Illimitable Until Death

: 207 Don't use this little thing to ugly

Seeing Long Yuanxiang, like a mixed-head leader with his class, put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked into the field, making the atmosphere of the scene sinister. Many people were exposed to the teeth. expression.

Especially the people in class a, staring at Long Yuanxiang's eyes are coming out of fire.

"You dare to appear in front of me, Dragon Park."

Gecheng Kangping stared at Long Yuanxiang, his tone was still heavy, but he also carried the emotions that ordinary people could not detect.

no way.

On the special examination of the uninhabited island, Long Yuanxiang and Gecheng Kangping Mingming reached a cooperation, but in the end it was sold by Long Yuanxiang.

If we say that Fang Li only puts together Gecheng Kangping, then Long Yuanxiang is completely calculating the Gecheng Kangping.

Moreover, it is still a calculation that makes the class a heavy loss.

Long Yuanxiang grinned and ignored the anger of the class a, and said such a thing.

"Don't say that, Gecheng, I am looking forward to the points you will transfer to me next month."

On the special examination of the uninhabited island, in the end, Long Yuanxiang sold out a class and reported the leader of class a, causing a class to suffer huge losses, but in terms of the contract between the two, This behavior has not been banned.

Long Yuanxiang is just a promise.

Commitment will give a class worth 200 points of materials, and find the class b and d leaders to provide a class, in exchange for a class must transfer his 800,000 person points per month.

As far as the contract is concerned, Long Yuanxiang has done everything.

In this case, the class must also fulfill its promise.

This is the biggest loss of class a.

Every month, everyone must take 20,000 people to give them to those who betray themselves.

How can this make people angry?

Not only the people in class a are angry, but even Gecheng Kangping, the heart is definitely not very bad, right?

However, Long Yuanxiang turned a blind eye to this.

"Although I just wanted to make this victory, I finally failed."

Long Yuanxiang turned his eyes and looked at Fang Li. The carelessness in his eyes turned to the same light as the prey.

"Gecheng said yes, I didn't expect the chance of revenge to come so fast."

Long Yuan Xiang snorted and his eyes were fixed on the side of the square, saying such a sentence.

"Would you like us to keep playing? Seven nights?"

In one word, all four are silent.

Everyone looked at the square that was pointed by Long Yuanxiang, and the heart was ups and downs.

In the special examination of the uninhabited island, Long Yuanxiang did design a class, and even designed class b and class d, and was enemies with all classes, in an attempt to win the final victory.

But in the end, the design of Long Yuanxiang was defeated, and the class a and c were stepped on, and the class b was saved. The person who won the final victory was not someone else. It was Fang Li.

Now, Gecheng Kangping declared war on Fang Li, and Long Yuan Xiang also declared war on Fang Li.

On the special examination of the uninhabited island, the two classes that were stepped under the feet of the party were targeted to him.

Everyone wants to know what will happen in the face of this situation?

This is obviously the lowest level of the class d students, but the above three classes are given to those who overtake the past, how will they respond?

This is something everyone wants to know.

Unfortunately, the party is not alone.

"It’s still the same as before. You really don’t think that only one person here can threaten you?”

With such a sentence, the North Bell sound came forward.

"Sure enough, the seven-night classmate is still so popular, it is really enviable."

Yosuke Hirata also went forward together, showing a gentle smile to everyone, faintly standing behind the square, as if to tell everyone, they are standing on the side of the square.

"Seven nights seem to be not a member of our group. Declaring war on him without authorization will only cause him trouble. This kind of behavior is not worthy of approval."

Even Kanzaki Ryuji came up, and nodded slightly to Fang Li, releasing goodwill.

This time, the four classes of the first grade are as good as the ones that were just started on the deck during the summer vacation.

However, this time the situation is completely different.

At that time, class a and class c were already secretly preparing to join forces, and class b and class d were also faintly formed into alliances.

But today, the situation is very different.

Class b and class d have formally formed cooperation.

On the other hand, class a and class c are split, one is alerting everyone, one is hostile to everyone, and the atmosphere is more severe than that time.

In this regard, Ge Cheng Kang Ping's expression is quite dignified.

It is Long Yuan Xiang, still not taking it for granted.

"Is all the fish caught together?"

Long Yuanxiang’s gaze was swept in a personal face on the scene.

Then, Long Yuanxiang smiled.

And, still sneer.

Immediately, Long Yuanxiang said this.

"I saw a person's face here, and I finally confirmed one thing." Long Yuanxiang said with a sneer: "This time the special exam, there is still an insider."

In a word, someone in the place is stunned.


The brows of the Beibei ringtone are wrinkled and tighter.


Ge Cheng Kang Ping's eyelids flickered slightly.


Both Hirata Yasuda and Kanzaki Ryuji have both started.


Everyone around you is stunned.

what does this mean?

Upon seeing it, Long Yuan Xiang laughed out loud.

"I said that you are a fish, and you can't even notice such obvious things?"

The scornful words made many people feel great.

But at this time, Long Yuanxiang has once again turned his attention to the square.

"Your words, shouldn't you let me down?"

Long Yuanxiang is like a provocative saying to the party.

Hearing the words, Fang Li took a look at Long Yuanxiang.

“Do you want to show your sense of superiority?” Fang Li said faintly: “There should be a deeper discovery. Don’t use this kind of tomorrow to be ugly by the little things that everyone knows.”

Hearing here, where are the people present still not understanding?

Fang Li and Long Yuan Xiang must have discovered some secrets of this special exam.

The people present are already behind them.

This made many people show a horrified expression.

Lianbei Beiling, Gecheng Kangping, Kanzaki Ryuji and Yosuke Yosuke all blinked, and they were surprised and dumb.

In particular, the Beibei ringtone, looking at the two tit-for-tat men, noticed that they were one step behind, and the heart was unwilling to imagine.

Only Long Yuanxiang himself, the ironic in the other party did not ask, just shrugged.

"You are right. This kind of thing, even if it is not found, will be known to many people tomorrow?"

Long Yuan Xiang actually agreed with Fang Li’s statement.

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