I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 610 Tracking Master (22)

Sancho didn't know if the spiritual liquid could also improve his IQ. In short, these fattened vines were extremely smart. After digesting their own spiritual liquid, they not only didn't let Sancho go, but instead tied him tighter. Some.

"Why, you're addicted to eating, and you still want to keep me here?" Sancho half-smiled.

After listening to Sancho's words, the vines did not let go, but there was a movement above the cliff.

Sancho looked up and saw dirt slowly falling down from the top of the cliff. Before it could hit Sancho, it was brushed away by the dense branches and leaves of the vines.

Guan Xi believed it and was very moved, "Then, I will rely on you from now on."

Sancho nodded innocently, "As you can see."

So does this count as stealing the chicken but losing the rice?

"They...how did they all get into your hands?" Guan Xi said he couldn't understand.

After shrinking, the vine immediately climbed up from Sancho's leg with neat legs and feet. Within two seconds, it climbed to Sancho's wrist and formed a bracelet like the little guy.

Fortunately, he had deliberately lowered his control over these vines just now.

Guan Xi opened his mouth wide and looked strange. He pointed at Sancho's left hand and asked, "Are these the plants on the cliff just now?"

He never expected that things would develop like this.

No, "But you still didn't tell me why they came to you?"

"You know, my health is not good. If I can't return to the Federation for treatment, then I will definitely not live long on the ancient star. But then I met Qing Xing and accidentally ate one of its flowers, and then I realized , it turns out that the flowers and fruits of the aggressive plant have some magical properties.”

"So I said goodbye to my teammates and went out alone to look for aggressive plants. Originally, I was worried about how to get their fruits and flowers even if I found aggressive plants. But who knew that these aggressive plants seemed to be afraid of me? Look."

Guan Xi still felt that something was wrong. Was he really afraid of these things?

The little guy quickly stretched out a branch to pull the vermilion vine on Sancho's left hand. While pulling, he shouted: "You, get down, this is my master!"

Guan Xi could hardly keep the smile on his face, so he said forcefully: "Haha, then it will be your turn to protect me from now on."

Without waiting for Guan Xi's answer, she asked again: "And the Qingxing on my hand is also an aggressive plant. Why isn't Qingxing afraid of you?"

Guan Xi: "·······"

Of course it's because he only released suppression against the aggressive plants on the cliff!

Guan Xi, who was guilty of being a thief, did not dare to answer Sancho's question head-on. He even forgot to dwell on what was wrong with Sancho. He smiled with a guilty conscience and said: "Hehe, hehe, but maybe it's because I have a gun?"

This sentence suddenly opened up Guan Xi's thinking. It's not possible for a hero to save a beauty, but what about a beauty saving a hero?

Boy, her left hand is at least a pound heavier.

The little guy is green, but this vine is vermilion, and the leaves are also a color between red and yellow like dead leaves. It looks great when it is circled on your hand, and it is even a bit prettier than the little guy.

Now that all the vines on the cliff were in her hands, as long as Guan Xi was not blind, he would have come over to ask.

"Thanks to me?" Guan Xi was even more confused.

"Don't worry, you have always protected me before, and I will definitely protect you in the future. I am not the kind of ungrateful person!" Sancho said with great righteousness.

The little guy didn't have enough skills and failed to pull down the vine. Instead, it hurt Sancho's hand.

What does it have to do with him?

Sancho touched the little guy to comfort him, and then said to Guan Xi, "Yes, it's all thanks to you."

How many minutes has it been? How come these aggressive plants, which are killing living creatures every second of the day, obediently run to Sancho's hand and act as a bracelet?

Sure enough, as soon as Sancho thought of this, Guan Xi's urgent voice came from behind him.

The behavior of this vine irritated other vines, including the little one on her right hand.

"Sancho, are you okay? I just saw that all the plants on this cliff have disappeared..." Guan Xi's unfinished words suddenly stopped when his eyes touched Sancho's colorful elbow. end.

The more Sancho said, the bigger the smile on his face became, as if he was really surprised. "When I thought about it, I am nothing special. How could these aggressive plants be afraid of me? If they are not afraid of me, then they are afraid of me." It must be you."

If the interaction between her and these vines just now was considered a small fight, Guan Xi could still pretend not to see the movement here from such a distance.

Even if these things were threatened by Sancho to produce flowers and fruits for her because they were afraid of him, they shouldn't be so afraid that they would all go to Sancho's hands, right?

"So I threatened them to produce flowers and fruits, and told them that if they didn't obey, I would ask you to come and take care of them, and they obeyed."

Guan Xi: "·······"

Sancho frowned, "You are right. It's really thanks to you that I not only got the fruits and flowers that healed my body, but also conquered eight additional offensive plants. It seems that I can be in Guxing in the future." He walked sideways."

But Sancho didn't give him a chance to think. After telling the lies, she didn't forget to ask Guan Xi: "By the way, Guan Xi, why are these aggressive plants so afraid of you?"

Sancho waited quietly for a while, and then she saw a vine wrapped around her leg slowly began to shrink until it was about the same size as the little guy.

"You know, hot weapons are definitely more of a threat to them than cold weapons. No matter how powerful these aggressive plants are, can they still be compared to hot weapons?"

Sancho raised the corners of his mouth, hiding the deep meaning in his eyes, and said quietly: "I will protect you."

How can he act like a hero and save a beautiful woman if he becomes a coward so quickly?

Facing Guan Xi's puzzled eyes, Sancho smiled slightly and said, "This? It's all thanks to you."

"Oh, this, this is because I threatened them later. If they don't follow me, I will let you burn them, and then they will all come into my hands." Sancho opened his eyes and told lies. .

What does protection mean?

Anyone who has been severely beaten by a primary school Chinese teacher should know that protection means preventing something from being harmed.

In other words, the prerequisite for protection is that harm must occur.

Since Guan Xi's desire to be protected is so strong, how could she have the nerve to let him live a peaceful life?

The unscrupulous author finally turned the day off into absenteeism. Wow, working for ten hours was really tiring. I tried my best to type a thousand words, but I really couldn't resist the temptation of bed. I'm guilty... ····

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