If you want to become an immortal, go to the 100th level

Chapter 29 Do you have to guard against even a pet?

This morning, just when Lu Pingxi and his team were receiving commendations, the coalition forces on the fourth floor were attacked by a large number of monsters. Generally speaking, monsters act alone and rarely attack a certain area collectively.

But this time was different. A few hours after the golden gorilla returned to the upper echelons, the monsters on the fourth floor gathered together. According to the seriously injured soldier who sent back the news, the leader was a giant mammoth over 60 meters tall. Although the mobile forces of the coalition forces were very strong, they still couldn't stop monsters of this level.

A giant beast over 60 meters tall would make people feel scalp numb even if it was an ordinary beast, not to mention a monster with demonic energy and a certain degree of wisdom, and it also brought a large army of monsters.

So, in just a few minutes, the coalition forces on the fourth floor suffered heavy losses and then fled in all directions. Then the monsters immediately occupied the entrance to the fourth floor. Only a few soldiers escaped at the risk of their lives, with the purpose of sending this information back to the coalition headquarters.

The several seriously injured soldiers were all receiving treatment on the third floor. Only the soldier with the least injury brought down the news, and also brought the last words of the commander-in-chief of the fourth-floor attack army.

Only a few adventurers who returned from the third floor knew this news. Lu Pingxi also learned about it after being notified by the United Army to go to the announcement department. This was a secret news that ordinary people had no right to know. The reason why the United Army told them this secret was that they wanted to entrust them with a bounty mission.

The person in charge of the announcement department said: "We hope to entrust you to find other roads leading to the fourth floor. There are still some survivors of our joint army officers and soldiers on the fourth floor. They are very likely to be hunted by monsters, so I hope to find other roads leading to the fourth floor and save them." An adventurer immediately asked: "How do you know there are other roads leading to the fourth floor? What if there is only one?" The person in charge said: "This is the news we got from the leader of the thugs. He had contact with high-level monsters before. The high-level monsters told him that the roads leading to the upper floors will increase with the increase of the number of floors. The monster came to the lower floor through other channels." The adventurers felt embarrassed. They dared to move on the third floor because they knew for sure that high-level monsters could not come to the lower floor, but now the joint army told them that high-level monsters still have a way to come to the lower floor, so the first, second and third floors are not absolutely safe. The person in charge said: "I know very well that the passage to the upper level is often guarded by some powerful monsters because of the dense spiritual energy, but we don't need you to kill these monsters. You just need to provide us with the location. Our joint army will naturally attack these monsters, and we will reward the person who provides the information with ten spiritual iron coins and a set of mobile armor!"

When the person in charge said this, the other adventurers were immediately tempted. That is a mobile armor, a weapon to deal with monsters. Having that thing is equivalent to increasing your survival rate!

Lu Pingxi frowned. He also knew the importance of this matter, but he didn't know where the entrance to the fourth floor was. This information was in the hands of the little flower demon, and the little flower demon didn't tell Lu Pingxi for safety reasons. After all, telling Lu Pingxi would reduce his value.

In this regard, Lu Pingxi also admired her caution, so if he wanted to get this information, he had to go back and exchange it with the demon crystal.

This is where Lu Pingxi's caution lies. In order to prevent the little flower demon from approaching him deliberately to obtain human intelligence, he has always been on guard against the little flower demon. He almost never exchanges intelligence with her, and stays away from human camps as much as possible.

This is also why the little flower demon becomes an assistant, because assistants are employment relationships, not partnerships. In the future, both parties must pay equal value for any requests, and if there is a conflict of interest, it is normal to separate or become hostile.

After receiving the notice from the Joint Army Announcement Department, several third-level adventurers accepted this bounty mission. Most adventurers thought that this was just an investigation mission, and the danger was not great, so maybe they could give it a try.

Of course, Lu Pingxi also accepted the mission. After accepting the mission, he immediately took Su Yu to the third level.

On the way, he and Su Yu still attracted everyone's attention. Lu Pingxi carried a huge level 10 bag and three butcher chain knives. These butcher chain knives were not for normal people. You need to find a strong man who is at least three meters tall to use these chain knives. After all, the knife is too big, more than two meters long, and the chain is also a big circle when tied up. Ordinary people can't resist it.

Su Yu also attracted a lot of people's attention. She followed Lu Pingxi with a level 5 bag. Although she didn't look as exaggerated as Lu Pingxi, it was inappropriate for such a weak girl to carry such a huge backpack.

Su Yu followed and asked Lu Pingxi: "There are so many people in this Xiuxian Tower. Are there so many people there?"

She used to go to deep mountains and forests and caves and abysses with Lu Pingxi on adventures. There were few people there, and basically only ferocious wild animals were involved. But this time the situation was different. It seemed that she was in a crowd, which made her quite uncomfortable.

Lu Pingxi said, "That's not the case. The main reason is that we are in the town now. When we reach the third floor and head to the jungle, we will hardly see anyone. This Xiuxian Tower is a space artifact. Each floor is larger than the next. Starting from the third floor, there are even sun and moon. I wonder if the coalition forces plan to build a rocket to fly to the third floor to see the situation."

Su Yu was extremely surprised. She said: "The Tower of Cultivation is so magical? There is too little information from the outside. It is impossible to know what is going on inside without going there in person."

Lu Pingxi said while leading the way: "Actually, I learned these from the previous assistant. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask her."

Su Yu: "."

Did you really find another assistant before you found me?

Su Yu paused, then made some guesses about future partners. She asked, "How is this assistant's ability?"

Lu Pingxi thought for a while and then said: "How can I put it, I am very knowledgeable and know the Immortal Cultivation Tower very well, but I feel that I am usually too lax, not vigilant enough, too straight-tempered, and have no authority."

Su Yu: "."

In your eyes, I am afraid that people all over the world are not cautious enough.

"By the way," Lu Pingxi said, "She also has a pet. At present, the pet's role is only to transport goods. It will not be used in battle. After all, I don't trust this pet very much."

Su Yu:? ? ?

Do you have to guard against even a pet?

So far, Su Yu didn't know that the assistant Lu Pingxi mentioned was not a human being.

Soon, they arrived on the third floor, and the two assistants were about to meet.

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