I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 588 Turn in (84)

In fact, there was a fair transaction between her and Saint Hongjun. She helped the spirits from the ancient plane, and the reward from the ancient plane had already been paid to her.

The Three Thousand Great Laws, including the Great God Pangu, were given to her at the beginning, but she had not yet been able to digest them.

Not to mention that Saint Hongjun also provided her with Abyss cram school services to help her digest the three thousand avenues.

Although the Abyss cram school was really painful for her.

After thinking about it, Sancho could hardly help but frown.

This plane is the interstellar plane that Sancho Xiao has longed for. It has been thousands of years since mankind entered the interstellar era. From the original separate affairs, it was unified into a complete empire called the Empire of Dawn.

This method worked very well and protected the original owner until she was sixteen years old.

But her gratitude cannot make others show mercy to her.

There are two types of residents on the garbage planet, one is the aborigines, and the other is the descendants of felons.

Even on the garbage planet, the original owner belongs to the bottom group, with no power, no power, and no money.

Suddenly, the live broadcast room that had just stopped was flooded with all kinds of insults and ridicules.

The former has lived on the garbage planet for generations and is a first-class citizen. The latter is exiled to the garbage planet and is a second-class citizen. He has no human rights and is bullied wherever he goes.

And it all starts with the face of the original owner.

Saint Hongjun felt very comfortable when he saw Sancho thanking him. After all, who wants to be warm to the cold butt?

[Of course she has to pretend not to wake up, otherwise she will be scolded, haha. 】

[Oops, that Sancho was obviously awake just now, but he closed his eyes again and pretended not to wake up. 】

The original owner has a face that is not inferior to that of an Empire star. If this face were placed in another family, it might bring her a good life, but the original owner is the child of a felon and a second-class citizen who was exiled to a garbage planet.

The original owner's father was a serious criminal and died on the ancient star a long time ago. The original owner picked up trash until she was sixteen years old, and then followed in her father's footsteps and was exiled to the ancient star for murder.

This is also the reason why the rewards issued by the Supreme Galaxy are at most one hundred years higher than the technological level of Aqua Blue Star.

The original owner was a resident of a low-income, poor star among the many planets in the interstellar world.

The plane Sancho wanted to go to the most was the interstellar plane, because the interstellar plane meant advanced technology. At that time, she just wanted to go to a plane with advanced technology and bring as much advanced technology back to the water as possible. Blue Star.

Sancho had not yet received the memory and mission, and could not figure out the current situation, so she did not dare to let these people know that she had woken up. Fortunately, no one noticed that she had just opened her eyes.

[The scoldings are minor. If she were in another team, she would have been kicked out long ago. 】

[Looking at her too much will hurt my eyes. I’d better look at my goddess to wash my eyes. 】

Although the original owner made a living by picking up garbage and always stayed away from people, she was not an isolated island. There were always two people she knew and interacted with more often.

In the dark corner of the hut, a small floating ball had already captured her performance, and it was so clear that she could even count the number of eyelashes.

In fact, the original owner has always been very grateful to this uncle.

This kind of low-level poverty star also has another name in the interstellar world-junk star.

The original owner did kill someone, but whether from Sancho's perspective or according to the laws of the empire, the original owner was acting in self-defense and should be acquitted.

These two points of care are really just two points, including but not limited to a few words of concern from time to time, occasionally helping the original owner carry heavy garbage, or calling the original owner when picking up garbage, etc.

Sancho closed her eyes again and asked the system to transmit the memory of the original owner to her and tell her the achievements that needed to be illuminated, but she didn't know that no one saw her open her eyes, but no one in the hut saw it.

[To be honest, with her greed for life and fear of death, does she really have the guts to kill someone? 】

[You are laughing so hard, will you be sentenced to Guxing for self-defense? 】

In a distant galaxy unknown to Sancho, tens of millions of viewers clearly saw Sancho's behavior of closing and opening his eyes just now.

Sancho has formed a habit of traveling back and forth many times. Before opening her eyes, the first thing she does is to sense the physical condition of the body she lives in.

After the separation was settled, Sancho was completely relaxed, and he could be a happy salted fish with peace of mind. After lying down for the last period, he was stuck in the three-month rest time limit, and under the urging of the system, he lazily set off. Go to the next plane.

[It’s so disgusting, so cowardly and cowardly. He doesn’t dare to take responsibility for his mistakes. No wonder he is a murderer. 】

The original owner had little memory of her father, a felon. After all, when she was very young, her father was exiled to the Ancient Star, and she was also exiled to the Garbage Star.

[Laughing, the person upstairs actually treats a criminal as a goddess. 】

The original owner didn't know that her father was wrongly accused or that her father was a murderer, but the original owner's own murder was well documented.

But Sancho recognized this love.

But this novelty was ruined by the bad things in the original owner's memory.

Now Sancho has finally arrived in the interstellar plane. Although he is not as excited as he once thought, he can't hide his novelty.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Sancho only took one look, then closed his eyelids calmly.

But what surprised Sancho was that she didn't feel much discomfort this time. Apart from being a little weak, she felt that the body was actually in pretty good condition.

[Please keep your mouth clean upstairs, Goddess, she is acting in self-defense! 】

Among them is an uncle who also makes a living by picking up garbage. Because he is also the descendant of a felon, he often takes care of the original owner who has the same life experience.


Sancho knew nothing of the quarrel in a galaxy far, far away, and she was now busy sorting out the memories of her original owner.

The original owner knew that this face would only bring disaster to her since she was a child, so she always paid attention to hiding her appearance, making herself dirty and smelly, so that others would not want to approach her.

The reason that made her choose to close her eyes immediately was that in this small room, there were five people sitting around the fire, three men and two women. They were all warming up around the fire, and they all looked bad.

But later, as she traveled through more planes, she gradually grew up and understood that the more advanced the technology, the better for Aquamarine. Too advanced technology may lead to devastating disasters.

This uncle is obviously so poor that he can only make a living by picking up garbage, but he still has a bad habit of gambling.

The original owner didn't know that there was a mentality that the poorer you get, the more you gamble. She only knew that the uncle who usually seemed very kind suddenly broke into her dilapidated little house and cried and begged her to save him.

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