"Mr. Xia Zejian, it's time to change the dressing."

The soft words from outside made Xia Zejian stunned, looked at the nurse walking towards him, and after being silent for a while, he said, "That... I'm sorry for you.

"But in my case, do I really need to change the dressing?"

He pointed to the plaster cast on his foot, which seemed to be self-evident.

After all, even he had never heard of changing the dressing of a patient who had been in a plaster cast.

How do you dismantle this thing...

"Sir, we do need to change your dressing. The swelling will be very obvious 3 to 5 days after the fracture, at this time, it is necessary to go to the hospital for a follow-up examination, open the cast and observe whether there is any skin compression.

"So sir, we're just checking about the tightness of the plaster and nothing else."

As a detective, you must be cautious about what you need to answer as an identity. It's like now, if you haven't memorized some questions about Xia Zeling in advance, you should be exposed now.

It can only be said that be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years.

And seeing Igarashi Sakuya's serious and professional answer, Xia Zejian could only nod clearly. said: "No problem, then please help me take a look, lady."

"But I didn't feel any swelling when I went out today, and there probably wasn't any major problem."

"This kind of thing is meant to be cautious. If we leave the root of the disease, it will not only harm you, but also our reputation as doctors.

"This is absolutely intolerable for us."

You see, these few sentences have a professional flavor. No one can resist this kind of words, just like an old Chinese medicine doctor.

Igarashi Sakuya's righteous words made Kasumi Zejian cough a little embarrassed, and after stretching out his legs, he said, "Then, it's troublesome Miss Nurse." "

Look, isn't that stable?

Looking at Kasumi Ze Stream, who had already put his leg on his side, Igarashi Sakuya also snorted twice, and it seemed that a sense of pride came to his heart.

Sure enough, any luck or something is bullshit. As long as you can make enough preparations, no matter how bad your luck is, you can definitely do things well.

As for things like buggings, she naturally wouldn't put them in the doll like she had a beautiful taste, as if she was afraid that Xia Zejian wouldn't suspect or find out.

She was also preparing to put the bugging device in the plaster cast of the Xiaze stream in the name of an auxiliary device in the name of being a nurse.

Although this may cause the words to be a little indistinct, there is one thing to say, and this is definitely the best place to hide from the Kasumawa Stream.

If he is really Suzu Kawasaki, then his anti-reconnaissance ability must also be strong and strong. It must be a shame to put it under the table or under the bed board, which is already tired of playing.

Even after being discovered by him again, there may be some special circumstances, which will lead to a lawsuit or something.

I hadn't been beaten by that group of juniors before... Ahh

But today's employers, if they don't stab themselves in the back, they can already be said to be thankful, what kind of support and the like, it's just unthinkable.

Therefore, now I should be cautious and cautious in my own investigation, and cautious and cautious. You must not let Xia Zejian grab her handle and let her go in to eat some prison food.

So for the investigation of this kind of thing, she can still be prepared for some surprises.

Looking at the thighs in front of him, which were still wrapped in bandages, the corners of Igarashi Sakiya's mouth hooked up a slight arc in the place where Kasumizawa had not yet seen, and at the same time reached out and grabbed his legs.

Although she did not have any professional training as a doctor, after learning the news yesterday and frantically learning how to remove a plaster cast after a night of frantically Xi learning how to remove a plaster, she dared to say that she could remove or put a plaster cast on him with her eyes closed.

However, this is obviously too much trouble, and it is quite troublesome to put a plaster cast on someone without professional equipment.

After all, she didn't want to be identified by some hospital professional. Although it is not fatal, but if Xia Zejian deduces something from this, it will be quite fatal.

To tell the truth, she doesn't want to put her mind on the entanglement with Xia Zejian now. While this will definitely give her more information, it can actually be a particularly troublesome thing.

Getting yourself into trouble in exchange for some other information, this kind of thing is obviously not worth it for Igarashi Sakiya.

Of course, if it is a person like Gonghuo Cangshen who does this kind of thing, it must be a very happy thing.

At least it's already okay to leave it alone and hang high.

So she also pretended to be very comfortable, took out something from behind her that looked like Payne's black rod in the Hokage, lit some plaster on Kasumawa Stream, and said,

"Then, please relax Mr. Kasumawa Stream now."

"I'm going to use this thing to check for you the congestion of the muscles inside and if it's getting worse. Thank you for your cooperation.

"Well, I understand."

Even though he had always had a strange feeling in his heart that today's nurse was abnormal, Xia Zejian still nodded obediently.

After all, she is a nurse, and in her previous life... I have never been a nurse, and I can't know more about nursing than a nurse.

You may have a drama when you ask him to breed a sow, but he can only say that he doesn't know anything about human care.

And Igarashi Sakuya, who saw Kasumizawa Jian agreeing, also nodded his head without moving.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked,

"Miss Nurse, I don't think it's a big deal, right?"

"If there's anything wrong, just tell me. I don't have any relatives now, so it's okay to put it bluntly. Hearing

Kasumawa's usual words, Igarashi Sakuya just nodded, looked at the plaster on Kasumawa's feet, and said helplessly:

"Indeed, I see that your current physical condition is really good."

"The wound was not red and swollen, it was not suppurated. It's also not swollen, which is a good sign.

"However, it still needs to be observed in the hospital to see if there will be any sequelae."

"Still, it should be fine... bar. "

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