And Ling Zhen Wuyu also pondered for a while after seeing such a scene, and said, "I listen to you, how can I confirm this kind of thing." For

Ling Zhen Wuyu, begging others is not something that will make her feel ashamed. After all, if you don't have the ability to solve it, you need to rely on the help of others.

And V, too, wants to hear that.

She tidied up her clothes so that he could look more formal now. Stretched out his hand to Ling Zhen Wuyu and said, "Then we are cooperating now."

"Cooperation? Why Collaboration?

"After all, we are all very familiar with Xia Zeling, aren't we?"

Her smile made Ling Zhen Wuyu feel a little uncomfortable, but she still nodded and shook her outstretched hand: "It's just temporary."

"Yes, yes, after all, I don't know him as well as you do."

After saying a word as if he didn't care, V glanced at the boss who seemed to be brushing the cup for eternity, and said with a smile:

"Boss, don't come to harm." How is your health lately? When can't you hold on? "

Well, don't come unharmed."

Her poisonous words could only make the boss calmly reply two sentences, looked at the old wall watch that seemed to have been hanging for many years, and said:

"Do you need a drink?" We haven't gotten off work yet. "

Excuse me, your stuff doesn't really look like it's a human drink. It's okay to drink, but can you give me the test items you're going to put on the shelves every time?

"Isn't that the first thing you can experience? Doesn't it taste bad?

Looking at the boss's eyes that seemed to be a little puzzled, V only rolled his eyes slightly, and said angrily: "I can't say it's bad, I can only say that it's unpleasant."

"Sometimes I want you to taste it too, what kind of taste is it that makes me, a person who doesn't dislike what to drink, so resistant."

"Oh~~ Then next time I'll take a few sips and taste it myself."

"No, then I'll have to ask you when you'll hang up."

Seeing that the two of them were still talking happily despite the words as if they were holding guns and sticks, Ling Zhen Wuyu just blinked and said to V: "So, how will I find you in the future."

"It's not a big deal to add a LINE. I guess with the current relationship between the two of us, you shouldn't be able to reveal my information to the others, right?

She even winked mischievously at this time, as if she was full of trust in Ling Zhen Wuyu.

Also, after all, before she saw through her lies, she was a somewhat unreliable partner in Ling Zhenwuyu's eyes.

As for seeing through? At that time, she estimated that she had already completed her plan, does it matter if she doesn't know through it?

Go abroad, change your identity, and start a new life.



"So... It should be here, right? Looking

at the map on the phone, which is not accurate at all, even a person with extraordinary intuition like Cang Tishen can only feel a big head for a while.

After all, although Japanese navigation cannot be said to be uneasy to use, it is also a common thing to navigate without a donkey's lips or a horse's mouth.

For people like Cang Tishen, it is possible to walk around casually, which can be more accurate than navigation.

So...... Why on earth do you want to be sinful to look at navigation and then do things?

Cang Tishen sighed slightly, took out the camera from the bag, shook it, and gently pressed the shutter button.

"Hmm... This work is called the reality of rhapsody, and I feel that it can also be used as a contribution to fool around.

Looking at the shot that he took casually but was still full of artistry, Cang Tishen also nodded with satisfaction. But he quickly put away the camera and knocked on the door in front of him.

"Anyone? And Granny Moon? I'm coming back to see you!

After she shouted, there was a burst of chickens and dogs jumping in the courtyard. Then, I heard an old but not righteous voice coming from inside:

"Get up, don't bother me to open the door to others!" Don't peck at my feet, you chicken!

After hearing this seemingly hysterical roar, Cang Tishen also smiled helplessly, knocked slightly on the door with his fingers again, and said,

"Mother-in-law! If you don't come out again, your good granddaughter will be leaving.

"Let's go! Don't come to see me after that!

"Oh, you're not old. You're old, I'm going to be in the ground!

After hearing Cang Tishen's words that seemed to beg for mercy, the tone of the person inside was slightly better: "Hmph, wait for me to open the door."

"Okay, okay."

After waiting for 3 minutes to arrive, the door, which seemed to have existed for thousands of years, slowly opened. What came out of it was a white-haired old man in a gray robe.

She glanced at Cang Taishen, who was smiling, slightly, and after snorting coldly, she said, "I didn't expect that today, there are still people who know their way home." It's also a rarity.

"Hey, hey, mother-in-law, I'm sorry. It's just that I was too busy abroad at that time, and I didn't have much to do back home.

"You see, now that I've found a job in China, I'm going to come back to see you right away." I'm sorry, mother-in-law, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Faced with the old man's attitude, Cang Tishen also folded his hands and made a gesture of begging for mercy, as if he wanted his mother-in-law to spare him.

But fortunately, the mother-in-law didn't want to say too much about this matter. After just nodding his head, he stepped into a position and said

, "Come in, I'm sure you have a lot to talk to about as well." But I don't think it's likely to be what I want to hear. "

Hehe, mother-in-law, you are really like a god."

Seeing her mother-in-law get out of the way, Cang Tishen also happily bypassed her mother-in-law and walked directly into the courtyard of the house.

The chickens, ducks and geese inside were frightened as if they had seen some kind of flood beast after seeing Cang Ti Shen.

And Cang Tishen only smiled awkwardly at this, looked at the mother-in-law on the side, and said, "I suddenly feel a little reminiscent of my childhood."

"Yes, they're all scared of you."

For this, the mother-in-law only sighed slightly, put the feed on the side in front of them, and said:

"This was the case when I was a child, and it was like this when I grew up. Not a day has made me worry.


she opened her mouth, thinking about how to organize the language, but finally frowned, looked at Cang Taishen, and said with some uncertainty:

"That thing... Out of control? "

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