I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 607 Tracking Master (19)

After listening to Guan Xi's explanation, Sancho almost wanted to redefine the word friend.

"You make friends pretty quickly." Sancho said casually, "Put it away. I haven't lost my weapon, it's just not that useful."

Seeing that Sancho really didn't want it, Guan Xi didn't hesitate, put the things away again, and asked her curiously: "The dagger is not easy to use, will the bones of the alien species be useful? I haven't used the bones of the alien species yet. , after you make the weapon, can you give me one?"

Sancho nodded, "Of course."

After all, it was Guan Xi who shot the alien just now, but the flesh, flesh and bones of the alien ended up in her hands. It was only natural that Guan Xi should use a weapon made from the alien's bones.

"But you might have to wait a while."

With her current injury, she doesn't have the energy to make any weapons.

Guan Xi nodded understandingly at first, then realized something and asked Sancho happily: "Do you agree that I will go with you to find your teammates?"

Sancho raised his eyebrows, "I didn't say I was going to find my teammates now."

"Aren't you going to find your teammates?" Guan Xi looked horrified, "Do you want to act alone? It's very dangerous to be alone!"

Sancho looked at him and said, "Don't you want to be with me? How can you say we are alone?"

After listening to Sancho's words, Guan Xi did not refute, but agreed very much: "Yes, we are two people."

After speaking, Guan Xi patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

Sancho smiled, the meaning of the smile was inexplicable, "Then I will cause trouble for you along the way."

How can we turn away the help that comes to our door?

How rude.

"Then where are we going now?"

Guan Xi seemed completely unaware of Sancho's thoughts and asked her excitedly where she planned to go next.

Sancho raised his feet and continued walking towards the place where the little guy said. Hearing this, he said without looking back: "Let us keep a sense of mystery, so that the journey will be more interesting."

"Okay, then let's head towards the mysterious destination!" Guan Xi was still in high spirits, as if this was not a dangerous ancient star, but a tourist attraction.

After making the declaration, Guan Xi took two steps to catch up with Sancho, and then helped Sancho to walk without anyone noticing.

Sancho was stunned for a second, and then he cooperated and pressed most of his weight on Guan Xi.

Not to mention, walking is indeed much easier with someone helping me.

Because Sancho told the little guy that he must remember to call her when encountering edible plants on the road, so while being supported by Guan Xi, the little guy poked Sancho several times because he found edible plants.

Sancho would stop and dig these plants every time. After seeing it, Guan Xi was not mentally retarded and asked Sancho why he was digging these plants, and he helped dig out them very considerately.

But during the serious meal, Guan Xi generously provided nutrients to Sancho.

For all the gifts from Guanxi, Sancho was not satisfied with them. Sancho received whatever he gave.

Guan Xi was also very happy about Sancho's behavior of accepting his things. He felt that Sancho was ignoring him and really regarded him as a friend.

With the presence of Guan Xi, the journey that Sancho had planned to fight all the way became easier and more enjoyable. When he encountered a foreign species, Sancho didn't need to take action at all, Guan Xi rushed forward to deal with it.

Some alien species are easy to deal with, and some alien species are difficult to deal with. Guns cannot kill them all at once, so Guan Xi has to go into battle himself.

But Guan Xi, who went into battle in person, was actually very good at fighting against the aliens. If it weren't for the limited weapons, the aliens would not be Guan Xi's opponent at all if they were fighting alone.

For the nth time, Sancho's eyes grew darker as he watched Guan Xi fight hand-to-hand with a different species.

When Guan Xi's fight ended and he walked towards Sancho, Sancho returned to his calm demeanor and boasted carelessly: "You are really amazing. I have really been holding you back all the way."

Guan Xi smiled broadly and comforted Sancho: "You are just in poor health. When you recover, you will definitely be better than me."

Yes, Guan Xi knows that Sancho is very skilled, because Sancho has never hidden this.

Once when he faced a particularly powerful alien species, Guan Xi could hardly resist it. Sancho rushed forward without any hesitation. In the end, the two of them worked together to kill the alien species.

From that time on, Guan Xi knew that Sancho's skill was actually as good as his.

Sancho smiled, did not answer Guan Xi's words, and let the little guy go up and digest the alien flesh and blood. She put away the bones and continued towards her destination.

On the ancient planet, time seemed to be extremely worthless. When Sancho left, he was gone for a month.

It's not that the monsters that the little guy said are far away, but because of the terrain and the constant alien attacks along the way, it took her a full month to walk this distance.

When he was still about two kilometers away from what the little guy said, the little guy stopped Sancho and refused to let him go.

"The evil is ahead, don't get past!" the little guy said fearfully.

There is no doubt about the ecological environment of Guxing. They have not seen any sparse vegetation in the past month, as if they have always been walking in a forest.

At this moment, the front of what the little guy was talking about was also covered with dense vegetation, and the towering uncle covered the forest in darkness. Sancho couldn't tell where the evil he was talking about was.

Looking around, Sancho found a tree that was easy to climb, and climbed up in a few moments.

Down below, Guan Xi was stunned when he saw Sancho climbing a tree after a disagreement.

"What are you doing up in the tree?"

Sancho pointed forward, "We've arrived at our destination."

Guan Xi's eyes lit up, "We're finally here?!"

In the past month, Sancho has never revealed where her destination is, she just takes him with her.

He thought he would have to walk for at least another ten days and a half, but unexpectedly the destination arrived so unexpectedly?

After the surprise, Guan Xi himself chose a tree and quickly climbed up, looking along the spot where Sancho had just pointed.

I saw that about a kilometer or two ahead, there was a low valley. There were not many tall trees in the valley, and there was even a small lake in the middle of the valley.

The entire valley is full of flowers, and there are many plants with fruits.

The most important thing is that there are no traces of any alien species in this valley.

"Wow, this valley is amazing! How did you know, Sancho, that there is such a beautiful valley here?" Guan Xi's tone was filled with wonder.


Sancho replied casually, and then carefully observed the valley in front of him.

Because of the distance, she couldn't actually see the specific situation in the valley clearly, but since the little guy said there was "fierce" here, it meant that the valley was not as peaceful as it looked on the surface.

I just don’t know where the fierceness that the little guy mentioned grows?

There is another chapter that will be a little later. Darlings, you can go to bed first. It will be the same when you wake up tomorrow.

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