Illimitable Until Death

: 263 I welcome you at any time.

The voices in the party fell, and many of the girls present were also involuntarily looking at the school.

Presumably, these girls are actually in their hearts?

With the personality of Yubei, how can I invite a person to eat together for no reason?

Yubei Studies is definitely purposeful.

This is something anyone can think of.

You should be very clear about learning from the North, even if you say nothing, others will not believe it?

As a result, Yubei learned to be silent for a while, and slowly opened.

"This thing, I told you once before."

Pushing his own glasses, Yubei Xue is like not wanting to be seen in the eyes of his own eyes. In a consistently calm voice, he has spoken out the words that make people hold their breath at the place.

"Do you want to join the student union?"

Once I mentioned it once in the party, I was once again raised by the Northern School.

This man is really trying to pull the party into the student union.


The orange **** was surprised to see the Northern School.

“Join the student union?”

The Putian platycodon is also somewhat surprised.

"Brother... actually took the initiative to win over others..."

Even the north bell sounds murmured, obviously very surprised and very complicated.

Student Union.

In this school, joining it means that it is destined to be crowned "excellent".

After all, unlike other schools, the student union of this school has great rights.

Therefore, those who can join the student union are all elites who have been selected by thousands of people, and they are truly superior students. It is absolutely impossible to be a leisurely generation.

This is what Yubei learned.

"In the first grade of this year, there were several students who applied to join the student union, but in the end they were eliminated because of the unqualified conditions. Among them, the Gecheng Kangping of class a, and the recommended willows were also in the end. veto."

With a calm look, Yubei learned something that was horrifying.

"Guicheng classmates have been eliminated?"

Putian platycodon seems to be somewhat unbelievable.

"Even the Gecheng has been eliminated..."

The north bell sounds also frowned.


Fang Fang also looked at the same brow, but it was a little unexpected.

The student union gathers elites of all grades and classes, and it is naturally impossible to be unclear about these things.

Because of the special nature of the student union, you must have a certain level of ability to join, otherwise you will not be able to manage the many issues of this school.

In view of this, students who fail to meet the conditions will definitely be brushed down.

But Fang did not expect that even a class of 坂柳有栖 and Gecheng Kangping were brushed down.

The two men are the leaders of the two major factions of class a.

If even the characters of that level are brushed down, how high is the student’s requirements for internal members?

Fang thought about such a thing, and the more he thought, the more suspicious he felt.

Yubei Academy seems to want to give the party too much time to think and throw a sentence directly.

"I have an expectation for you. The student union must absorb the freshman who has enough ability, and you will undoubtedly meet all my requirements, even above my expectations, as long as you join the student union, by then, With your ability, you can sit in this position sooner or later, plus you have a huge amount of points that others can't even think about, with both rights and wealth, you will climb to the top of this school!"

The study of Weibei gave a high evaluation, which made the Beibei ringtone and the Putian platycodon have some shock.

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is not unreasonable.

The ability of the square, the Beibei ringtone and the Putian platycodon are obvious to all.

Such a person, if he joins the student union, wants to be the president of the student, is not a delusion.

The student union has great rights in this school.

If the party with such rights still has enough points to do whatever it wants, then in the future, what else can it be done in this school?

Climb to the school of talented people gathered throughout the country.

This is definitely not a luxury for Fangli.

The party has such potential.

I can imagine that the Beibei ringtone and the Putian platycodon of that picture are all shocked, and between a moment and a half, it is dumb.

At this time, the orange **** responded and quickly made a sound.

"But...but, the president, the student union has recently admitted a freshman of the first grade, and also adopted the second-year students. The vacant positions are all full!"

The orange **** was a bit flustered and seemed to be very unwilling to see the way the student union was joined.

However, when it comes to the "first-year freshman", the orange **** does not know what to think of, and looks at the side.

The Beibei ringtone and the Putian platycodon are also somewhat awkward.

"First-year freshmen?"

In other words, in the first grade, is there a student who has already joined the student union?

Lian Yu Liu Youqi and Gecheng Kangping have been brushed down. In the first grade, there are still freshmen who can join the student union?

This has to be surprising.

However, it is completely unexplained, but the expression is still calm and speaks like this.

"In the student union, usually two vice presidents can be set up." Yubei Xue said: "Although only one person is in the past, this year, I can use my authority to leave the rest. Finish it."

What is the meaning of this sentence, there is no need to explain.

"I can let you join the student union and become a vice president directly."

The words of Yubei learned that some people were shocked at the place.

In particular, the orange **** has been completely confusing, and I am eager to admire from the North.

"This... this is not okay! President! First grade... and still a student of class d! This will not even be possible to enter the student union in the past! Now it is about to become a vice president...!?"

This is definitely something that no one can think of, and it is definitely a record breaking.


"This man has broken two records in two special exams during the summer vacation."

A rhetoric of the northern part of the school, so that the oranges are dumb on the spot.


"I have no interest in the student union."

As if the party wanted to give everyone's shock a slap in the face, it was a very incomparable sentence that killed everyone.


The sound of the tangerines has changed a bit.

It can be seen that since such treatment is rejected, the secretary has never thought about it.

"……is it?"

Only Yubei learned, as if not surprised at all, raised his eyes and looked at the square, and then turned his head after half a ring.

"In this case, you will have to think about it. I will welcome you at any time before I abdicate."

Hearing the words, Fang Li also raised his eyes, and he took a deep look at the school in the north. He even smiled and said nothing.

Next, the two returned to their immediate state and continued to chat about some gossip.

Looking at the two people like this, the minds of the people of Beibei Bell, Putian Campanulaceae and Tangerine are quite complicated, and they can't speak for a long time.

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