I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 515 Turn in (71)

"But... are we too purposeful? Will it annoy Sancho instead?" Boss D was hesitant about everyone's almost radical attitude.

Of course he also felt that the more bonds he had with Sancho, the better, but Sancho was a person, not an object. They could influence her feelings if they wanted to? What if they don’t want to?

What's more, Sancho is originally resistant.

Boss D's words silenced everyone for a moment, and then someone stood up and said sternly: "We are not doing this for our own selfish desires. I believe that Sancho's consciousness will definitely understand!"

He said to Mr. Gu in a sinister tone: "I think it's unreliable to find a partner for Sancho. Let's not talk about whether Sancho is willing or not. Let's talk about whether we can find someone who is worthy of Sancho. It’s all difficult.”

I don’t know what Feng Shui is like in Chen’s family. The women in his family are more fertile than the others.

Several people looked at Mr. Qiu at the same time. After thinking for a moment, Mr. Gu said to Mr. Qiu solemnly: "Please tell me carefully."

Mr. Qiu was choked by Mr. Chen's sour tone and forgot to be angry. He smiled and scolded: "You old guy, didn't you drink the Lingcha? Everyone got the same portion!"

They are all a group of people who have devoted most of their lives to this country, and all they think about is for this country.

"If you ask me to find a partner for Sancho, it is better to find some apprentices for Sancho."

Chen, Lao and Qi looked at each other and knew that Mr. Gu was already tempted, but to be honest, they were also tempted, and the success of this method was not much more reliable than that of trying to find a partner for Sancho. ?

When the issue of candidates was mentioned, Mr. Qiu, who had just been a little excited, came down again. When he saw several people looking at him, he suddenly became unhappy. He kicked the ball back and said, "What do you want me to do? I thought of the method, and the candidates should be selected." Have you thought about it? Why, you are counting on me to do everything, so you two are the ones doing the work, right?"

Isn't it just a big family?

No matter what everyone's attitude is at this meeting, one thing is correct, that is, their starting point is never for their own selfish desires.

You know, once this person is selected, his future life will be full of uncertainty.

But maybe, the Supreme Galaxy does not reserve so many talents for it?

Mr. Gu rubbed his nose and smiled angrily, "Are you out of your mind? Don't you know my attitude?"

They are willing to make this huge gamble, but the chosen ones may not necessarily be willing to make such a huge gamble with their entire lives.

What is enviable is that Mr. Chen's entire family is still considered a capable person, and there is not even a single unworthy descendant among his descendants.

Even if there are a few people who love to play, they all know how to play, and they have the ability to play, and they never bring discredit to the family and create trouble.

This candidate is a hot potato, and he won't touch it.

With a prosperous population and successful offspring, who wouldn’t envy this?

Obviously Mr. Chen himself was very proud of this, so he couldn't hide the pride in his tone.

Mr. Chen's own wife gave birth to four children, three boys and one girl. These four children each gave birth to three children. In other words, Mr. Chen has nine grandchildren and three grandchildren.

If the Supreme Galaxy does not reserve enough talents, then relying on Sancho, can they also think about competing and become one of the so-called talents?

Mr. Qiu rolled his eyes, and some dark thoughts emerged in his mind uncontrollably.

As for what to do if you can’t compete?

Then this is a big gamble. Even if the hope is slim, the rewards brought by winning the gamble are worth the gamble.

But everyone sitting in this position, who is not a human sperm, just glanced around the conference room, everyone understood, and then each of them agreed with Mr. Gu's suggestion in embarrassment or silence, packed their things and left.

Mr. Qiu just wanted to hit Mr. Chen's complacent face, but after he said this, he went through it in his mind again, and then he was surprised to find that this might actually be a reliable method!

So he refined the idea again, and then said slowly: "Instead of putting all the pressure on Sancho and forcing her to do things she doesn't want to do, we might as well spread the pressure and choose a few more young people. A viable junior should become her student and wait for an opportunity."

Speaking of Mr. Chen's big family, everyone was a little speechless and a little envious.

Seeing that everyone's attitude was gradually getting aroused, Mr. Gu, who was sitting at the head of the table, glanced at Mr. Qiu's expression calmly, and unexpectedly saw a face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Mr. Gu's words made all the senior officials who were arguing stunned for a moment. They didn't understand why Mr. Gu stopped the meeting at this time.

Speaking of this, Mr. Chen made a bitter face. He looked like he was complaining, but actually he was showing off: "Then why do I have a big family? It's just a small amount, and it's all gone in one bite. In the end, I, an old man, didn't enjoy a few bites." .”

Mr. Chen, who has a good relationship with him, echoed: "That's right, why are you angry? You can't just rely on yourself having spiritual tea to drink every day to make you angry all day long."

Mr. Qi was not as angry as Mr. Qiu. He smiled and smoothed things over: "Okay, Lao Qiu, they don't have bad intentions, they are just a little stupid, but give them some time to think, they can figure it out."

If everything goes well with Sancho, then these people will be able to enter the Plane Management Bureau smoothly, but if everything goes wrong with Sancho, then these people will be stuck with it for the rest of their lives.

After a long while, Mr. Gu hesitated and said: "Then this person...?"

With a long sigh, Mr. Qiu leaned back on his chair and said frankly: "Aren't you confused? They are a bunch of idiots who can't handle it!"

Several people were silent, seriously considering the possibility of Mr. Qiu's idea.

When most of the people in the conference room left, with only a few familiar people left, Mr. Qiu asked Mr. Gu straight to the point: "Tell me, what is your attitude?"

He coughed slightly and said before Mr. Qiu exploded: "Please stop for a moment. I don't think this matter can be resolved in a day or two. Why don't we all go back and calm down and think about it carefully? In two days we will Let’s discuss again.”

As for what this opportunity is, although Mr. Qiu did not say it clearly, everyone knew it very well.

As a newly established organization, the Plane Administration may have already reserved enough talents for this organization to ensure that it can run well once it is established.

And where to choose this person is also a big question.

There is no doubt that the people selected must be the best, so that their competitiveness will be strong enough and their hopes will be greater.

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