I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 113 The benevolence of doctors (39)

"As for the expenses and losses that your lords are worried about," Sancho said with a smile, "It is naturally impossible not to let the imperial court bear its expenses at all, but the Medical Department can try to reduce the burden on the imperial court."

“What the medical school teaches is not just a simple doctor, but also a pharmacist like Luo Qing Chai Xiu. The patent medicines developed by the Medical Department can be like alcohol, allicin and penicillin, providing a continuous supply to the Medical Department. income.”

To put it bluntly, the Medical Department not only serves as a hospital, but can also act as a pharmaceutical company, generating profits by selling patent medicines.

In this way, the burden on the court will be greatly reduced, except that the initial burden will be larger.

Sancho's statement made everyone quiet down, and they began to think involuntarily whether the measures she mentioned were feasible.

After thinking for a long time, everyone was surprised to find that it seemed not only feasible, but also surprisingly feasible.

They all know the wonderful uses of alcohol and allicin developed by Sancho, and these two items have even become commonplace in their homes.

Although allicin and alcohol are sold at very low prices, they are consumed quickly. Taken together, the benefits generated by these two substances are still quite amazing.

If the medical offices and medical schools that are about to be opened can continue to develop such drugs, then maybe the medical offices and medical schools can be completely self-sufficient.

After all, the Daxuan Dynasty had just been established not long ago, and most of those who were able to stand in the court had followed Gu Xingyun all the way and knew the sufferings of the people. They were not eroded by the interests of the officialdom in the future, and they had the heart to benefit all people.

Therefore, after thinking about it and discovering that Sancho's plan for medical school and medical department did have more benefits than harm, the opposition from the public subsided.

Of course, there will still be debates over some of the details. Sancho never stopped talking throughout the entire court meeting today.

Finally, at the end of the court meeting, the matter was settled.

Since Sancho was the proposer and advocate of this matter, Sancho should have been responsible for this matter.

However, in view of the importance of this matter, which was the first major political event since the founding of the Daxuan Dynasty, and Sancho's position was not enough, Ning Yuan was ultimately responsible for the matter, with Sancho assisting him.

Sancho has no objection to this. Ning Yuan and her have different prestige in the court. Many things will go much smoother if Ning Yuan comes forward.

Moreover, although Ning Yuan's temper and mouth are not pleasing to the eye, he is principled, so Sancho trusts Ning Yuan and believes that the time of cooperation in the future will be pleasant.

Sancho found that since the establishment of the Xuan Dynasty, she had become busier day by day.

We had just finished arguing with the courtiers here, and now we were planning to draw overseas crops and discuss with Ningyuan the specific regulations for the establishment of the medical school and medical office.

In between, she still had to find time to buy goods for overseas sales and entertain Gu Anle, who came to see her from time to time.

Sancho finally felt the lack of available men at his disposal.

So, after Sancho finished mapping the overseas crops and purchasing all the goods, he put down everything he was doing for the time being and made a special trip to see Gu Anle.

"You actually came to see me when you had time? Don't you have to be busy with political affairs today?" Gu Anle looked at Sancho in surprise.

To be honest, she was a little envious of Sancho. He was the first woman in history to hold a position in the court. He was also highly regarded, and the things he did were all important things that could be recorded in history.

This is the life she longs for, but it's a pity that she doesn't have the body or the ability.

It's hard to say that he didn't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, so Sancho was polite for a while before turning to the main topic.

"Princess, you've been writing a storybook for a while. It's boring to write in a storybook every day. Why don't we find something to do?" Sancho said seductively.

After knowing each other for such a long time, Gu Anle was no longer the same Gu Anle as before, so she would not fall for Sancho's deception.

Gu Anle smiled and said, "Do you still have time to do other things?"

Sang Busyman Qiao rubbed his nose in embarrassment, oh, Gu Anle is not as easy to deceive as before.

She sneered twice to defend herself and said, "I don't have time, princess, but you have time. The noble ladies in the capital also have time. I think the sisters in Prime Minister Ning's family have a lot of time."

As soon as Gu Anle heard Sancho mentioning Ningyuan's sisters, he knew that Sancho must not be holding back any good ideas.

But Gu Anle was also very interested in cheating Ningyuan, so she consciously took the bait.

"When you say that, it seems that everyone is really free. Then tell me what happened." Gu Anle asked with interest.

Sancho raised the corner of his mouth and took the bait.

"Princess, do you still remember the imperial edict issued by your Majesty before?"

Gu Anle: "Brother Huang has issued so many imperial edicts, which one are you talking about?"

Sancho pointed at himself and said: "Of course women can also serve as officials in the court."

As he spoke, Sancho approached Gu Anle and said coaxingly: "I wonder if the princess is interested in becoming the first female sacrificial wine in history?"

Gu Anle's eyes widened and he looked at Sancho in surprise. As he watched, his eyes gradually became excited.

She originally envied Sancho for being able to serve as an official in the court and stir up troubles in the court like those men. However, she felt that she was not as capable as Sancho, so her envy was just envy.

But now Sancho actually asked her if she was interested in becoming the first female priest in history!

Of course she is interested, she is so interested!

But after getting excited, Gu Anle calmed down again. How could the first female wine sacrificer in history be so easy to do?

She understood what Sancho meant. There was an Imperial College in the imperial court, and there was also an Imperial College to offer wine, but only men were admitted to the Imperial College.

Although the imperial brother had previously issued an imperial edict that women could also watch, so far, there was only one woman in the court, Sancho.

As if the Imperial College was unaware of the imperial edict, it never said that women could also enroll.

Now Sancho probably wants to persuade her to set up a female Imperial College, but how can it be so easy to set up a female Imperial College?

Apart from anything else, site selection, enrollment, and teachers, which one is not a big problem?

Not to mention the expense involved.

To put it bluntly, she is actually a poor princess.

Gu Anle shook his head and said, "I have no money."

Sancho laughed when he mentioned Qian.

To be fair, she lacks everything now, except money.

Moreover, Cheng Biao's fleet has not yet set off, and the opportunity to make money is right in front of him.

So Sancho encouraged: "Princess, please organize some people to cooperate with me. How about we contract General Cheng's ship together?"

"But isn't it extremely risky to sail on the sea? If you don't pay attention, the ship will be destroyed and people will die."

In fact, she was tempted when Sancho talked about it with the emperor's brother, but later she gave up after hearing that the emperor's brother said the risk was extremely high.

Sancho: "The risk is naturally high, but there is no business in the world that is guaranteed to make a profit without losing money."

Kiss good night only on the forehead, otherwise children will be prone to tooth decay.

Good night babies

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