Hearing Ling Zhen and

some comforting words, Ling Zhen Wuyu also lowered his eyes slightly, and his eyes seemed to have some strange emotions.

However, in the end, she just didn't say anything, just looked at the scenery again, as if thinking about something.

How many people have I failed in my life?

But how many of them really blamed her?

Thinking of this, her hands clenched slightly, as if she was reproaching herself for her actions.

Relive a lifetime, she wants to marry Xia Zeling Ming Media...

Bah, what a weird female frequency to speak.

Putting the inexplicable words in her mind behind, she could only wait here, waiting for the results of V's investigation into Xia Zejian.

Wish...... It must have been completely different from what she expected.


The White Mist Divine Son was a little annoyed and was looking for someone aimlessly.

When she went to the Pokémon Medical Center (hospital) the next day to visit the Night Dependents, she heard Miss Joy (the nurse) inside say that he had changed rooms.

And according to the instructions of the Night Dependents to this group of women, they could not tell themselves where his new ward was. In other words, the Night Dependents do not want to see themselves.

Looking at the plaque of "Doctor's Benevolence" hanging on the inside of the hospital, which the director had imported from Huaxia at a great price, Bai Mist Shenzi felt a sense of frustration rising from his heart.

This guy doesn't want to see himself at all.

It's frustrating, isn't it?

Thinking of this, the White Mist Miko also covered one of his eyes with the blindfold in his pocket, as if looking at the hospital like a pirate.

It seems that with just a scimitar, you can directly cut off the dog's head about Xia Zejian.

However, she obviously didn't have the courage to do so, so she could only hold the Xi materials she had just sorted out in the morning and prepare to leave.

However, as soon as she turned around, she saw Xia Zejian who was rejecting Miss Joy's application for a card and speeding forward in a wheelchair, and her eyes instantly brightened.

She seemed to have rushed to Xia Zejian's side in an instant, and said excitedly: "Relatives of the Night! This is the magic book mantra of today! "

I said I don't do Kajian... Clams?

Xia Zejian, who just thought that he continued to want him to apply for a card, also said "Clams?" after reacting to what the people on the side were saying, "Clams? With a sigh, he looked to the side, and sure enough, he saw a full-body outfit that was almost full in the middle and second degrees.

After seeing this outfit, Xia Zejian had the idea of getting up from the wheelchair he was sitting on quickly, and then fleeing quickly.

No way, this woman is really too ha. Yesterday, he was directly hospitalized, and even let him die directly in his first ward.

What strange things can be done today, Xia Zejian really can't think of it. I'm afraid that if I meet some "well-wishers" and post them on the Internet, then he can definitely be regarded as a national star.

This kind of plot of the second middle school, he has only seen it in the tricky show!

And the White Mist Divine Son is obviously not self-aware, but he just looked at Xia Zejian's somewhat disgusted and frightened eyes, and said lively: "I came to look for you this morning, I haven't found it yet." "

It turns out that I just left this place with a special tool from the Demon Realm, and I thought you were captured by a brave man or something."

Is your Demon World special tool a wheelchair?

Listening to the words of the self-proclaimed queen of the demon world, Xia Zejian only felt tired for a while. waved his hand and said a little helplessly: "I understand the white mist Shenzi, thank you for your kindness."

"I'll take your Xi notes, and I wish you better in your studies." I don't need your compensation anymore, I don't have to have a psychological burden.

After saying this, Xia Zejian also looked at the White Mist Divine Son who was still standing next to him, and the meaning was self-evident.

I've forgiven you, can you leave quickly!

And the White Mist Divine Son obviously didn't understand what Xia Zejian meant, he just hugged his chest with both hands, and said a little proudly:

"Hmph, these are all today's dry goods, and as a king, there is no need to Xi learn these things."

"But since it's for the sake Xi of your subjects, it's not impossible to learn these things."

"Okay, good, I thank you, thank you."

After Xia Zejian said these words very perfunctorily, he looked at the crowd in the hall who seemed to be watching them, and also rubbed his forehead to make himself not so angry.

In the face of this kind of person who almost can't listen to a word, Xia Zejian can only feel helpless. If it weren't for his leg injury and the fact that she was really good-looking, he would definitely kick her out with one kick.

But now he could only sigh, and said in a good voice

, "I see, so please leave here first, Queen of the Night." By the time the Goddess of Light got here, it was too late. "

“...... I see, I will not disappoint your dependents.

Seeing that she suddenly realized and looked resolute, Xia Zejian felt as if she had misunderstood something about this person. But he just nodded as resolutely as she played, and his eyes motioned for her to get out of here quickly.

In his previous nine lives, he had encountered a particularly enthusiastic one, but he had never encountered this kind of middle two and enthusiastic, which really made him a little unable to cope with it.

Even he was willing to deal with more than 10 Lingzhen Wuyu who were not good at words, and he was not willing to meet a white mist god.

This kind of character... It's so tiring. It's too elusive.

Speaking of this character... The woman in his previous life, who is estimated to be still in Shikoku, obviously misses him even more.

It's not that her character is a secondary disease, but a kind of enthusiasm, but with a silent estrangement.

She once said that she loved the first meeting with other people. When they first met the others and him, everyone was hypocritical and enthusiastic.

She liked this almost morbid way of getting along, but Xia Zejian also knew it.

This is not the case in this world.

Everyone protects themselves with a layer of hypocrisy, and everyone wants to see how fleshy and bloody it is after tearing off each other's masks.

And she is facing everything in the world with a completely indifferent attitude, facing all people, revealing a pair of ashes as if they have been burned.

Does she shed tears after hearing about his death? Maybe.

Suddenly near and far, like a scumbag who doesn't know what true love is. When he confessed, the kind of choice he chose... It's just an escape.

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