I saw that the girl above was wearing a standard Lolita black dress, and the hairpin on her head was also almost cartoonish. The long pure white hair was tied on her back, giving her a kind of femininity.

The color of the eyes is orange-red, as if they have been stained by something.

Contact lenses.

After Xia Zejian complained in his heart, he continued to pack his things and prepared to leave this place.

"Hahahaha, hello servants! My name is the Son of the White Mist, the King of the Night! Ladies and gentlemen, await the arrival of the Night Domain!

Listening to the words of this girl who didn't look like a normal person at all, Xia Zejian suddenly stopped cleaning up his hands.

You Night King? I'm still the true eye of the evil king! How can a place like the University of Tokyo still have such a naïve middle school disease?

And the others were also thundered by the words of the woman above, and they couldn't help but glance at each other a few times, and they could see the doubts in their eyes.

After all, even in high school, girls with this kind of personality can only be said to be extremely rare. Coupled with the screening of the university, it is basically impossible to find such a woman in the university.

So...... Why did she come to this place?

"Classmate Shenzi, please be normal..."

Hearing the words of the White Mist Shenzi, who was almost full of words, the teacher on the side was also in Bengbu, and he couldn't help coughing twice, and whispered a warning to the Shenzi on the side.

"All in all, the Divine Son will be your classmate after that, and you should pay more attention to her."


, there was silence.

Xia Zejian naturally had no interest in participating in this farce, which seemed to be caused by no communication in advance, but quickly packed up his things, picked up his schoolbag, and said

, "Teacher, we know, we can go."

Although everyone dared not take his words, everyone could feel a kind of peace and a kind of recognition in them.

After all, no one likes a secondary disease. In a neon culture, this kind of person can even be bullied fiercely.

And the White Mist God Son seemed to have been Xi to this situation for a long time, so he just snorted twice, pointed to the Xia Zejian who was already carrying the bag, and said:

"The family of the dark night!" You have betrayed this eternal darkness. Broken our vows. Here, I will punish you severely! In

the face of this kind of words, which had already reached the extreme, Xia Zejian just sighed slightly, looking at his system panel, this was the first time he had used this kind of thing in his life.

[Name: White Mist Mizuko

] [Gender: Female] [Character: Middle 2, Innocence] [

Good Feeling:

14] Good Feeling 14

, the general meaning is that there is already some dissatisfaction with yourself as a person.

It's also normal, and being a person's attitude can only be said to be excusable.

However, Xia Zejian obviously didn't care about this matter, he just glanced at the skills that had cooled down in his skill slot, and after thinking about it, he finally slid it onto the White Mist Divine Son.

Its name is: The Unexpected.

As his name says, as long as people are affected by this skill, they will unconsciously fall into a small trouble that does not affect their lives at all, but still has some trouble.

Although the cooldown time is a full month, this is also the only few skills that the system has issued to him.

After he used this skill, the other party's mobile phone rang suddenly.

And the white mist god who heard the phone ringing was also slightly stunned, and after taking out the things in his pocket, his expression darkened, and then he said:

"Mother... What's up. "

It's... "

I'll do it."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry.

After he finished saying this, he took a deep breath, his face changed from one middle to two, and after glancing at Xia Zejian slightly, he bowed to everyone.

"I'm the White Mist Miko, the president of the COS Society. I would like to ask for your advice afterwards. "

Thank you."

After she said this, she bowed again, and then Shi Shiran left here.

Only the teachers who have almost gone crazy and the classmates who are looking at each other look at me and I look at you, and they don't know what to say.

However, Xia Zejian only nodded slightly, and left here without looking back.

This incident is probably caused by him, but the system also said that it is just a small trouble, and it should not be possible that anything special will happen.

So...... The dog system is sometimes quite reliable.

The smart Xia Zejian still doesn't know how much help (trouble) his system has given him in order to attack this matter.

Now, it was time for him to endure this pain.


Igarashi Sakuya suddenly felt that Kasumizawa was not quite like this person.

According to Suzu Kawasaki's Xi, everything generally arrives almost exactly the same. Now this Xia Zejian actually skipped the morning class directly, and then came over in the afternoon.

Although she also knows how boring the classes at the University of Tokyo are, with Suzu Kawasaki's character, even if he is asked to squat down on a sunny day to catch the rain from the sky, he will do it without a mistake.

Now this person has been fishing, and he doesn't look like Suzu Kawasaki's character at all.

Even, he has been following his ass for nearly two hours, and he doesn't feel it at all, and he still maintains his old lifestyle.

Although Igarashi Sakuya is very confident in his disguise and concealment techniques, if it is Suzu Kawasaki, he must have found something wrong, right?

And now, he didn't realize anything, and let her follow him and observe his life.

My own master... Is it terminally ill and dying?

If Kasumizawa could hear Igarashi Sakiya's inner words, he would definitely give her two punches directly and immediately to stop her thinking from diverging.

After all, this is also a skill mastered by the fourth life, although it is not enough to forget, but this muscle memory has really disappeared.

What kind of reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance has nothing to do with the life of the small citizens behind him. It's really better to sleep a little longer, and you can recharge your energy and make yourself full of energy the next day.

However, the current Igarashi Sakuya naturally doesn't know the state of Kasumawa Stream, and just hides silently behind the crowd with his hat covered, as terrifying as some kind of perverted stalking murderer.

And Xia Zejian also looked at a cake store in front of him, and after hesitating for a while, he silently pushed the door and walked in.

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