A fluid-like halo flows through the wristband.

Although the style is slightly different, this should be a very large wristband.

The ancient elves, the leaders of the dark matter forces, have now come up with an extremely giant wrist...

"You have been dormant for so many years, it seems that you are really not idle." Su Bai said seemingly casually.

"It seems that you have a specific investigation into my identity?"

Wan Zhengzong spoke kung fu, did not forget to take out a super ball, and communicated his energy to the extremely giant wristband.

"I'm curious, what exactly do you know about me? And from whose mouth did you hear about me?

"I haven't heard anyone say it, it's just a simple speculation." Su Bai also did not forget to attack, Charizard, the attack of the magic Kamen Meow was like a wave.

Cradle Lily maximizes its tentacle advantage, and countless vines are like hurricanes, leaving afterimages in the line of sight.

'In terms of level, Cradle Lily is undoubtedly higher than this kid's elf, but this kid's elf doesn't know what hormones it is, and every fighter's combat effectiveness is so outrageous, at least it crosses a ten-level gap, right? '

Wan Zhengzong doesn't dare to be sloppy, he hasn't moved his true character for a long time.

In the world of trainers, there are usually few quasi-king-level conflicts, and the last time he went all out was when he did not join the dark matter forces.

'We must complete the Super Giant as soon as possible!' He

thought so, but he wasn't allowed to do it.

I don't know if there is something wrong with technology or the relationship between personal physical fitness.

Before Wan Zhengzong could carry out the Super Giant Transformation, he needed to charge up for a while, so if he wanted to complete the Super Extreme Giant, he had to hold Su Bai for a moment first.

"Don't be so petty, if it's convenient, we can exchange intelligence, just like you said, I have spent so much thought and organized so many people outside for so many years, there will definitely be intelligence that you are interested in."

The battle of adults, playing not only hard power, psychological quality, means of confusing the public, all kinds of psychological warfare is also not less, in short, the process is not important to them, they only focus on the result.

But apparently Su Bai is also an expert in this area.

Not only did the command respond in a timely manner, but the mouth cannon also did not fall behind.

"It's useless to talk, you said you don't even know where I got the news from, and you still expect you to exchange useful information for me?"


As he spoke, the elf's attack suddenly struck.

Under his command, Charizard briefly pinned down the tentacles of Cradle Lily, and then launched a surprise attack by Magic Kamen Meow!

The goal is clear, that is, the extremely large wristband of middle-aged people.

‘!! Wan

Zhengzong's eyes were solemn, and at the critical moment, Ping Shulong appeared again and blocked the attack for him.

"What a terrible little ghost..."

"Forget it, let's go straight to the showdown."

I saw Wan Zhengzong's face straightened, and he immediately raised five fingers: "Five minutes!"

Su Bai was stunned: "Five minutes can solve me?" So confident?

"Huh~" Wan Zhengzong sneered

, his painting style changed, and he immediately rubbed his hands and pretended to be his grandson: "I mean, can you give my uncle five minutes to charge my strength?" "

Now this technology of the Qixing team is not perfect, others don't know, if I want to be extremely giant, I still need five minutes to charge my power..."

Su Bai nodded generously.

"Understood, Charizard, five-ripened, spewing flames."

With Su Xiaobai's person, how could he let go of this opportunity?

Sneak attack? Obscene? No grace?

Excuse me.

These are the most orthodox judgments about him!

Charizard opened its mouth, and a flash of fire burst out of its mouth!

Wan Zhengzong waved his hands in panic: "Wait, wait, wait..."

The flames burst into the sky, and a sharp and piercing sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded, bursting the eardrums.

Wan Zhengzong and his elf figures instantly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The surrounding trainers all had their jaws dropped.

Su Bai, this guy is really not polite.

It can be seen that this move of Charizard really uses ten to ten power, at least in its current state.

A fire directly blew up a hole in the arena, burning all the way to the coast.

"Five, this... You boss, do you still have life to live? The

cadre of the Qixing team poked out his head, glanced at the direction of the flame spread with an ugly face, and said to Wu, who was frozen in place.

The five expressions were serious, although he wanted to believe in their boss, but in the face of this destructive power, he would inevitably have some doubts about life.

"Brother Bai really won now, right?"

Zhou Ziang was shocked, and was just about to continue to give Su Bai orders.

But he found that Su Bai's expression still did not mean to relax, and his eyes kept staring directly at the direction of Charizard's output.

After a few moments, wave again.


Charizard's mouth condensed dragon Yan.

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Magic Kamen Meow opened his hands.

Countless bouquets of seeds fell from the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!

"This, this is also too cruel, right? Whipping corpses? The

villains present looked even more ugly.

Only, just when they were completely desperate.

"Boom..." There

was a terrifying shock from the ground.


With a loud noise, a giant object wrapped in red clouds and as large as a green insect stretched out the surface of the ground and launched a surprise attack towards Su Bai's feet in an almost brutal posture!

The snow demon girl behind Su Bai quickly gathered her strength and unleashed the [Frozen Wind].

The [Frozen Wind] did not become an attack, but turned into a white mist, holding Su Bai, and directly floated up quickly.

To outsiders, it was as if Su Baitengyun was driving the fog.


Without the success of the sneak attack, the "green insect" giant raised its head and shouted unwillingly at Su Bai.

The strength of this monster is very terrifying, and just a roar has made the surrounding trainers collectively cover their ears.

"What is this!"

The moment they saw the giant, a deep fear solidified on everyone's face.

Is this still a genie?

In shock, he only listened to Wan Zhengzong's voice coming from the "green worm": "Boy, the start is a little heavier, right?"

Su Bai didn't answer him, he had long known that he was not so easy to pounce on the street.

Isn't this still prescribed to him.

The super-giant transformation of the apple wrapped dragon...

As we all know, the apple wrapped dragon evolved from gnawing fruit insects eating [sour apples].

They emerge from the husk as they evolve.

But after the super giantization, it will return to the shell and become the original appearance of the fruit worm, the only difference is that the head of the fruit gnawing worm will stick out from the top of the giant apple.

That is, the green worm that had just attacked Su Bai.

At this time, Ping Shulong regained the effectiveness of the original evolution prop [Sour Apple] because of the power of "Super Giant".

Every drop of liquid on the body carries a strong acidity that can dissolve the metal.

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