Xia Zejian suddenly didn't want to talk to this White Mist Divine Son, but leaned back to straighten himself up, and said, "

Miss White Mist Divine Son, you should also think about what to do."

"I'm not going to slander anyone, I just want you to pay the basic medical bills or something, and then you can go."

"How? Is it okay for me to say that?

After he said this, the White Mist Mizuko touched his chin and pondered for a while before he said as if confirmed:

"I see, is it the compensation for the defeat?"

Why do you need compensation for defeat! Isn't it just a dead ball!

Holding back the desire to complain in his heart, Xia Zejian only sighed slightly, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, no need, you can go quickly." "

Let him see this person again, it is estimated that it is not a loss of money, but a mental internal friction.

It's horrible... I feel that if I am with her for a while, I will lose my life.

"Hmph, Night's Family. Even if you fail, can you still struggle like this?

"Then, I'll satisfy your struggles and make you the most perfect creature in the world!"

Looking at the strange gazes coming from all around, even Xia Zejian could only feel a headache. After opening his mouth slightly, he said, "I don't think so, thank you." "

As for you... Now go and look at the face to reduce the swelling of the face, don't let your face swell so much. "

Humph! How could my demonic true eye be at your mercy! "

Wasn't he still the Night King just now... Why did you suddenly become the true eye of the evil king again...

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone in the room couldn't help but look at Xia Zejian who was lying on the hospital bed and falling into deep thought, and a look that seemed to want to accuse the scumbag even made him feel a little helpless.

What is this?

"Let's go, wait until I get over. I'll ask someone else to get my stuff back in a moment, and I don't need you now. "

Xia Zejian issued an order to evict the guests.

However, as if he didn't understand the meaning of Xia Zejian's words, the White Mist Divine Son just sat next to him, handed him an apple, and said

, "Anyway, the family of the night." Why are you there? That's a terrible demon king who can kill you easily! "

Oh~~ Could it be that the family came to that place for the spirit of adventure? You're so bold! "

Maybe the demon king you are talking about was still talking and laughing with me just now.

Although this girl is really an unexpected secondary two and special, Xia Zejian is also not interested in continuing to talk to her.

Just don't turn your head and close your eyes, as if you want to sleep for a while.

No way, this method should be the best way to deal with this inexplicable self-cooking. If he were asked to find some other way, it might not be better than this one.

Therefore, he could only use a kind of indifference and ruthlessness to directly reject the communication words of the White Mist Divine Son, like a hedgehog, and the White

Mist Divine Son, who was directly ignored, even if he was no longer clear, already knew what Xia Zejian meant. He couldn't help but bow his head calmly, and said

, "As the King of the Night, I failed to protect my people, and it was my dereliction of duty to be disturbed by this powerful extraterritorial demon."

"My people, you blame me, and I don't blame you. After all, this is all my deserved retribution, this is all my deserved! "

And my people, you—"

"Stop, stop, I say stop."

Listening to the self-proclaimed Queen of the Night's tirade, Xia Zejian finally couldn't help it, raised his head and said helplessly:

"I've convinced you, can you leave quickly?"

"You're here, you're only going to cause me a second injury. So, could you please leave this place?

His words were merciless, piercing the heart of the White Mist Divine Son like a sharp blade.

But she still looked indifferent, as if she wasn't the one who was stung.

Therefore, she was still full of curiosity about everything, and with a swollen face, she continued to Xia Zejian:

"So, do you have anything you need me to do?"

“...... What kind of fool are you?

Xia Zejian sighed slightly, picked up the alcohol cotton ball next to his table and wiped the red and swollen face of Bai Mist Shenzi slightly.

To tell the truth, if the face of the White Mist Divine Son was not so good-looking, but was so ugly that it exploded, Xia Zejian would not have helped her.

No way, this world is an extremely face-watching world.

Even Xia Zejian, who already thinks that women are red bone skeletons, will help others for the inexplicable reason of being good-looking.

Let's just say... It is indeed very in line with the basic view of men in this world, and it belongs to the kind that should be hung in the Little Red Book.

And after watching Xia Zejian patiently treat her wounds, the White Mist Shenzi also glanced at Xia Zejian in surprise and said

, "Dependents, you actually know how to feel sorry for your king."

"Yes, yes, that's a huge improvement!"

Her words provoked the people around her to poke their heads out again and began to watch


Zejian didn't bother to pay attention to her words, just threw the cotton swab in hand aside after dealing with her, hugged her hands and said

, "Okay, everything is done." You should get out of here and leave me alone for a while. "

Remember, leave me alone and not listen to your noisy words."

In the face of Xia Zejian's warning, the White Mist Divine Son only nodded slightly and said,

"I know, dependents. You've been very nice to me, and I'll be coming back to see you next time. "

Oh... I'll bring you the transcript of the magic book next time. I am the only magician in the world, how can I be bored by the cricket magic guide!

After saying these last words, she got up from her stool and walked out the door.

And Xia Zejian just looked at the back of the other party leaving, and after confirming that the white mist god had finally left the house, he was also slightly relieved.

How did he get into the University of Tokyo with this kind of wonder, could it be that the president is his father?

But...... I can only say that I am unfortunate to encounter this kind of wonder. Nor can you blame others.

It's just that...... It seems that the investigation will have to be postponed a little, but this place in the hospital should be quiet, and there is no need to be disturbed by others.

Alas...... I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

What an eventful time.

Xia Zejian raised his head slightly and looked at the ceiling on the other side, as if he wanted to see something.

However, it was also in vain.

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