

He only blames his own brain-dead system for providing an unknown favorability bar, so that his strategy is like this every time.

If you fail the strategy, you will die.

This kind of special two-dimensional and unrealistic thing really happened to Xia Zeling.

And the source of all this has to start with the system that threw him into another world without following his wishes.

Because of the reason that he was only accompanied by five girls until he was hit and killed by a truck in his previous life, this "kind-hearted" system was also kind-hearted, and he was directly sent to another world to start a new life.

And the goal of this system is to make Xia Zeling happy.

How to achieve happiness? This artificial intellectual disability doesn't look at anything else, but admits a reason: let Xia Zeling find a girlfriend within one to five years and confess successfully.

And the extremely nonsense thing is that if you feel stable during this period, if you fail after preparing to confess, you will die the next day for various special reasons.

In his previous life, when he went to work the next day, he was able to encounter a bank robbery, and then the gangster shot him directly because of the firearm.

It can be seen how outrageous the method of choosing death is in this system.

However, the good thing is that if you fail to attack or have no strategy target, after the unexpected death the next day, you will start the next week, be reborn as a new person, and start your life again.

Moreover, the identity is also the same family, and you can even inherit the property of the previous life.

It can be said that his next life has exploded the gold coins of his previous life.

But in other words, Xia Zeling has now entered a strange circle.

It's normal for him to confess his inexperience for the first time and not to refuse, but NMD has been reincarnated almost nine times, and the scenes he created can be said to be more and more romantic day by day, but NM can't succeed.

The most is this time, although it is three nothings, but you can refuse this [99] good feeling on your head, it's pure nonsense, right?

I'll uninstall this system later!

For him, just one refusal can be said to be a complete loss. My life is gone, and I can hope for any bicycle in the future.

Don't sing anymore! I'm going home to take care of the aftermath!

After he finished the concert, he stepped off the stage, leaving only this group of fans who were on the front line of eating melons, you look at me, I look at you, and they didn't seem to be relieved from the shock.

So...... Now Neon's most popular male singer was rejected by a girl who doesn't even know her name now, and asked him not to know what to do?

Oh my God, it's not like I'm dreaming today...

Is this a sight to be on the front page of tomorrow?

After stepping down, Xia Zeling looked at the silent people in the backfield, and smiled strongly: "Everyone, thank you for messing around with me." "

Xiaoling... It's not good for your future..."

It was his agent who said these words, and he saw a trace of sadness on her face, and after opening her mouth, she said, "After all... Your wife should have the most fans. "

Thank you Sister An for your concern, I am already an adult, and I naturally have a yardstick in my heart."

It's normal for her agent to be worried, after all, Xia Zeling is the hottest artist at her disposal.

And now there is this kind of thing that is not a black spot but is more explosive than a black spot, and I believe everyone wants to eat melons.

And Xia Zeling didn't care anymore. After all, he is already a dying person, and he still cares about this.

Can the popularity of oneself in this life be given to the next? No kidding.

Looking at Xia Zeling's reluctant smile, Amuro Ling also sighed, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "It's okay, that kid doesn't like you, and there's the next one."

"You will definitely be able to find a better one than her in terms of appearance and talent."

Hearing Amuro's comfort, Xia Zeling just smiled, changed out of her clothes that were already soaked with sweat and rain, and said, "Sister Amuro, thank you for your comfort."

"I'll go out for a walk and stay for a while. Don't worry about me. With that

, he combed his rain-soaked hair and left the lounge backstage without looking back.

And after he left, everyone looked at each other, and they could only feel a kind of pity.

This kid... really gambled on his future, just to give a woman the best romance.

And now, his heart that desperately wants to dedicate himself to the girl has been torn apart and torn completely because of the language like a quick knife.

Even in this romantic scene, she was just as calm as ever. It's like I don't want to be alone, but like a beast that has no feelings all the time.

And outside the security guard, you can only see a person wearing a mask and hood, slowly walking through this drizzle.

Finally, it disappeared into the rain.

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