I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 578 The Master of One Country (45)

Everyone in the yard except Sancho frowned, and Dai Jingjiang, who heard the noise, also felt that the situation was not good.

How can this be done? When his brother Duan was still hesitant, there were even competitors.

She Yun and Ying Tian stopped talking. They just wanted to worship the mountain, so that they could be protected and not be bound. They only needed to make offerings regularly.

But worshiping as a disciple is different from worshiping at the top of the mountain. Although the disciples can also be protected and don't have to pay tribute, they also lose their freedom at the same time.

Sancho had no intention of forcing the two goblins. He waved his hands and said, "You can think about it slowly. Just come to me after you think about it clearly."

After saying that, Sancho went back to the house. She took in several ghosts one after another last night. In the middle of the night, she chatted for a long time with the people sent by Empress Houtu on a business trip, and made a detailed development plan for the underworld in this plane. It’s true that I’m exhausted.

When Sancho woke up, it was almost dark outside. She got up and ate a ready-made dinner. She once again lamented that she was lucky to have people sent by Shen Xu to help. There was even a professional chef inside. Recently, the food in Jinyunguan was made by This chef did it.

But now the popularity of Jinyun Temple is gradually cooling down, and fewer and fewer people come to Jinyun Temple. She should return those people to Shen Xu.

Sancho was thinking about posting a recruitment notice to recruit some cooks and cleaners first, when he saw Duan Henian looking at her hesitantly for several times, and Dai Jingjiang sitting beside him with a sly look.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say." Sancho raised his head.

Duan Henian's breathing was slightly stagnant, and then he asked Sancho: "Taoist Sang plans to accept those two people as disciples this morning?"

Sancho nodded, "I have this plan. After all, a Taoist temple cannot only have me as the temple owner."

"But you are mistaken about one thing." Sancho added: "Those two are not humans, they are goblins."

Since Duan Henian would also become one of her apprentices in the future, there was no need to hide it from him.

Duan Henian and Dai Jingjiang took a breath at the same time. Those two were goblins this morning? !

Are there actually fairies in this world? !

Duan Henian was shocked by this information, and for a moment he forgot what else he wanted to ask. He just sat blankly digesting the fact that he actually saw two goblins.

Sancho saw that he probably wouldn't be able to digest it for a while, so he left the two of them in a daze while he went to deal with his own affairs first.

Yuxiao's star formation was set up, but there were a lot of troubles that needed to be dealt with later.

The first is the various natural disasters that are coming one after another.

Natural disasters are natural disasters for humans, but for the sphere under their feet, they are just a means of self-repair.

Before the prehistoric spirit was divided into this plane, this plane was in the Age of Ending Dharma.

If this plane is compared to a person, when the spiritual energy is sufficient, it is probably the time when the person is in his youth, and in the Age of Ending Dharma, it is when the person is old and full of diseases.

Sooner or later, these diseases will all break out, and that day will be the time when this plane declines.

But now this old and diseased man has been injected with new vitality and is about to be cured.

Then the old diseases in his body will spread out in advance, in a way that is thousands of times lighter.

In other words, the explosion at the time of decline may be of a world-destroying level, while the early divergence may at most be natural disasters such as earthquakes of varying severity.

It is true that these disasters will inevitably break out sooner or later, and the consequences of an early outbreak are definitely lighter than a late outbreak, but in any case, these early disasters are caused by her.

So it was necessary for her to save her.

Furthermore, she must speed up the pace of becoming a national master.

The benefits brought by the prehistoric spirit branch are never just for humans, but cover all living beings in this plane.

But among the creatures in this plane, humans are the dominant part, and they are also the most harmful and lethal part.

She doesn't want the matter of spirit splitting to cause too much harm to the creatures in this plane. Although it may be that the death of these people will not have much impact on this plane. With abundant spiritual energy, this group of dead people will come again. Wouldn't it be better to approve it?

Although this kind of statement is ruthless, it is a fact. Just like Aquamarine, humans have never been the masters of Aquamarine, and the extinction of humans is even a good thing for Aquamarine.

But at the end of the day, she is still a human being, and as long as she can, she still wants to peacefully get through the impact of the initial stage of the spirit.

While Duan Henian and the eagle and the snake were thinking about it, Sancho locked himself in the room for half a month.

When she came out of the room, her whole person was a bit more fragile than the last time she forcibly peeled off the soul fragments.

Yuxiao, who sensed her condition, appeared at the right time. After stuffing a golden elixir, he didn't know whether it was ridicule or helplessness and said: "You are really dedicated."

For the sake of this plane, he even forcibly deduced the secrets of heaven and predicted the upcoming natural disasters.

Sancho smiled weakly, "You don't have to give me your golden elixir all the time, I still have plenty here."

She now has a chance to survive because of Venerable Taiqing. For a thousand years in the Abyss cram school, every time Venerable Taiqing teaches her, she can get a bottle of golden elixir.

Yuxiao ignored her words and raised his hand to help her tend to her injuries. He stopped and returned to the secret realm when she was almost healed.

Seeing Yu Xiao's disappearing figure, Sancho fell into rare silence.

After a long time, she shook her head, her spiritual consciousness swept across Duan Henian's residence, and she went to Duan Henian's room.

Duan Henian was not the only one in Henian's room at this time. There was also an eagle and a snake that he said he wanted to come to worship at the top of the mountain.

Sancho knocked on the door and went in. The eagle and the snake immediately stood up.

"Have you finished your retreat?" She Yun asked dryly.

They had thought about it a week ago, but when they came to see Sancho later, they found that she was in seclusion. They did not dare to disturb her, so they could only come down and stay there every day.

Squatting and squatting, my relationship with Duan Henian and Dai Jingjiang became better.

"Well, have you considered it?" Sancho nodded.

"I want to ask first, what do we need to do after becoming your master?" Although the decision had been made, Ying Tian still asked cautiously.

Sancho thought for a while, "Every day, apart from practicing time, I receive the pilgrims who come to the temple to worship, and I also deal with business of exorcising evil spirits and so on."

After speaking, Sancho paused for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, that's it."

Ying Tian and She Yun's eyes gradually became rounder, how could it be so simple?

Don't they need to do anything else? Like helping her kill people and being driven by her?

It's not like they haven't encountered powerful people before. Those people wanted to take them in and let them be driven by them and become their most obedient slaves.

Thanks to the two of them working together, they were able to withstand waves of greedy people.

But now this person has no intention of driving them. All they need to do is to receive pilgrims and exorcise evil spirits intermittently?

I finally finished moving my house today. I am not as tired as yesterday, so I updated. I will resume stable updates tomorrow and add additional updates. Good night, my dears.

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