And Xia Zejian, who was still in the ward, obviously didn't know what was going on outside, and just wanted to raise his head and look at his equipment, ready to start a new round of investigation.

The favorability that his system gives him every day is almost a lump of defense, and even if it is [99], the kind that can be rejected makes Xia Zejian feel a little nervous.

Therefore, Xia Zejian also completely distrusts this mentally retarded system. It can only be said that it is occasionally used as a reference, but it cannot be fully trusted.

Now the only thing that can make him fully believe is rational thinking and reasonable speculation. The rest can only be said not to think.

There is a board to cherish... If this man hadn't come here to see him today, he probably wouldn't have wanted to mention this terrifying human for him for the rest of his life.

Although it is not said that it is absolutely calm emotions, it can also control yourself very well.

Although not to say very warm to people, very cold. But it is still a kind of farther and farther to people, very measured, and can only be said to advance and retreat freely.

Xia Zejian doesn't hate this kind of woman, but this kind of treatment of everyone is a hypocritical attitude, which really makes him not like it.

After throwing the eaten apples into the trash can again, Xia Zejian also exhaled slightly. After pondering for a while, he looked at the message that Yinchuan Lingmeng sent to him.

[Mengyu Seeking: Are you free now, I want to ask you to go out in the afternoon. It's about the V you want to investigate, and I have some intel to share with you. The

information contained in these words made Xia Zejian even fall into contemplation, and he also didn't know what this Yinchuan Reimeng's 180-degree face change meant.

Sharing intelligence... Could it be that she really rejected herself just because she couldn't do it, and now that she has done it, she can tell herself?

But I always feel that there is something strange... But this is really a most appropriate guessing idea.

After all, it can't be that she doesn't know V's identity and comes to fool him to earn this 10w yuan, right?

It is impossible for high-level hackers to lack this money, and they can directly make full money with a single list.

So this possibility can basically be ruled out directly.

Even Xia Zejian has an even more outrageous guess, for example, what Yinchuan Reimu was sent by some great demon king to fish, and then as long as he bit the hook, he died directly.

Oh, this kind of is too outrageous, so it is definitely within the scope of Xia Zejian that cannot be prioritized, and can only be preferentially excluded.

So...... Are you going to an appointment?

Looking at the crutches standing next to the bed, Xia Zejian pondered slightly for a while, and finally decided...

"Nurse! I'll buy a wheelchair! "


After looking at the other party's reply with the word "good", Yinchuan Reimu also stretched out a little tired and stroked the cat that was sleeping on the chassis on the side.

On the premise of not alarming the cat, when he wrapped it up and put it in his arms and stroked it gently, Yinchuan Reimu could only feel a strong satisfaction.

This is a black cat, a pet that he bought in his previous life and put in Yinchuan Reimeng.

At first, she didn't accept it, after all, at that time she hated everyone in the world equally. But in the end, I accepted that there was such a cute member of the family.

However, for black cats, compared to the adjective "cute", in fact, it is more of an ominous legend.

Wangcai is the name he gave it, although this name sounds like a dog, but for Xia Zejian's previous life, he is definitely a particularly tangible cat.

At least you can make the other person feel that the cat has the tenacious attitude of a dog (convinced), and let the other person know that this dog ... Ah, what an informal person the owner of the cat is.

It's a pity that this cat can't talk like Team Rocket's meow, otherwise he will definitely be bloody when Xia Zejian is still alive in his previous life.

The cat was hardly close to her, and it was only when she was asleep that she could let go of her pride and let her, the shoveler, touch it twice.

Ah~~ Petting a cat is really the happiest thing.

Just when Yinchuan Reimu was still thinking like this, a faint doorbell suddenly came from the gate on the side to attract Yinchuan Reimeng's attention.

She turned her head and looked slightly, and could only see that the doorbell of her house was about to be pressed, and she couldn't help but sigh helplessly, walked over there and said, "Who."

"Yinchuan, it's me. I'll talk to you about something when I open the door. Hearing

the voice of V outside, that is, Youban Meixi, Yinchuan Reimeng's face showed a trace of surprise. After opening the door, he looked at her dusty appearance, and asked:

"What's wrong with you, were you chased by some dog, or was you splashed by something?" Why are there so many folds and so much ash on the body?

Seeing Yinchuan Lingmeng's puzzled face, Youban Meixi waved her hand helplessly, and said as if she was a little unwilling:

"Although you may not believe it, what I want to say is..."

Youbanmei's righteous indignant words made Yinchuan Reimu feel a little confused.

After all, what kind of garbage, what kind of prison is in prison, what does this have to do with you being all dusty now?

Could it be...

However, after reacting for a while and digesting some information, she also nodded suddenly, and said with some schadenfreude:

"No, no, no, did our Miss V really step on the empty foot and fall into the trash can, worthy of V, she can easily do what I want to do but can't do."

"Don't call it, don't call it, when I get acquainted with it, I'll be able to do something else for you."

Faced with Yinchuan Reimu's attitude of some schadenfreude, V just shrugged his shoulders

and said, "So I can be regarded as early as it is better to come by coincidence, it should be said that it is worthy of me, I have been eating lately and I can't feel hot."

After laughing at herself, she also swaggered directly into the room that Yinchuan Reimu had not yet cleaned, and didn't care about the Boli Reimu behind her, and lay down directly.

Yes...... Familiar softness, familiar pads. This is the so-called cat man sofa.

"Meow !!"

After V directly pressed his head on the little pet's body, the Wangcai cat also let out a loud roar. Then he jumped off the couch and glared at V.

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