I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 527 The Power of Law (9)

"Are you shocked?" Hongjun asked beside Sancho.

Sancho was speechless and could only nod blankly.

Looking at the changing world, Hongjun said: "I feel the same as you. I have seen it so many times and I still feel shocked."

Sancho turned around with difficulty, what do you mean? What does it mean to have seen it so many times?

She didn't understand Hongjun and Pangu's riddle just now, and she didn't understand it even more now.

Hongjun looked at her, smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you will understand soon."

After Hongjun finished speaking, everything in front of Sancho's eyes seemed to have been pressed on the fast forward button, and the speed of light flowed. Soon, Shangqing did not bring her the dragon, phoenix and unicorn she saw, but Hongjun brought her to see them.

At that time, the three clans of Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin were at war with each other, and a war was imminent.

Sancho knew that this was the time when the dragon and phoenix calamity was about to happen.

There were four great calamities in the prehistoric period.

The first calamity was the immeasurable calamity. This calamity started with Pangu slaying three thousand demon gods and ended with the destruction of chaos and the creation of the world.

The second calamity was the dragon and phoenix calamity after the formation of heaven and earth. This calamity started with a melee between the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, lasted for thousands of years, and ended with the near-annihilation of the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn.

The third calamity was the calamity of the lich. It started with a war between the twelve ancestral witches transformed by the blood of Pangu and the demon clan headed by Emperor Jundonghuang. In the end, all the twelve ancestral witches and demon clan leaders were wiped out. The second ancestor of the witch, Hou Tu, reincarnated into reincarnation and established the underworld to end this war.

The fourth calamity is the well-known calamity of the Conferred Gods. After this calamity of the Conferred Gods, the Heavenly Court was first established and the gods were listed on the list.

She has already witnessed the first immeasurable tribulation, and now she is about to witness the second dragon and phoenix tribulation.

Needless to say, it was indeed a war that started in the early days of the world, a dragon and phoenix calamity that consumed the three most powerful races on this land, the dragon, phoenix and unicorn clan, until they could no longer make any waves.

If this land hadn't been transformed by Pangu, it probably wouldn't have been able to withstand the torment of these powerful men.

The calamity of dragons and phoenixes lasted for ten thousand years, and Sancho just watched it for ten thousand years, looking at how this calamity started and how it ended. At the end, she only felt that these big guys Are you full and have nothing to do?

How come they can start fights over no matter how big of a deal, but they still can't stop fighting, and in the end they almost end up annihilating the entire clan.

"You also think it's against the rules, right?" Hongjun asked, looking at Sancho's increasingly heavy face.

Sancho didn't answer because she felt it was inappropriate, but she also felt that this was not a topic she could interrupt.

Hongjun was not annoyed by her silence. With a wave of his hand, the fast forward key came into play again, and soon the Lich Tribulation began.

The movement of this calamity was far greater than the calamity of dragons and phoenixes. The fight between the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Demon Clan was extremely dark. The human race and other weak creatures that had been created by Nuwa before this were all part of this calamity. victim.

Gonggong's anger touched Buzhou Mountain, and a big hole opened in the sky. The huge flood submerged the land, and countless creatures suffered greatly. Nuwa, who couldn't stand it anymore, picked five-color stones to patch the sky. The only surviving ancestral witch Houtu, Houtu, After realizing it, you wake up and then reincarnate to save all sentient beings.

Seeing this, Sancho's heart gradually became cold. The movement of the lich's calamity was bigger than that of the dragon and the phoenix. The cause was that ten golden crows ran out of Tang Valley for fun. They were shot dead by Yi of the Wu clan in the sky for ten days. .

Let’s not talk about why these ten Golden Crows suddenly seemed to be missing their brains and wanted to run out of Tanggu to play in the sky. Let’s just say that these ten Golden Crows are fools. They looked stupid when they saw the creatures on the ground being burned by them. Hanging in the sky waiting for someone to shoot him?

Secondly, Hou Yi was only a member of the witch clan, not even an ancestral witch. How could he be so capable of killing ten golden crows?

Is it true that Emperor Jun’s child is a vegetarian?

You must know that the last remaining Golden Crow Lu Ya has the strength of a quasi-sage.

All of this is so inconsistent. It seems to be in line with the laws and numerology, but in fact, everything is inconsistent.

Hongjun was about to show Sancho the fourth calamity, but Sancho stopped him.

The fourth calamity is the calamity of the gods, the list of gods, who knows.

But at this time, the three saints, who were obviously close to each other, turned into enemies when they were conferring gods to measure the calamity. Yuqing and Taiqing teamed up to trap Shangqing. This was even more outrageous than Hou Yi shooting ten golden crows.

Except for the first immeasurable calamity, Sancho only felt that the remaining calamities were very contrary to common sense.

And no matter which calamity is measured, it is a weakening of the great power of the ancient world.

In the first immeasurable calamity, only a few of the three thousand demon gods died, including Hongjun. In the second dragon and phoenix calamity, the dragon and phoenix unicorns were almost wiped out. In the third Lich calamity, the twelve ancestor witches were all dead, and the demon clan It also greatly damages the vitality.

Not to mention the fourth Conferring Gods and Measuring Tribulation. After the fourth Conferring Gods and Measuring Tribulation, the so-called gods are no longer the same as those in the early prehistoric times.

"You said it many times..." Sancho couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart after all.

Hongjun smiled, then touched Sancho's eyebrows with his fingertips, and reincarnations of different paths leading to the same destination were played out in Sancho's mind again and again.

No matter how hard we struggle, calamity will always happen, and the Great Desolate will eventually be weakened to extinction, with no one surviving.

After digesting everything in his mind, Sancho's dry voice sounded, "You showed me these because..."

Hongjun didn't hide it either, "In order to get a chance of survival."

"You don't think that I use my body to follow the Tao just to watch the destruction of this land created by Pangu and I, right?"

Pangu opened up chaos and transformed into the earth. He used his body and Tao to guard this earth, but in the end they all ushered in a common result-death.

How could he accept this?

For the first time, he did not interfere with the evolution of this land and allowed the calamity to occur. Until the last moment of his demise, he was unwilling to consume himself in exchange for reincarnation.

After reincarnation, he tried his best to prevent every calamity, but calamities would eventually happen.

After that, he reincarnated several times, but the result was the same.

Until one time, Honghuang received an unexpected visitor, and that person was Yu Xiao.

This has never happened in any reincarnation.

At first he thought the glimmer of hope was Yuxiao.

He once forcibly detained Yuxiao and forced him to participate in this reincarnation, but in the end the reincarnation with Yuxiao's participation still happened according to the established route.

Yuxiao is not that glimmer of hope.

He erased Yuxiao's memory, let him go, and continued to wait for the next reincarnation and the arrival of real life.

Then he waited for Sancho.

As soon as Sanchofu appeared, he knew that real life was coming.

This girl is the only way to survive in the wilderness.

"You said that even if you had the chance to change history, you couldn't help but change it. I made the same decision as you, but I can't change it." Taking Sancho back to the beginning of the world, see Looking at this prosperous land, Hongjun has obsession in his eyes.

"Do you also think this ancient land should perish?" Hongjun turned to ask Sancho.

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