I saw the other person lowering his head.

The whole time he looked like he was playing with his cell phone.

He doesn’t hear what’s going on outside the window, he just wants to play with his mobile phone

“Lin Bai!”

“Did you listen to a word of what I said?”

“I’ve been talking for a long time, but you’ve been playing with your phone.”

Seeing this,

Yang Mi couldn’t help but raise her voice.

Anyone who is ignored like this will be very angry.

Yang Mi is naturally no exception.

Especially now, when we are talking about business.

“I am listening”

“You just said you wanted to pack it for me, but I don’t think it’s necessary”

“Am I not handsome enough? Asking a designer to package it again would be a waste of my time. Lin

Bai said directly

“You don’t have to worry about the song, I will take care of it myself.”

Yang Mi was completely speechless.

The other party’s attitude really left her speechless.

Although the other party didn’t raise her head at all and was looking at her phone the whole time, she heard everything she said.

But because of herself If so, he just didn’t agree to any of them.

“What are you doing?”

“Are you playing games?”

“What’s so fun about this?”

“Is it a stock?”

Lin Bai kept looking down at his phone.

He seemed to be playing a game.

This made Reba couldn’t help but get closer.

She was really curious about what it was that could make the other person so fascinated.

The result.

Reba Lai leaned over and took a look, but he couldn’t understand it.

In front of him was this page.

Although it looked similar to the stock operation page, it was not completely different.

Lin Bai raised his eyebrows.

“This is not a stock”

“This is virtual currency”


“This thing can be said to be a kind of thing that spreads flowers by beating drums”

“It depends on which unlucky person’s home the flowers fall on”

“Anyone who plays this thing knows it’s a scam”

“But none of them thought they would be the final losers.”

Lin Bai explained.

Reba was shocked for a moment.


“Then you still play with this thing?”

Lin Bai already knows it’s a scam.

Why are you still playing with this thing?”


“Just a little fun.”

Although Lin Bai knows that this is just a scam, the kind that spreads flowers by beating drums.

However, the benefits that can be obtained are still very large.

As long as you know the key nodes, you can make a fortune from it.

Then calmly retire..


Lin Bai decided to use this thing as his own cash machine.

After listening to Lin Bai’s words, Reba couldn’t help but ask.

“So how much of this did you buy?”

“Just six million.”

Lin Bai replied casually.

It’s only six million.

This number is indeed not very big for him.

Besides, six or six hits.

It sounds pretty good.

“What did you say! ?”

“Six million?”

Yang Mi and Reba were shocked on the spot at the same time.

In fact, according to their income, six million is not very much.

But even though they knew it was a scam, they still spent six million..

This makes them very puzzled.

Even if they have money, they are not used to burn it like this.

“Just doing an experiment”

“Just six million”

“Not a lot of money”

“Even if it’s all paid for, it’s still acceptable.”

Lin Bai smiled slightly.

He did invest six million.

But in fact, the funds he could use were not only that much.

After using leverage, the actual funds invested were far more than that.


Regarding this kind of thing,

Lin Bai also felt that there was no need to say it too clearly.

It was only six million.

It already surprised them so much.

If he told them, there was more money going in.

They should not be frightened. As for Lin Bai’s answer,

Reba and Yang Mi only had one thought in their minds at this moment.

That is, being rich and willful.

After experiencing the things of the day, in the blink of an eye, it was night.

Lin Bai Lying lazily on the soft sofa.

Regarding today’s day, he just felt that this kind of life was unpretentious and boring.

It turns out that this is the life of ordinary rich people.

The life of rich people is really good.

Although, he Now he is not very rich.

As long as Lin Bai does not go home, his income is not at a very top level.

After all, as a newcomer in the entertainment industry, he has no income.

But even so.

Relying on the little surplus food from the landlord’s family is enough to make him very handsome.

Moreover, although Lin Bai is penniless now, if he plays with Reba and the others, his life will not be much different.

After all, they are here..

It is impossible for his life to be any worse.

Like the house Lin Bai lives in front of.

It is the house where Yang Mi once lived, and now he lives in it.

It can be said that the two of them are very good to him.

Therefore, he would not endure hardship.

Even if he did not go home,

Lin Bai could still live a very good life.

Before he knew his family situation, the two of them had already taken such care of him.

Of course.

What he saw in front of him Everything is still far behind the life of the top rich.

But for ordinary people, it is already extremely comfortable.

“This emotional value”

“If you want to get it, it doesn’t seem that difficult.”

“I just fished for a day, and I got 5,000 emotional points?”

At this moment,

Lin Bai couldn’t help but think of this.

Because, he found that his emotional value actually increased by five thousand points after a day of wandering.

This means that there must be many people who are envious, jealous, and hateful of his life..

That’s why his emotional value has increased so much.

After all, he is not only having an affair with Yang Mi. He is also hanging out with Reba.

Many people will naturally envy and hate this kind of life.

However, at the same time, it is also It shows that Lin Bai is currently receiving a lot of attention.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was being watched to a very high degree, it would be impossible for every move to attract everyone’s attention.

If that wasn’t the case, then it would be impossible for him to get so much attention. Emotional value.

Therefore, keeping oneself topical is also an indispensable part.

For Lin Bai, he seems to have mastered the trick.

That is.

Enjoy as much as possible and live the life that everyone dreams of. life.

At the same time, it is best to let everyone see their own life as much as possible.

In this way, emotional values can be continuously generated



“This time I’m going to do a tenth company.”

Lin Bai muttered silently in his heart. Lin Bai was undoubtedly very satisfied with the result of the last lottery. Therefore, now that he has got so many emotional points, he just wanted to do a tenth round first. This was also his first time. Ten draws in a row.

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