The private jet in front of me can be said to be quite spacious inside.

The decoration is also very good, and it can be seen at a glance that these decorations are definitely worth a lot of money.

The most important thing is that there are even flight attendants inside.

They were already waiting in the plane for service, and they were all wearing uniform uniforms.

Judging from their appearance, these staff in front of them are definitely the most professional.

After they entered the plane, the flight attendants received them with a very good attitude. They neither felt overly enthusiastic nor a little cold.

He looks well-trained at first glance.

Just to support these service personnel will cost a lot of money every year.

After a group of people finally sat down in their seats, the soft chairs were indeed much better than the previous experience of taking an ordinary passenger plane.

Everyone was speechless.

Borrowing Lin Bai’s light, they finally had the opportunity to see what the lives of top wealthy people were like.

After reading it, everyone was envious.

At the same time, I also felt that my heart was being stabbed.

After everyone was seated, the plane took off soon.

That’s the great thing about private jets, you can take off at any time as long as you’re ready.

No time wasted at all.

This is why many very wealthy people buy private jets.

After the plane officially takes off.

Bingbing finally adjusted her shocked mind.

Her emotions slowly calmed down.

It has also restored the status of being able to continue hosting.

Today, Lin Bai had promised to chat with the audience during the live broadcast.

They also have to sit on the plane for several hours.

It just so happens that they can take advantage of this time to conduct some short interviews.

“Teacher Lin Bai”

“We hope to take advantage of this time to conduct a simple interview with you”

“We may also ask some questions asked by the audience in the live broadcast room”

“Of course, this is all based on your consent to the interview.”

Bingbing smiled.

Bingbing will naturally not miss such an interview opportunity. This kind of interview is something that many viewers are very willing to see. It can definitely increase the popularity of his program.

Although Lin Bai’s every interview is quite heartbreaking, but It has such a wonderful effect.

Many viewers even fell in love with Lin Bai.

If he didn’t touch his heart for a day, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

Of course, whether he should answer the question or not depends on Lin Bai’s own wishes..If he is unwilling to answer questions, no one can force him


“I originally promised to chat with you all”

“Teacher Bingbing, if you have any questions, just ask.”

Lin Bai nodded.

The flight of several hours was originally very boring. He could just pass the time with interviews.

Moreover, he had indeed promised to chat with everyone.

Lin Bai would not break his promise easily.

Naturally, he was direct. Agree to Bingbing’s interview

“Teacher Lin Bai”

“We all know the condition of your home is excellent.”

“In this case, why do you still choose to stay in the entertainment industry?”

“Are you planning to pursue your music dream, or are there any other reasons? Could you please tell us?”

Bingbing asked directly.

This question indeed made many people very curious.

If you just look at Lin Bai’s attitude, he could just go home and inherit the inheritance.

Instead of messing around in the entertainment industry.

But, that’s how Lin Bai is. , even if he is usually very bad, he still wants to stay in the entertainment industry.

Everyone wants to know what Lin Bai

’s thoughts are. After all, if normal people think about it, he must have returned home and inherited it. The family property is gone.

This much money, even if you only inherit a part, is enough for a person to live a quite luxurious life for the rest of his life.

“I actually don’t have any objections to inheriting the family property.”

“I also have to admit that the entertainment industry is indeed a very interesting place. I should continue to receive some announcements in the entertainment industry in the future.”

“As for my family affairs, the main thing is that this matter is too troublesome.”

Speaking of this, Lin Bai couldn’t help but sigh.

Everyone’s curiosity was aroused.

Everyone was very curious. With such a huge property in his family, why didn’t Lin Bai choose to go home and inherit the family property?

“My family’s companies are actually independent and involve different industries and fields.”

“Even my parents’ company, after so many years of hard work, has not really merged successfully.”

“Generally speaking, these companies are run independently”

“This also brings certain problems. Lin

Bai said directly.

After listening to his speech, everyone felt very incomprehensible.

Logically speaking, it should be a good thing that his family’s company involves so many fields. In this way, the ability to resist risks is greatly improved. Improved.

Moreover, its influence on the entire society is also very large.

They don’t understand what is wrong with this matter.

Just when everyone was wondering why Lin Bai said this.

He finally continued to speak Got it

“Our companies are all run independently”

“This greatly improves the ability to resist risks”

“However, this requires specialized manpower to manage the company.”

“Everyone in my family has their own companies, and I am only one person. There is no way I can take over so many companies at the same time.”

Speaking of this, Lin Bai sighed with a headache. He looked quite helpless.

For a moment, a lot of question marks hit the heads of everyone present.

There is indeed nothing wrong with Lin Bai’s statement.

He It is indeed difficult for only one person to take over so many companies.

However, in other words, his family’s assets are so huge that it is even difficult for him to inherit them by himself.

This makes people think that he It’s like being in Versailles.

If other people’s families had so much property, I’m afraid they would still have to rush to inherit it before it’s too late. This guy actually gave up because he couldn’t do so many divisions of labor at the same time.

Especially Lin Bai’s A helpless tone.

It makes people feel that he deserves a beating, and makes people want to beat him severely.

Only then can this uncomfortable feeling in his heart be solved.

“Is this what troubles rich people have? I really don’t understand”

“I really don’t understand how he could talk about Versailles so calmly.”

“In fact, it’s not that I can’t understand what he meant, but for some reason, the way he spoke made me want to beat him up.”

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