I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 582 The Master of One Country (49)

But this earthquake made Master Qingyuan know that all this was his own imagination. In fact, Sancho might not have had those thoughts at all.

The reason why he changed his mind was because he knew how much damage a natural disaster of this level would cause to the player.

He didn't deduce anything at the beginning, and he suffered such a serious backlash. Sancho successfully predicted the earthquake, but he was afraid that the injuries he suffered would be several times more than his.

Maybe Sancho is in retreat now just to nurse his injury.

Thinking like this, Temple Master Qingyuan told Luo Zhong his speculation.

Luo Zhong was puzzled for a moment, "You mean, maybe Sancho has no bad intentions and is trustworthy?"

The old voice of Temple Master Qingyuan said slowly: "Not everyone has the courage to deduce natural disasters."

Because of the Master Qingyuan, Luo Zhong had a little more trust in Sancho, and then asked about the recent increase in spiritual energy.

"What does the temple master think of this increasingly abundant spiritual energy?"

Temple Master Qingyuan felt that maybe he was getting old and had a happy-go-lucky attitude towards the many changes.

He said: "The Age of Dharma Ending suddenly ended, and the spiritual energy of the world suddenly became full for some reason. We can't stop it. We can only stick to our true intentions and adapt to changes."

Luo Zhong choked slightly, unwilling to accept his fate like this, but he also knew that manpower was limited, and not all changes in the world could be controlled by people, just like the earthquake in Q City, or the increasingly abundant spiritual energy.


Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, two years have passed since the earthquake in Q City.

In the past two years, everyone has felt the changes in the surrounding environment. The country has obviously not reduced any heavy industry, but the natural environment is getting better and better. Even in big cities without much greenery, the air has become fresher.

Many people's bodies have also undergone changes, large and small. The most inconspicuous is that they have become healthier, and the most eye-catching is that some people are four or five times stronger than others. Some people who insist on exercising and maintaining good health, She even felt as light as a swallow.

Netizens have discussed such changes, but because they don’t know the whole story, they didn’t come up with any explanation in the end. Only some netizens kept joking that the world was probably experiencing a resurgence of spiritual energy.

As everyone knows, these jokes are facts.

Two years later, Sancho came out of seclusion and found Master Qingyuan again.

"Please, Master, please take me there again."

After not seeing Sancho for two years, there was no visible change in Qingyuan Temple's main appearance. On the contrary, Sancho, because he was in the growth stage, his face became more mature and his aura became deeper.

"What kind of natural disaster did Fellow Daoist Sang deduce?" Temple Master Qingyuan became worried.

Sancho nodded, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Master."

Seeing Sancho and Qingyuan Guanzhu coming side by side again, Luo Zhong already had a not-so-good guess. As expected, Sancho brought him another piece of bad news.

"In two months, there will be a tsunami in H City."

This time Luo Zhong didn't ask whether it was true or not, he just felt a headache.

Tsunamis are no different than earthquakes. As long as earthquakes are avoided well, both casualties and property losses can be greatly reduced.

As for tsunamis, there is no way to avoid them except to evacuate all offshore personnel in advance and try to evacuate all kinds of materials.

It can be said that among all natural disasters, earthquakes are the least harmful.

Because of the special nature of natural disasters like tsunamis, almost the day after Sancho left Luo Zhong, officials successively released relevant weather and various undersea activities in H City.

After a week of warm-up, officials issued a tsunami warning for City H and began a large-scale evacuation of people offshore.

Two years later, there was another natural disaster warning. Compared with the earthquake in Q City, the public's cooperation was much higher, and the efficiency was greatly improved.

Five days before the tsunami struck, the entire coastal area of ​​H City was evacuated.

Then, under the spotlight, the tsunami came as planned.

In the live broadcast rooms of various live broadcasts of tsunami, netizens refreshed their screens one after another.

"It's amazing. It doesn't matter if you can predict earthquakes, but now you can even predict tsunamis?"

"Is that a fish upstairs? Tsunamis are caused by topographical movements on the seafloor. To put it bluntly, if it's not the sea, it's just an earthquake. Earthquakes can be predicted, and tsunamis can certainly be predicted."

"My home is close to the sea. Fortunately, the warning issued by the country was timely and led us to evacuate. Otherwise, in such a big tsunami, we might have had to feed the sharks."

"I am more concerned about people's livelihood issues after the disaster. I would like to ask the person upstairs, what should you do with the economic losses of disaster victims?"

"The state will provide subsidies, but there will definitely still be losses."

"There is nothing we can do about this kind of natural disaster. If the state can subsidize and evacuate in advance, it has done its utmost to be kind and righteous."

"Certain sheepdogs are advised not to cause fights at such times."

The tsunami in City H allowed Sancho to completely gain Luo Zhong's trust. This time, Sancho did not choose to retreat, so she was summoned by Luo Zhong during the post-disaster merit-discussion ceremony, accompanied by the Master Qingyuan.

The first time he saw Sancho, Luo Zhong expressed his concern.

"You predict natural disasters twice in a row. Can your body still withstand it?"

Qingyuan Guanzhu said that predicting natural disasters has a huge backlash on those who predict them.

Because he had already trusted Sancho, Luo Zhong didn't want anything to happen to Sancho. He also thought that Sancho could always predict natural disasters for Liang Guo.

"Thank you for your concern, the leader. My health is fine." Sancho dispelled Luo Zhong's worries.

Luo Zhong was relieved and asked Sancho with a smile: "You should have been rewarded for your merits due to the earthquake in Q City before. But you went to retreat, and we couldn't disturb you. This time about the tsunami in H City, you You have reduced huge losses for the country and saved countless innocent lives. What reward do you want?"

"Is there any reward?" Sancho asked jokingly.

Luo Zhong choked. How could any reward be acceptable?

Seeing Luo Zhong choked, Sancho stopped joking and said seriously: "I want to become the national counselor of the Liang Kingdom."

At this time, both Temple Master Qingyuan and Luo Zhong looked serious. Before Luo Zhong could speak, Temple Master Qingyuan said first, "Fellow Taoist Sang, be careful what you say!"

After Qingyuan Guanzhu, Luo Zhong also said solemnly: "This is impossible."

"It would be better for Guanzhu Sang to talk about some more practical rewards. Maybe Guanzhu Sang has any material requirements?" Luo Zhong reminded patiently.

He thought wrongly. The few times he met Sancho, Sancho acted very calmly, so calmly that people almost ignored her age.

But Sancho is a child after all.

"I don't have any material requirements. I just want to be the national teacher of Liang Guo." Sancho still insisted.

Just before Luo Zhong burst out emotionally, he explained: "Why don't the leader listen to my idea first?"

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