If you want to become an immortal, go to the 100th level

Chapter 42 When did you run away so far?

"Stop it!!!"

But it was too late. Lu Pingxi swung his sword with force like the wind. He cut the feather in half without any hesitation. Because Lu Pingxi was not very skilled in the use of spiritual energy, it was terrifying. The spiritual energy escaped from the long sword and directly chopped down a large tree in the distance.

This attack is definitely a fourth-grade Qi training level attack.

This wasn't the end yet. After cutting off the feather with a sword, Lu Pingxi immediately began to gather spiritual energy. He planned to take action again. It seemed that he would not stop until the feather was destroyed into rubbish.

The little flower demon rushed over and hugged the two-part feather, and then she shouted: "That's enough, it's just a feather. Is there any need to kill it all like this?"

Lu Pingxi raised his eyebrows, and then said: "A feather is like this? Do you look down on the other person just because of a feather? Do you know that a saint's hair can split the earth? This is the tower of immortal cultivation, and it cannot be underestimated. Peep anything!”

Little Flower Demon:? ? ?

Which fairy tale novel are you talking about?

The little flower demon said: "No, this is a letter from Feiyu, a letter from one of my bird Taoist friends. If you destroy it, I won't be able to read the letter from it!"

Lu Pingxi put away the long sword after hearing this, mainly because he saw that the little flower demon had put away the two feathers. It seemed that the feathers really did not carry any terrible attack effects.

The little flower demon carefully connected the two pieces of white feathers, and then began to use his mental power to read the information inside. After a while, the little flower demon's face turned ugly.

Lu Pingxi asked: "What's wrong?"

The little flower demon's face was extremely ugly, and she said: "A white bird friend of mine, Fei Yu, sent me a message saying that my daffodil friend on the thirteenth floor was caught, and was brought to the fourth floor by the seal's power. Damn Butterfly Demon, you used such despicable means to force me out. "

Lu Pingxi was a little confused and asked: "It's strange, why is that big demon so persistent with you? How did you provoke it?"

The little flower demon became distressed: "I wish I knew. White Bird Demon sent me a letter telling me that I played tricks on Butterfly Demon's son several times, which caused Butterfly Demon's son to hate me very much. I was baffled. I Why are you playing with it? I don’t even know who it is. Bai Niao also said that in order to cover up his incompetence, Young Master Butterfly has described me as extremely cunning, extremely despicable, and very scheming. I’m surprised. Isn’t it despicable to use hostages?”

Lu Pingxi touched his chin and said: "Listening to what you said, I feel that things are not that simple. Is this butterfly monster using the interface to arrest you to send a large number of men to do something at the bottom? ? What rules do you have at the top? How come any monster can come to the bottom?"

The little flower demon couldn't understand Lu Pingxi's words for a while. She asked: "Huh? I don't have enough brains. Are you saying that arresting me is just a cover and has other purposes? Then why are you using hostages to force me to show up?"

Lu Pingxi frowned and said, "Have you never thought that your fellow Taoist Bainiao deliberately lured you into the trap? Maybe he is the real mastermind behind this!"

Lu Pingxi boldly used his imagination.

The little flower demon stamped its feet in the air: "No way! Fellow Taoist White Bird is the natural enemy of insects. It is impossible for it to unite with the insect monsters."

Lu Pingxi was puzzled and asked, "I'm wondering, shouldn't your flowers and butterflies have a friendly relationship?"

The little flower demon said: "There is a reason. We used to have a good relationship, but because of something, we fell out. Alas, it's hard to look back on the past."

Lu Pingxi glanced at the little flower demon: "Your demon circle is really in chaos. Is there anything else in Feiyu's biography?"

The little flower demon nodded and said, "Yes, Fellow Taoist White Bird asked me to meet somewhere, and then we would discuss how to rescue Fellow Daoist Narcissus."

Lu Pingxi touched his chin again and started thinking. He asked: "Is it possible that it is a trap? No, I think it is most likely a trap!"

The little flower demon said: "I said no! Fellow Taoist White Bird and the Zerg are incompatible with each other. They are natural enemies!"

Hearing what the little flower demon said, Lu Pingxi said: "You are my assistant, so I have no right to stop you from looking for your friends. But don't forget to leave all the knowledge about formations and alchemy behind before you go. By the way, keep your knowledge of weapon refining as well. I heard before that you know how to refine weapons, and you also have knowledge of drawing talismans. Don’t worry, I have prepared enough demon crystals, so you won’t suffer any loss.”

Little Flower Demon:? ? ?

Why am I the only one going there? Also, why do you act like you won’t be able to come back if I leave?

Lu Pingxi looks like a capitalist exploiter. His employees may die, but instead of trying to dissuade her, he squeezes out all the remaining value. This is very real.

The little flower demon pouted and looked angry: "Don't even think about it. This knowledge of mine is my capital. Don't even think about taking it all away!"

Lu Pingxi suddenly became thoughtful and said: "Then we can't let you put yourself in danger. With the rare knowledge about cultivating immortals, you can't find another assistant like this. Okay, don't worry, wait for us After collecting the herbs, we went back to discuss it, and then we went to find your bird friend."

"It's Shiratori! She's a very good demon, but she just hates the insect monsters!"

However, Lu Pingxi acted as if you just say it, if I believe it, I will lose.

The little flower demon was particularly angry, and she looked very angry, but her body still followed Lu Pingxi into the Nightmare Valley to collect herbs.

Lu Pingxi was very careful when he entered the Nightmare Valley, but in fact he was overly worried. There was no danger in the Nightmare Valley.

They continued to go deeper, and after a few minutes they came to the place where the nightmare grass grew as the little flower demon said. There was a small puddle here, and there were several purple herbs growing on the edge of the puddle, which looked very weird.

There is a faint medicinal fragrance in the air, and one sniff makes you want to fall asleep.

Lu Pingxi asked: "Is this the nightmare grass?"

The little flower demon said: "Yes, this is the nightmare grass. I didn't expect there to be so many. It seems that this place is remote enough. After such a long time, no monster has discovered this place."

Lu Pingxi frowned: "Do you think this is normal? Is there something wrong with the nightmare grass? Is the water not poisonous?"

The little flower demon said: "You are too cautious. Not every monster would want to set traps everywhere like you."

With that said, the little flower demon was about to collect the nightmare grass, but at this moment, bubbles suddenly appeared in the small pool of water.

The little flower demon was startled, and she immediately flew backwards, but the next moment, a green tree vine jumped out of the pool and headed straight for the little flower demon.

"There is actually an ambush!"

The little flower demon was extremely surprised. She didn't expect that as soon as she spoke her words, a tentacle-like tree vine stretched out from under the pool. The little flower demon moved closer to Lu Pingxi: "Lu Pingxi, help me!"

However, Lu Pingxi had already left the pool twenty meters away.

Little Flower Demon:? ? ?

When did you run away so far? Come here and help me, Hundan!

Please collect! Please recommend! Please reward! (oωo)

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