I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 129 The leader of the fairy world (6)

The shopkeeper had some unreasonable thoughts in his mind, but when he saw the size of the centipede, all those thoughts were secretly given up.

The accompanying centipede of the blood coagulation grass is not only highly toxic, but also extremely fast. The larger it is, the harder its shell is, making it very difficult to deal with.

The little girl in front of him looks like she is no more than seven or eight years old, and she is still so thin. However, she can kill such a big companion centipede. She must have some hidden cards in her body. It is better for him to put those ideas away early.

"Little girl, are you going to sell your blood clotting grass and accompanying centipede to our Huichun Hall?"

The shopkeeper couldn't bear to put down the clotted blood grass, and protected it in his hands like a treasure, as if Sancho had to sell it even if he wanted to, or even if he didn't want to sell it.

Fortunately, Sancho originally planned to sell the blood clotting grass and centipede to Huichun Hall, so he was not in a hurry. He just smiled and said: "Well, I will sell these two things to Huichun Hall. The shopkeeper will give me a fair price."

In other words, if the price is unfair, then it may not be sold to Huichun Hall.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he immediately beamed and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, little girl, there is no one in Dongshi Town who is more fair than Huichun Hall. I will definitely give you a fair price!"

After saying this, the shopkeeper couldn't wait to put away the blood clotting grass and centipede, turned back and took out a stack of banknotes and a bag of broken silver.

"Here are 10,000 taels of silver notes. Keep it, Nvwa. This bag of broken silver is for me to buy the pile of herbs you have underground. Our Huichun Hall has branches all over the Xuanyuan Realm. If you have any good things in the future, , don’t forget our Huichun Hall.”

The shopkeeper smiled kindly. The pile of ordinary herbs on the ground was certainly not worth the bag of broken silver, but he had given up ten thousand taels, so why bother digging for these few taels of broken silver.

At the age of seven or eight, this girl was able to dig up such a good-quality blood coagulation grass and kill its companion centipede. No matter how strong she was, at least her luck was good.

In this world, luck is the most mysterious.

Those who are lucky can pick up treasures on the road. If they can practice, they will collect treasures from heaven and earth during the practice.

On the other hand, if you have bad luck, you will be unlucky in everything you do, and the treasure you get will fly away.

Therefore, being able to make friends with someone who is lucky is definitely not a loss-making deal.

Sancho also smiled happily.

Ten thousand taels was indeed a very fair price, and Sancho did not refuse the bag of broken silver thoughtfully prepared by the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper wanted to sell well and make a good relationship, and she happened to have the same intention.

Anyway, who is not selling things? Huichun Hall happened to have a good impression on her. If there are any good medicinal materials in the future, it would not be impossible to sell them to Huichun Hall first.

After receiving a huge sum of ten thousand taels, Sancho did not intend to stay any longer and decided to take a cloud boat to Jiayuan City in two days.

She had to buy some things and make preparations in the past two days.

Apart from anything else, the self-defense powder must be replenished. Today, Centipede Killer has almost exhausted her supply of powder.

In the past two days, after Sancho bought all the things he needed to buy, he left some money and said goodbye to the waiter and his family.

From the time she came to Dongshi Town, it was the waiter who took the most care of her. She had nothing else to repay, so those silver coins were her reward.

The moment he saw Yun Chuan, Sancho was shocked.

It was a very ordinary ship, and it seemed that even the materials were made of wood, but the feeling when you stepped on it was not wood, but like metal.

The shape of the ship was not much different from the ships she had seen in the previous plane. Sancho looked around and saw nothing similar to an engine or propeller.

So how does this ship fly into the sky? Does it use only spirit stones as energy? Can she understand spirit stones as a raw energy stone?

Sancho is full of questions about this magical world, but now he has no answers. He can only wait until he goes to Jiayuan City and enters the major sects, and then slowly delve into it.

After the cloud boat was filled, it slowly rose into the sky. Sancho stood on the deck and watched the cloud boat take off.

Although there was no cover on the deck, she did not feel any wind force. After taking a closer look, she discovered that there was actually a transparent film rising around the cloud ship.

Could this be the legendary barrier?

The cloud boat slowly took off and headed towards Jiayuan City.

Sancho stood on the deck and watched for a long time. Finally, he couldn't see anything new, so he returned to his room to rest.

Taking a carriage from Dongshi Town to Jiayuan City would take at least a year and a half, but taking a cloud boat would only take two days.

Two days later, Sancho ended his voyage and got off the cloud ship. He looked up at the towering walls and huge gates of Jiayuan City ahead like a country bumpkin.

Are the city walls and gates too high? According to her visual inspection, it must be at least sixty or seventy meters long. A person standing below would look as small as an ant.

Suddenly, Sancho's eyes flashed, and a figure flew past quickly above him.

Sancho's eyes chased that figure, it was a flying monk with a sword!


There really are monks who fly with swords! ! !

Although I have known for a long time that this is a fairy plane, the shock brought by knowing it is different from seeing it with my own eyes.

That's flying with a sword!

This is the dream of many Chinese people!

Then Sancho saw several figures flying overhead, and the means of transportation expanded from simple swords to other magical weapons and flying spiritual beasts.

Sancho is very greedy for this. When will she have a flying spiritual beast?

Come on, riding a flying spirit beast is really cool!

After watching for a while, Sancho withdrew his gaze and began to line up with the crowd to enter Jiayuan City.

Needless to say, Jiayuan City is indeed a city. It is different from a small town like Dongshi Town. The entrance fee is only one tael of silver.

Fortunately, she had thought that twenty taels of silver would be enough. Judging from the entrance fee to Jiayuan City, her little money might not be enough to survive in Jiayuan City for three days.

After paying the entry fee, Sancho became a country bumpkin again.

The streets that are ten to twenty meters wide are crowded with people. There are people who can be identified as ordinary people at a glance. There are also many monks with swords and even monsters with animal characteristics.

In this way, Sancho finally saw the true face of this fairy plane!

Before he could fully appreciate the exotic charm, Sancho's sleeve was pulled.

She is a little girl slightly smaller than her.

"Sister, this is your first time coming to Jiayuan City. Do you need a guide? I'm familiar with Jiayuan City. I can be your guide. I charge very cheaply."

The little girl's voice became softer as she spoke, and she pointed at the adult guides at the city gate and said, "It's cheaper than them all."

When he first entered the city, he was looking at the monks and monsters. Only then did Sancho realize that there were many guides soliciting business at the city gate, and the business of those guides seemed to be pretty good.

Withdrawing his gaze, Sancho looked at the girl in front of him who was younger than her.

It’s really interesting to write fairy tales. Although it’s still a little stuck, it’s not so painful anymore. I suddenly want to write a long fairy tale haha

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