Illimitable Until Death

: 555 Five-time candidate

I have to say that this moment, even in the square, was almost captured by the smile of Emilia.

Not for the other, just because it is too beautiful.

In the original setting, Emilia was originally set as the most beautiful person in the world.

Although the identity of the silver-haired half-elf is rejected by others, in this case, the holiness and beauty of Emilia still conquers many people.

In addition, the above has always had a good impression on many of the characters of the second dimension, including the love of Mi Liya, if it is not because there is already Silva, this will probably have to be captured.

And even in the party where the emotions are rarely obvious, the surrounding spectators will be directly stuck in sluggishness. It is not a strange thing.

Until a sound rang.

"Please also invite everyone present to gather, and everyone from the sage will enter."

When this low-pitched but loud voice sounded through the glimpse of the hall, all the talents reacted.

The vocalist is the guardian knight who was previously outside.

I saw that the other party did not know when to stand on the steps of the high platform, and a serious face was announced to someone at the place.

"Where are you waiting for the candidate, please come to the front."

The meticulous words made the people present at the scene look at each other and began to gather.

The guards in white uniforms are all gathered on the left.

Senior officials wearing black uniforms are all gathered on the right.

The candidates of the Wang Xuan are gathered in front of the high platform.

"I..." Emilia was hesitant.

Obviously, Emilia still has some concerns about the existence of the party.

Perhaps, Emilia is thinking about whether or not to take advantage of this time, let Fang Li quickly leave?

In the end, Fang Li directly gave the love of Liliya action.

"I will wait and see what has changed."

This is an answer that has no way to make people feel at ease.

However, what about Emilia?

Although the time in the party is not long, the lovely Mi Liya knows that if Fang Li really made a decision, it will be decisively implemented.

Therefore, Emilia can only say a very uneasy heart.

"Please, don't mess."

After that, Emilia is the collection.

As for Fang Li, when he just wanted to move, a hand suddenly appeared and put it on his shoulder.

"You really came."

The owner of the sound was easily identified.

That's what it is, but even without this voice, Fang can know who the comer is.

In this world, there is only one person who can be directly behind the square, but not perceived by the party.

"Lean Harut?"

The one who came is Lein Harut.

"I know that you will eventually come."

Rein Harut wears the pure white uniform of the Guardian Knight, but the smile is still so flawless. He said to the Fang: "Just, I didn't think you were coming with the Priscilla, I thought you were even Not coming with the love of Melia, it will follow the Firth."

"Firut?" Fang looked at the front.

In front of the high platform, the five king candidates have all been assembled and lined up.

Emilia stood on the far left, and seemed to have packed her mind. The purple eyes were full of firmness.

Priscilla stood beside Emilia, holding a fan, her attitude was still his own way, with confidence and pride.

Then there are the people I have seen in the two parties that have not been face to face.

One is wearing a military uniform, wearing a long sword at the waist, a long dark green hair, and a manly beauty that is both majestic and orderly.

One is a soft girl who wears a pink dress and wears a satchel with a light purple wavy hair and a lively and cheerful impression.

Looking at the two people, the party whispered.

"That is Cousin - Karlsten and Anantasi - Hexin?"

Kusho - Karsten.

This name, in the pro-Dragon Kingdom, Luganika, I am afraid that no one knows, no one knows.

Not because the owner of the name is a candidate for the king.

In fact, even if there is no candidate for the election of the king, this man's beauty is the most famous existence in the kingdom.

Because she is the master of the Karsten family.

Karlsten is the family of the Dukes, ranking first among the aristocratic families of the entire kingdom, closely related to the royal family, and has always supported each other and governed the entire kingdom of the pro-Dragon.

In other words, in this era of the loss of the royal family, the Karlsten family is the highest ranking aristocrat in the entire kingdom.

However, Ku Xixiu was succeeded in the position of the home of the Karsten family in the case of only 20 years old, and was given the title of Duke.

It can be imagined how high its fame and reputation are.


Compared with the former, this character has some unknown names.

Because, Antasia is not a kingdom, but a businessman from a free-running city called Carraki in a neighboring country.

Carrara is a famous commercial city.

And Anantasi has a chamber of commerce in Carrara. I was originally the lowest civilian in Carrara, but relying on my business ethics, I finally made a battle. It can be said that it is extremely Talented businessman.

These two people, together with the support of the Earl of the Border, the love of Melia and the prince of the Philippine family, Priscilla, is the four witches who have been there before.

As for the last candidate for the election of Wang, it is naturally Fierut.

Perhaps I noticed the gaze in the square, or perhaps I have been looking at the square from the beginning. The relationship between Firute and Fang Li meets, and some flustered and arrogant.

Looking at this kind of Filut, the side shrugged.

"As a result, is Firute still coming?"

This proves that the words before the party affected the Frut.

"This is also thanks to you." Rein Harut said with a sincere expression to the party: "If it weren't for you, maybe Firut would not really want to participate in the election?"

"In any case, the famous "Jian Sheng" does not look like a person who will marry a little girl. I just said something that I thought was self-righteous. "Fang Li said so, but turned his head and looked at the other direction, smiling.

"Does the two think so?"

In the distance of the square, two guards wearing the same uniforms as Rein Harut are approaching.

"Oh, I met again."

The first thing to say to the party is the catwoman who had seen the side in the house.

As for the rest, it is a beautiful man who looks handsome.

It looks at the eyes in the square and is full of scrutiny.

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