I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 597 Tracking Master (9)

Sancho thought that the main body of the vine should not be far away. After all, what is a vine? How long can it grow? Three to four hundred meters to the sky.

However, Sancho walked nearly a thousand meters before he saw the main body of the vine.

As she expected, the vines were not just the one that attacked her, there was also a thicker vine on the main body, growing upward like a tree.

What surprised Sancho was that the total length of the vine on the main body was only about two meters, which was completely incomparable to the length of the vine that jumped out a kilometer away to attack her.

Isn't the nutritional distribution between these two vines too unbalanced? With this thought in mind, Sancho inadvertently lowered his head, and then froze instantly.

"What the hell?"

Where is the vine that grew so long just now? Why has it shrunk to less than two meters?

As if sensing Sancho's surprise, the vine carefully stretched out the vine that attacked Sancho before, and gently wrapped around Sancho.

Sancho watched helplessly as the vine slowly grew longer, like a wood-type spell, stretching and contracting freely.

Okay, she thought the vine was just that long and couldn't be retracted, but it turned out that it could be retracted freely, which was very convenient.

"Can you come out of the ground?" Sancho asked the vines that were rubbing against her coquettishly.

The tip of the vine nodded slightly, and then Sancho felt a subtle to obvious tremor under his feet. Gradually, the huge roots of the vine were pulled out of the soil.

And it cleverly shrunk it to the size of a palm, and wrapped it around Sancho's wrist very well. From a distance, it looked like a beautiful rattan bracelet.

Touching the bracelet on his wrist, Sancho thought for a moment and then said: "I will call you Qingxing from now on."

The bracelet stretched out its small branches and scratched Sancho's palm, expressing that he liked the name very much.

Wearing the freshly baked bracelet, Sancho began to turn back, feeding Qingxing some soul power from time to time on the way.

Qingxing is a plant that must take root in the soil to survive. Now that she has Qingxing with her, without the warmth of the land, she has to get nutrients from elsewhere.

And her soul power, which has a soul contract with Qing Xing, is the most suitable nutrition for this little thing.

Fortunately, her soul is powerful, and feeding this little thing won't cause any damage, which is less than one ten thousandth of the damage caused by binding her.

Forcibly binding something that is too much weaker than your own soul or too much stronger than your own soul can easily cause damage to your own soul.

Sancho only returned halfway with the vines when she met Ji Changsong and others who came to see her.

Seeing Sancho's intact figure, the anxious people were relieved. After being relieved, they couldn't stop being angry. Gao Tao said to Sancho with an ugly face: "Where did you go just now? Do you know? We have been looking for you for a long time? Didn’t we agree that we should not be too far apart? "

Sancho knew that this was his fault and did not express any dissatisfaction with Gao Tao's angry questioning.

She thought the vines were not that long and she could turn back quickly, but unexpectedly the length of the vines exceeded her expectations, causing Ji Changsong and the others to find her missing and anxiously search for her.

She apologized: "I'm sorry, I left the team without authorization. I was just attacked by a vine, so I chased after him. I didn't have time to inform you in advance. It was my lack of consideration."

Hearing that Sancho was attacked by vines, Gao Tao's anger instantly turned into nervousness, "What? Attacked by vines?! Are you okay? Are you injured?"

Ye Ruxia caught the second half of the sentence and asked in disbelief: "No, you just said you chased me?!"

When she was attacked by vines, she slumped to the ground without any help. It was very un-Sangcha's style, but she still chased after her desperately?

And what does it mean to catch up?

Is the priority of this pursuit reversed?

"Well, I used a trick to wrap the vine around the tree. The vine broke itself in order to free itself. It must have suffered a lot of injuries. I thought about killing it while it was sick, so I chased after it."

Everyone was dumbfounded, "Well, what happens next?"

"Then it was seriously injured. I took advantage of the vine's danger and tried to get rid of it, but it later begged me for mercy. I thought it would be difficult for me to survive alone on this ancient planet, so I let the vine go and subdued it."

As he spoke, Sancho showed off the rattan bracelet on his hand and said, "Here, this is the vine. It was injured, so it can only be entangled like this."

After Sancho finished speaking with mixed truths and falsehoods, he let everyone digest with stupid expressions, rubbed the vines, communicated with the little guy in his heart, and asked him where there were edible non-toxic plants.

She originally asked with the mentality of giving it a try. After all, this little guy is really too young, has trouble speaking, and is very ignorant. But who would have thought that this little guy really knows a lot of edible innocuous things. poisonous plants.

"Are you...that really offensive plant vine on your wrist?" Gao Tao asked in a daze.

Sancho raised his hand and said, "Move it."

The vine stretched out its slender branches and leaves exceptionally well, and danced on Sancho's wrist.

The expressions of everyone who saw this scene became even more dull.

They were shocked. It was the first time they knew that Sancho could operate like this in the face of aggressive plants.

Can aggressive plants be tamed? If this is the case, then the danger on this ancient planet will be reduced by more than half.

Sancho saw the excitement of Gao Tao and others, and calmly poured cold water on him: "The prerequisite for subduing it is that you can defeat it, or take advantage of it when it is dying, otherwise it will be turned into nourishment instead of being subdued."

Sancho's clear voice instantly calmed down all those who were in high spirits.

Yes, the prerequisite for subjugation is to suppress them by force. Otherwise, they have to take advantage of the time when the aggressive plants are dying. Not to mention suppressing them by force. It is impossible. It is not easy to find even the dying aggressive plants.

And who knows whether Sancho's experience can be repeated, what if the aggressive plants are healed and then hanged to make fertilizer?

However, although the excitement cooled down, the envy grew higher and higher.

Sancho must be so lucky to be able to conquer a vine. I wonder if there are any similar examples in interstellar history.

Just like Du Tao and the others were shocked, as Yan Yue came over and the live broadcast ball clearly broadcast everything just now to the audience in the distant galaxy, they also refreshed their screens to express their shock.

"Holy shit, shit, shit! This is real or fake, someone can actually conquer the aggressive plants on the ancient planet."

"It's incredible. That vine looks so cute. It's so cute when it's wrapped around Sancho's hand. It moves whenever he wants."

"The person upstairs said it looks good. Please find out. It's an aggressive plant. You'll know if it looks good or not when you meet it."

"I can't believe it. It turns out that the aggressive plants on the ancient planet can also be conquered. This is an unprecedented miracle!"

"The exaggeration above is too much. Boyang Entertainment's live broadcast is only two hundred years old. The profession of tracer and the history of exiled ancient stars are thousands of years old. The fact that Boyang Entertainment's live broadcast was not captured does not mean that there was no such precedent before. .”

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