Eula looked at Ivan's whole body with a red face, and muttered, "The guy who treated you is really powerful, and I didn't see any wounds... By the way, you... Craving something to eat?

Ivan didn't think about it, and said, "I will eat what you make, whether it's good or bad."

Eula's brain temperature rose suddenly, and the whole person became dizzy: "This... I...... I'll only make some high-calorie marching rations, like moon pie..."Ivan

chuckled and said, "It's okay, as long as you make it, I love to eat it... And the high calories are more satisfying. "

In fact, high calories do not fill the stomach, but will meet the daily needs of the human body, and high-expansion foods can fill the stomach.

Eula didn't speak, she walked out of her room with a red face, and just when she went out and closed the door, Eula reacted: "Ah! I was molested by him!

Eula muttered fiercely: "You dare to tease me!" Wait! I have written down this hatred!

Ivan lay on the big bed that belonged to Eula, and took a hard sip of the pillow with a slight smell of hair oil and a large number of girlish fragrances and perfumes.

In fact, women's bodies do not have their own body odor, but males will involuntarily impose some flavors on the bodies of women they love because of hormones.

To put it bluntly, love is nothing more than a derivative of carbon-based organisms derived from the desire to reproduce.

Human beings have intelligence, and while they reproduce, they will also live together, eat and work together, so the hormones in the body slowly turn into looking for women with similar personalities, which is the so-called love.

It's not that the more beautiful the woman, the better, but the honest character is the most important, and it doesn't matter if the appearance is poor.

Ivan has seen a lot of beautiful girls, but because of personality problems, he has messed up a family that could have become a happy life.

On the contrary, those honest girls who are ridiculed by everyone for their ugly appearance, after the man comes home from work, will not be dissatisfied because he forgot to bring something to himself, nor will he complain about the man's wealth and strength, and will silently encourage him to make progress together.

This will make the man feel guilty and can make him work harder.

Ivan felt that Eula was the kind of girl who was beautiful and honest.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

he smirked and opened his system panel.

[The movie "Survival in the Wilderness" has been watched by more than 10,000 people]

[The protagonist of the movie is being locked...].

[The Survival in the Wild movie features Kaeya Alberridge]

[Exploring her natural abilities...].

[Please choose the host

] [Ice Elemental Mastery

] [Wilderness Survival Skills

] [Finger Sensitivity Increased] [Body Sensitivity Increased]

Compared to the experience of the last movie, I don't know why it is much less.

However, Ivan still selects them all, and then clicks [Next].

In the next second, many skills in the wild, how to survive flooded Ivan's brain.

Among them are those taught by Ivan, and there are also those that Kaeya himself understands or would have had.

The skill of mastering the ice element, as well as various discomforts in the fingers and body.

A flood of unfamiliar memories and knowledge flooded into his mind, as well as the discomfort of his body, and Ivan soon fell asleep.

After a while, when Eula entered the room with the hot moon pie, she saw Ivan lying on the bed sleeping soundly.

Eula's puffing Moon Pie put it on the bedside table: "Damn! I spent so much time making the Moon Pie just to make it a little tastier, and it turned out to... As a result—"

Eula pursed her lips, but in the end she didn't wake up Ivan, but moved a small stool and sat on the edge of the bed, holding her chin in her hands and watching Ivan's sleeping face.

"Hehe, he likes me

...""Take a closer look, I'm really handsome..."

Eula muttered unconsciously, and after reacting, she remembered her words and blushed with shame.

Then, she reacted and grabbed Ivan's hand.

"Can't let anyone else snatch it!"

Eula said, crawling onto the bed and facing Ivan, but didn't get into the covers, just stayed outside the covers.

Looking at Ivan's face, Eula was stunned.

"This is me, one of the few... Belch...... Friends..."

It's just the emotions of these two "friends", is it really pure?


Early the next morning, Ivan woke up.

Eula's bed was huge, and Ivan slept from the head of the bed to the end of the bed.

He remembered that he didn't like to move very much when he slept, and even if he did, it wouldn't be so outrageous, right?

Ivan got out of bed in a daze, turned his head to look, and found that where he had been lying, Eula was lying there.

Ivan: "..."

Looking at the moon pie on the bedside table, Ivan's stomach sounded unconsciously, so he picked up the moon pie and ate it.

The Moon Pie was already cold and had a bad taste, but Ivan didn't care about chewing it in large gulps.

Still, he restrained the urge to eat. Anyway, the Moon Pie kept the share that a normal person could eat and kept it for Eula.

Looking at Eula's sleeping face, Ivan couldn't help but sigh: "This is a woman who can only as a god... No, neither can the gods! I'm just—

" "Hmm..."Eula woke up slowly, "What a fairy

...", "Ah, nothing..."

Eula yawned, rubbed off her eyes, and opened her eyes, and what greeted her was Ivan's eyes as deep as night,


Eula seemed to remember something, and was lifted to look at her body and breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, my clothes haven't changed, I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes, but... When did you come out of bed?

Thinking about what she was doing while she was asleep, Eula couldn't help but take a sip of herself.

Eula, you're so cheap!

Ivan handed the Moon Pie to Eula: "This is the Moon Pie you made last night, right?" Sorry, I fell asleep, I left it for you.

Eula felt uncomfortable wearing her clothes under her quilt and took off her clothes in the quilt from Ivan's point of view: "I want you to feed me." Ivan

was blushing from the teasing, and he wasn't blind, he could tell what Eula was doing under the covers.

Eula blushed and picked her chin: "Hmph, wasn't it natural when you teased me yesterday?" Why don't you dare now? It's really disgusting, this hatred, I wrote it down.

Ivan blushed and trembled as he fed the moon pie to Eula.

The intimate movements of the two made their body temperatures rise sharply.

However, Eula did not stop taking off her clothes.

After taking off her clothes and holding them in her arms, and looking at the Moon Pie that still had a lot left, Eula said, "You go out, I'm going to change my clothes."

Ivan was stunned.

It was this stunned that made Eula ashamed: "Hey! Are you interested in my body! Hurry out and want to see me naked? It's disgusting!

Ivan, blushing, ran out as if he had seen some kind of flood beast, closed the door and leaned against it, gasping for air.

"Huh~Huh~Huh~" Ivan touched his fast-beating chest, "What's the matter, it wasn't like that yesterday..."

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