I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 590 Tracking Master (2)

A hundred years ago, Boyang Entertainment, the largest entertainment platform in the empire, proposed cooperation to the imperial government and wanted to live broadcast the process of searching for civilization and history for all prisoners exiled from the ancient star.

In view of the high taxes paid by Boyang Entertainment every year, this cooperation was quickly approved.

Nowadays, live broadcasting of criminals searching for civilization and history has become Boyang Entertainment’s largest source of income.

After thinking about this, Sancho suddenly realized something was wrong.

If it weren't for the requirement for the number of people in the live broadcast team, if there are less than six people, the live broadcast revenue cannot be shared, and the original owner would have been kicked out of the team long ago.

Sancho sighed silently again.

As for why the original owner's team's live broadcast room has tens of millions of viewers, it is naturally not because of how excellent the original owner's team performed, punching new species, kicking other live broadcast teams and so on.

The biggest danger in Ancient Star is those new species. When a team has less than six people, the team has a high chance of being destroyed, and the live broadcast effect is not good. Most viewers don’t like live broadcast rooms with less than six people. Because I don’t think it’s lively enough.

What was special was the man in black and the woman he had been protecting.

Such a growth environment caused the original owner's body to be very weak. Even after being raised by the buyer of the junk star for a few months, it only looked like there was more flesh, but in fact the body was still a drag that had no power to restrain the chicken.

After coming to Guxing, the original owner hindered these teammates a lot due to physical reasons. Today, another teammate almost died.

Sancho sighed silently in his heart. Based on the performance of the original owner, I am afraid that the original owner has been scolded by tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

The reason why the original owner wanted to commit suicide before was because he felt that there was no way to survive. Although the mortality rate in the exiled ancient star was also high, it was not without hope of survival.

Then wouldn't her actions of opening and closing her eyes just now be so obvious that they were all exposed to the people of the empire who were watching the live broadcast?

Sancho's face turned dark, but the mistake had already been made. Opening her eyes at this time could not make up for anything, so she simply continued to close her eyes to sort out her memories.

She asked why it didn't start in hell this time, but it turned out that this was the difficulty.

Criminals cannot be directly applied to the level assessment of seekers. The level assessment of those seekers is for innocent interstellar citizens.

Ever since, whether it was for their own lives or for the benefits of live broadcasting, the criminals who were exiled to Guxing slowly began to form teams in twos and threes and conduct live broadcasts as a team.

Yes, there are levels of civilization seekers.

And too many people will cause the survival rate to be too high, and it will also be too complicated, and the audience will not like it.

What's more, if you can live, who would want to die?

So the original owner agreed to the invitation handed over by others. The five people sitting next to the fire just now were the original owner's teammates.

The original owner had already received an invitation to form a team because of his appearance on the spaceship that was sent to the ancient star.

Among these three men and two women, two of the three men are nothing special. One is called Gao Tao and the other is Du Yuan. They are just ordinary people with good skills. The other woman is nothing special, her name is Ye Ruxia. His appearance is also very ordinary, and he was invited to join the team because he can cook.

Of course, this regulation is not set casually. Boyang Entertainment has done special data analysis.

Regulations require that if you want to gain revenue, the number of live broadcast teams must be controlled between six and ten people. If the number of people is less than six or more than ten people, the revenue generated by the live broadcast will no longer be divided.

That woman's name is Yan Yue, a first-line star in the empire. In the populous empire, she has hundreds of millions of fans. According to her own words, she was exiled to the ancient star for committing intentional injury.

"So the achievement I need to achieve in this plane is to become a master of civilization tracking?" Sancho asked the system in a determined tone.

Because Boyang Entertainment's live broadcast revenue is too large, envious rival companies criticized Boyang Entertainment for this point in the early years, saying that Boyang Entertainment's revenue was created by the criminals who were exiled from Guxing. Boyang Entertainment, however, monopolized this profit and had no intention of sharing it with the criminals.

At this time, some people will say that not one of the ten thousand criminals on the ancient star will come back. If the criminals die on the ancient star, the criminals will not be able to enjoy the benefits.

The reason why the live broadcast room of the original host was crowded was because one of the three men and two women sitting next to the fire was a woman.

Such accusations won the public's approval, and Boyang Entertainment was forced by the situation to share the proceeds from the live broadcast with the criminals on the ancient star.

The man in black was a real tracer, but for some unknown reason, he was willing to protect Yan Yue and became Yan Yue's bodyguard.

[The host is really getting smarter and smarter! 】The system affirmed Sancho's guess.

Starting from the seeker apprentice, there are first-level seekers to ninth-level seekers, and after the ninth-level seekers, they are not followed by tenth-level seekers, but by master seekers.

Because of his appearance, the original owner actually received preferential treatment at first, but this kind of preferential treatment became less important at the moment of life and death. After all, a good-looking face would not make the new species on the ancient planet show mercy.

Later, in order to standardize management, reduce its own losses, and improve the live broadcast effect, Boyang Entertainment made regulations for the live broadcast teams.

All in all, live broadcast rooms with six to ten people have the highest audience retention rate.

In other words, only by controlling the number of live broadcast teams within the range of six to ten people can the criminals who conduct the live broadcast receive a share of the live broadcast revenue.

Since the birth of the profession of seeker, in the thousands of years, only eight seekers have become master seekers.

If you are a criminal exiled to the ancient star, you must first make your merits to be innocent before you can participate in the level assessment of the seeker.

Is she on live broadcast now? !

Yes, even now, the profession of tracer has not completely disappeared. There are still people who truly love civilization and history who come to the ancient star one after another, just to find some of the treasures of the past.

Because the original owner was born on a garbage star, he has been struggling on the edge of survival since he was a child. Let alone eating enough, some food is good.

Although those people are criminals, they also have human rights. Boyang Entertainment's actions are violating the human rights of those criminals.

The man in black, named Ji Changsong, is actually not a criminal, but a bodyguard and real tracer.

The original owner is a criminal who was exiled to the ancient star, so if she wants to light up the achievements of the trace master, she must first make herself an innocent citizen.

Just becoming an innocent citizen is hard enough, let alone having to climb all the way to Tracer Master.

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