The next day.

After a night of adventurer propaganda and a night of fermentation, everyone was discussing "Brother Kaeya's Artistic Ideas" the next morning.

The Mondstadt newspaper also saw the ability of the news to attract money, and after hearing the adventurer's propaganda, they lined up overnight and distributed the newspaper the next morning.

And last night, a lot of people used a photo camera to shoot Ivan and Kaeya, as well as Sora and Paimon, why did they have nothing to do...

Nonsense, Ivan was carrying a video camera there, and at first glance he was making a movie.

Even if you can't sell it at the newspaper, you can collect it and use it as a gift later.

Kaeya is the captain of the Mondstadt cavalry, Ivan is the knight of Mondstadt, and Sora is the knight of honor, and all three have saved the turmoil of Mondstadt several times.

As a member of the Knights of Favonius, you are denying their merits if you don't accept this photo.

Even if these members of the Knights of Favonius can really find a reason not to accept it, the gift-giver will at least have room for maneuver, so that the gift-giver will not be able to give it at all, as before.

Remember, if you want to make it easier for someone to do it, but you don't usually have any dealings with people in this position, and if it's only once, and you don't want to pick valuables, you can choose a portrait of his immediate leader, or a portrait of a national leader.

This person will definitely be dissatisfied, but he will not say it, and if he suffers a dumb loss, he will definitely be disgusted and dissatisfied with you.

If there is only one time and there will be no intersection in the future, and you don't need to pay attention to him, if there is more than the first time, then don't send it.

Of course, it's just a convenience, if you want him to do big things, then forget it.

That said, how big is some people's addiction to alcohol?

Now, having broken a leg and an arm in the previous defense of the city by the gift of the angel, Cyrus did not heed the priest's request for recuperation, but came here with a limp of support.

Order two glasses of dandelion wine, a plate of fennel beans, take a sip of wine, chew a bite of side dishes, and brag to others.

Mo Di is very~

Cyrus looked at the report on the newspaper, and said to the person next to him with a smile: "Haha, Ivan has a new movie, "Brother Kaeya's Artistic Creation", to be honest, I can be Kaeya's father at my age, and I can return my brother." "

There are so many cases like Cyrus that many people think that a seniority should not be used as a name.

But when the time comes, they will still look at it.

Not only is it because of the influence of Stormterror, which has caused most of the shops to close, but also because there are no entertainment facilities in Mondstadt at all except for drinking.

In addition, the monsters besieged the city, the former guardians attacked the targets of the guards, and the rising prices caused many people to start to go insane.

Like the neighbor near Ivan's house.

Sarah moved out the projector that had been prepared long ago, and watching that the sun was about to set, Sarah smiled mysteriously and spread out the projector.

Suddenly, the light reflected on the opposite wall.

The Deer Hunter Restaurant was already overcrowded, and in the midst of the expectant gaze, an earthen altar came into view.

Suddenly, a pair of chopsticks pierced into the center of the earthen altar, and as the chopsticks picked up, the noodles and sauerkraut were stirred up.

The camera zooms out and is a pair of small hands, one hand holding the earthen altar and the other hand holding chopsticks

When you open your lips, you can see your white and straight teeth, and the noodles and sauerkraut with a red glow are rolled up in your lips.

With the sound of spitting noodles from the projector, people swallowed unconsciously.

The scene shifts to the empty body, where the knight of honor is lying on the edge of the earthen altar without an image, and the storm is inhaled.

Then there was Kaeya, who seemed a little normal, but she was sweating profusely and her blindfold was wet.

It's not because of how delicious this Laotan sauerkraut beef noodle is, but because it's the first time they eat this, and when the novelty of eating it two more times has passed, they may not be so enthusiastic.

Paimon lay down in his chair and puffed out his stomach and patted it with a satisfied expression.

Sora stuck out his tongue and licked the side of his mouth.

Kaeya wiped a handful of her hair and threw beads of sweat down her hair.

The picture becomes blurry, and through the blurred picture, it looks like the three of them are chatting.

The blurred image slowly transforms into an open earthen jar filled with noodles and sauerkraut.

Next to the jar is Paimon, who has a bulging belly, and Paimon pats his belly at this time.

Then, Kaeya's signature voice came.

"Laotan sauerkraut beef noodles, this sour and refreshing is authentic."

Freeze frame.

There was already a lot of talk in the audience:

"Ivan is starting to find out that he has some skills."

"It's advertised, but it looks pretty good."

"Even though I advertise when I show movies, I'm not averse... But how does this earthen jar of noodles look so much like a spittoon? "

Miss Sarah, a serving of sauerkraut beef noodles... Oh, by the way, it's the same as Captain Kaeya. "

Advertising aroused the appetite of some people, and some people even ordered food directly.

After the end of the commercial, it is the feature film that begins.

After a period of darkness..........

In the movie, the Aeolus Square appears, and you can see a lot of people wandering around from it, and passers-by will take a special look at the filming location.

In the middle of the shoot was a huge cardboard, and in the middle of the cardboard was an irregular circle dotted with red fuel, and the top of the circle was written "Brother Kaeya's Artistic Ideas" in Mongolian language, and the bottom of the circle was written "Brother Kaeya's Artistic Ideas" in lingua franca.

On one side of the cardboard is a table with a paper-cut made of cardboard.

Below are the rippling waves, and above the waves is an erect shark with a wide mouth and white teeth, and in the center is a selfie of Kaeya.

At that moment, a blue-black figure appeared from behind the cardboard, and it was Kaeya.

Kaeya clapped his palms and smiled warmly, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, have you ever thought about what it feels like to be swallowed by a shark?"

As she spoke, Kaeya's eyes widened, and there seemed to be horror in her eyes: "Or was it bitten by a crocodile's big mouth?" Or... Was it swallowed alive by a wolf?

As he spoke, Kaeya's eyes began to sway from side to side, glancing at the standing cardboard on the table beside him from time to time.

Someone noticed this move, but wasn't too surprised.

For adults, there are many, many better crafts in reality that are much stronger than this, and their childishness and childlike innocence have been almost worn out.

But what is Mondstadt? This is a fairytale country, even ordinary people will have no worries about food and clothing, and they will pay more attention to spiritual and physical needs.

There were not a few families who dragged their families, and the childish words of the children began to sound, and many adults looked at the cardboard with anticipation.

Kaeya glared and gestured to the cardboard next to him, "That's what it should look like." The

camera zooms in, and as Kaeya pulls out a long "ah" sound, people see the selfie of Kaeya.

In that selfie, Kaeya stared at him, gave a French military salute, and opened his mouth wide as if he was afraid of something.

This photo may seem a bit contrived to adults, but it looks comical to children.

The children laughed, and as the children laughed, the parents showed their yellow, black, green, purple, red, and white teeth.

As the camera zoomed out, Kaeya moved her legs and waved her hand: "It's funny, isn't it?" Shark photo frames that eat people, but it doesn't bite, come with me.

(Anyone who sees

this, you can delete the book) (I know that there are many people who gave a reward when this book was first created, and I know that there are many people who can't actually read it, but it is because of some emotions that resonate with

readers in the previous book that readers chase here) (Brothers, I apologize first) (

At the beginning of this book, the outline was crooked, and I want to reopen a new book at the suggestion of the readers of the fan base).

(But the wool of the tomato still has to be picked, and for the rest of the month, I will hydrograph, and the water will be until the end of the month)

(I am currently taking time to write down the outline of a book, which will be a very grand worldview... But it's still

Genshin Impact Doujin, summoning Genshin Impact characters in another world) (I saved a sum of money from working in an electronics factory, and I'm going to try to write books full-time and open two) (

both write Genshin Impact Doujin, and then never write Genshin Impact again).

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