When Xia Zejian asked this question, his heart was very uneasy.

It's not that he's afraid of the answer to this question, but he's not very afraid to accept it.

It's not for any strange reason, but it's just that for Ling Zhen Wuyu, there is also an extremely complex emotion in his heart.

After all, it's still a recent strategy object.,How can it be like the strategy object three years ago.,The story between two people is almost forgotten.。

And this feeling ... Nor is it likely to shift over time.


After hearing Xia Zejian's question, Ling Zhen Wuyu's face that had not changed since he came out because he wore a mask instantly became in a trance, looked at the surrounding scenery twice, and said, "In the subway, do you want to hear this answer from me?" "

If you want to hear it... I can tell you.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, as if remembering something.

After a while, when no one was looking at her anymore, she opened her eyes slightly and said, "Well, I love him."

"So, I'm going to help him fulfill his unfulfilled wish and help him achieve his previous goals. It will also help him take care of you as his brother.

"That's probably how my emotions are, and even I feel a little ridiculous."

Her calm words seemed to be mixed with mockery of herself, but she still just shook her head, as if she didn't want to continue.

And Xia Zejian stared at her with a complicated look, opened his mouth, and was still about to continue to ask: "So... Why would you refuse him?

"He loves you, you should be able to feel it, right?"

"Hmm... I know.

Regarding Xia Zejian's questioning words, Ling Zhen Wuyu only nodded, pretending to say this understatement calmly.

"I didn't say yes at the time... I'm really sorry. I let him die... I'm really sorry.

At this point, she seemed to change her tone. However, because she was wearing a mask, Xia Zejian couldn't even see what kind of expression her face was under the mask.

Mournful? Fed up? Make nothing of? Relieved?

Xia Zejian didn't know.

In this silent atmosphere, the subway radio slowly sounded: "University of Tokyo, it's here." Passengers who want to get off the bus are asked to get off the bus as soon as possible. "

Have a great experience."

After hearing this broadcast, Xia Zejian and Ling Zhen Wuyu stood up in unison, pushed away the crowd in front of them, and left here as if crowded.

And today's campus life is about to kick off.

"Oh yes."

When going to the classrooms of both sides, Ling Zhen Wuyu turned his head to look at Xia Zejian as if he suddenly remembered something, and said, "Recently, the campus festival is about to start.

"Have you already chosen someone to spend this school festival with you?"

"Huh? Oooh... I've found someone who is willing to spend this campus festival with me, and I don't need Miss Suzuki Muyu to join me. Hearing

the question of Ling Zhen not having a feather, Xia Zejian didn't react for a moment.

After all, as I have said many times before, the campus festival he has participated in may be more than Cang Tishen's age now. There are more girls who have soaked in it than the ambiguous object of that one.

Therefore, the familiar and unfamiliar word of campus sacrifice inevitably made him a little stunned.

However, after he reacted quickly, he refused Ling Zhen's intention to hide without feathers, and finished saying this.

And Ling Zhen Wuyu obviously expected this situation, but he just shook his head and said, "I didn't say these words just to participate in the campus festival with you.

"I'm also going to participate in the activities of the debate club, so I don't think I have time to wander around the campus."

"The reason I say this is because I want to do something with you."


Ling Zhen Wuyu's words made Xia Zejian stunned for a moment, looked at Ling Zhen Wuyu, and said uncertainly: "Uh... What about the debating club?

"Pretty much. There are some things that I need you to help me with. "

Promise? I can only talk about debates!

Don't say yes? Just now people helped themselves, isn't it a bit outrageous not to agree?

"Uh... So what's the matter? "

There is a member of our debating club in your mathematics department, and because of the mathematical model, you can't participate in the debating club's activities on campus."

"So I want you and him to be able to make that mathematical model before the school festival and then get him involved in the debate."

"He's a great second debater, and he's also a great club member. I think we need him very much in this debate.


Although her words were not finished, Xia Zejian also knew what she meant. But still sure to say, "Uh... That mathematical model shouldn't be very difficult, right?

"Don't give me a mathematical model that I don't know anything about, and then let me put it all together. Then I can only say I'm sorry, I can't do it.


Xia Zejian's rhetorical question made Ling Zhen Wuyu ponder for a moment, and then said directly: "He said that it is the basic task of the mathematics department, but because there are too many quantities, he can't write it."

"So it shouldn't be difficult, you can also find a few people to help him write it, if you want to hire someone, I'll pay for it."

"Uh... Star. She

said so, and she didn't accept it.

Although he had never done such a thing as writing code in his previous life, from the perspective of watching Yinchuan Reimu's daily work, he was still a little confident in building mathematical models.

I've never seen pork, and I haven't seen a pig run!

And after seeing that Xia Zejian agreed, Ling Zhen Wuyu also nodded with satisfaction. looked at Xia Zejian and said, "As for what you asked me in the corridor, I will find a way to complete it."

"But judging by the information you gave me, this matter should be relatively easy. When I find out the information, I'll..."

Just when Ling Zhen Wuyu's words were not finished, a shout that seemed to be a little angry suddenly made Xia Zejian stand in place a little stunned, and his head slowly turned to the direction where the sound came from, and sure enough, he saw a...

A white mist god in a COS chili costume!

Wait, you're not calling this cosplay at all, it's performance art!

"Descendants of the Night! Who is that woman! "

How does it feel... Your neck seems to be a little itchy, huh?

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